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Holding yourself up to the psychedelic standard


Jun 19, 2008
Does anyone get hard on themselves for forgetting the lessons one learns from a psychedelic experience? I've had a few experiences that were very revealing, and mind-opening, and I've enjoyed the open mind and eyes for a while after the trip, and then I'll find myself thinking closed-minded thoughts, drifting away from the groundedness, love and freedom that I had previously learned to embody, and it really upsets me!

It makes me think, will I ever learn? Am I dependent on psychedelics for mind-opening? Argh!
ive got the same issue man...

ask for it though (in your heart), and an opertunity will present itself in which you will be required to make a desision, and you will see what it is and you will see your options and you will know in full how the next cycle will play out with both paths. theres always a way back.

and is it just me or does taking psychedelics again after you learn alot of these lessons and stop living them bug you too? i always think like damn i shouldnt be doing this again until i live up to what i already know is right...
It has come to a point where I feel like any drugs I take sans the spice are going to be for fun and only that. What I've learned through my experiences is more than enough to help guide me in the ways I want to live my life henceforth. It's maintaining those ideals that comprises the project.

I have not tripped once in almost half a year after tripping 25 times in '08 (15 times last summer). Got the phonecall!

Uhhh... So I typed the above text when I was high, and I think I should come back now to make my words a little clearer. At first I was interested in and took psychedelics to understand how my own mind worked, yet it has gotten where I feel more of a "been there, done that" mentality. I have done and seen what I want out of drugs. That means well-spaced trips are not out of the question, but no more wankery about seeking anything other than laughs and good times. The substance is only part of the equation.
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ive got the same issue man...

ask for it though (in your heart), and an opertunity will present itself in which you will be required to make a desision, and you will see what it is and you will see your options and you will know in full how the next cycle will play out with both paths. theres always a way back.

and is it just me or does taking psychedelics again after you learn alot of these lessons and stop living them bug you too? i always think like damn i shouldnt be doing this again until i live up to what i already know is right...

Yeah, that bugs me! In fact, here I sit with a loaded pipe of 25mg DMT, anxious for the next third-eye opening and boost of life-zest. But I don't feel like what I want to be like... It does bother me, but then again, it's fun, and why else do psychedelics? At least I'm not doing it for pleasure. I want to live life to the fullest with an open heart and an open mind. I want my escapist tendencies to be drowned out by an expanding consciousness and love for reality and this world.

When you say "sans the spice," do you mean "save for DMT"?
I know EXACTLY what you guys mean. ive always felt those same things but just never knew how to put it I guess. Normally most of my mushroom trips will show me things I need to do in my life weather it be certain relationships I need to work on with people or certain attitudes I need have more or anything. If I havent done those things to well and I shroom again I feel this sence of guilt.

Ive actuilly found that this kind of effects my descision making in life in a posotive why though, like if im faced with a choice and the right path is a little harder to take ill think to myself fuck well if you dont do whats right you know your gunna grill yourself about it on your next mushroom trip.
Yeah, definitely not all is lost, and that's a real comfort. I do feel like I'm moving, and my last experience I believe has changed me deeply and subtly for the better. And I don't see myself going back on a few things.

I guess it's a manifestation of my own perfectionism. It's such an interesting and awkward interface between my own attachments to positive states of mind and the psychedelic experience.
Dude, that's ANY mindfulness. It never LASTS. You're on the right path when you NOTICE the ungrounded thoughts. You've got that at least! That's an opening. But if you choose to use that opening to tell yourself you've failed to be enlightened (fuck enlightenment) you're just gonna get worse :) Just guide yourself back, accept your humanity, cut out all the psychedelic enlightenment shit, and SMILE at your goofy ego!
Dude, that's ANY mindfulness. It never LASTS. You're on the right path when you NOTICE the ungrounded thoughts. You've got that at least! That's an opening. But if you choose to use that opening to tell yourself you've failed to be enlightened (fuck enlightenment) you're just gonna get worse :) Just guide yourself back, accept your humanity, cut out all the psychedelic enlightenment shit, and SMILE at your goofy ego!

wow man never really thought of it like that. im a little high right now and your post really just put me on fat thinking tangent lol
I went through this big-time a while ago. I took a break from psychedelics. Then I started using them again. Today I use them mainly to take a load off on the weekend and put the stresses of life in perspective. They make me think and feel free to be who I want to and am supposed to be. They no longer give me the kind of experiences they used to, but my break showed me that they probably never will, and that's fine, because I still have my experiences and the knowledge that comes with them. There's nothing wrong with using psychedelics to enjoy life, as long as you're not using them to neglect other aspects of your life. :)
for me i can agree with this. But to a degree, it doesn't feel like ALL is lost after a time. I guess a better phrasing could be, 2 steps forward one step back. At the time you do it, you make all these promises to yourself to change your life, and they slowly fade as the just normal day to day monotony gets to you, but you still hold on to those experiences. And while learning from each experience, you slowly but surely make your way to a life more at peace.
just like a car needs a tune up, so do you. which is why some people, like aldous huxley and richard alpert, used psychedelics on a regular basis to help better themselves. they did not just have one experience which changed them completely. i am not exactly sure how often they tripped, although i heard richard alpert say that he still trips about every two years, of course, this was fairly recent and he was pretty old. so what i'm trying to say is, when you feel like you need to get back on track, take your preferred psychedelic in a good environment with trusted people, and hopefully you will learn more than you did last time and you should become an even better person.
I am not hard on myself for forgetting the lessons; I just acknowledge that I've forgotten, and that seems enough to make me remember. :) No point in getting angry, as thats one of the things I've learnt. Anger and emotion cloud your thoughts- removing them, as an egoic defense, is essential in seeing what truly is. Trying to cling too strongly makes the bonds snap- not holding on tightly enough makes the thorns dig in. Just remember that whatever you "learned", you already knew. Psychedelics bring no new knowledge; they just seem to sort out old un-knowledge and put a higher priority on truth.
RhythmSpring: That is what I meant. Apart from maybe trying mescaline, I'm for the most part done with other psychedelics.
Lately I've been thinking to myself, why does it have to be a "psychedelic standard"? If more people saw through the bullshit we do everyday the world would be a better place, yes, everyone says that whether or not they use psyches. It seems we all have a decent idea that society is fucking up, and has been for.....as long as it's been around. There is a truth, and I don't think anybody is really unaware of it. It's our mortality, and our togetherness. Our entire society hilariously seems to be a large conspiracy against this idea. Some people get closer to this truth through psychedelics, others meditation, and billions of people seek this truth through religion. I push myself to live by this truth everyday and it's hard as fuck! But the rewards are real and far outweigh the temporary stresses.
It seems we all have a decent idea that society is fucking up, and has been for.....as long as it's been around. There is a truth, and I don't think anybody is really unaware of it.

The pain of being human.
As long as you notice you're not living up to the standard you haven't really lost anything. Holding a standard and living up to it are entirely different things. One should never really entirely live up to the standards they set for themselves, otherwise they're not setting high enough standards. All this being said, being happy with progress is certainly acceptable.
Keep a journal and write down all of your psychedelic insights and revelations. Read back through it every couple of months.
if you know how you should behave,your ahead of a lot of people on the planet...think of it as a puzzle, sometimes you know what it looks like but don't have it all together..give it time, I feel very much the same way...consciousness is a very complex thing it will change as you move through life..the important thing is to remember that at some point in time you learned from a lesson and you can always recall the experience in the future. Hoffman said as a child he felt a deep and profound connection to nature, while walking through the forest and that LSD produced this same effect...maybe Dr Hoffman forgot his childhood experience,like you forget some of yours..If Hoffman felt as he did as a child then the knowledge is within us, the psychedelics are just tools
Keep a journal and write down all of your psychedelic insights and revelations. Read back through it every couple of months.

Yes. This is why I write trip reports. I always go back and re-read them from time to time. It helps me to relive the experience, resolidify it in my mind, and review what I learned from it. Or just remember the fun times I had, in the case that it wasn't particularly illuminating. :)