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Hmmm...Fat Chicks: The Ultimate Malian Sexual Hesitation

Considering what the original poster has posted in the past, I'm not too sure about the "brutally honest" tag. "Shit stirring" is possibly another appropriate term.

Oh and the dilemma posed isn't really much of a dilemma. If you don't want "needy, fat girls" chasing after you, then don't give them any signal at all that you're interested? However I guess you're too horny/fucked up/desperate to make much of a sensible judgment - oh well, sympathy and attention should be wasted on more important issues.
Considering what the original poster has posted in the past, I'm not too sure about the "brutally honest" tag. "Shit stirring" is possibly another appropriate term.

Part of being brutally honest is that what you have to say tends to to "stir shit up."
Mysticalis said:
Part of being brutally honest is that what you have to say tends to to "stir shit up."

No, you missed the point.

The point of the original post was not to be brutally honest - it was to stir shit up. As I said, it needs to be put into context.
Yes, shit was stirred up, but a byproduct of it was that the topic forced a discussion of an issue at the root of all this shit-stirring, one that people are otherwise uncomfortable talking about otherwise I might add. Perhaps this is why the Mods have left the thread open, since it barely deviated from conventional trolling and actually produced a constructive discussion amidst the heat and namecalling.
I side with Mysticalis @ monkyfunky


..and just because I'm in a grouchy mood, it's You're, not your.

You're is short for 'you are'.
Your shows possession.

You are now dismissed.

p.s go bucks
1 point for the conservatives!

I want to take this opportunity to point out that it was a compassionate conservative who was more "opened minded" with the context of the post than all of you lib's out there! 8o

SoHiAllTheTime said:
While i agree the original post was tasteless, i have to give him credit that he was %100 honest about his situation and how he feels. Right? I mean how else can he get honest answers to his question if he doesnt give all of the info, including exactly how he really feels. He obviously has negative feelings about these girls and he portrayed those feelings rather well in his post. But if he didnt, wouldnt all of the responses be totally different?

Without his honesty, it would be hard to actually try to give a helpful response to his question. So while i enjoyed all of the flaming (any CE&P posters know i love a good flaming argument), but dont you all think you overlooked his need for sincere helpful responses?

I say honesty is the best policy and its the only way to get real help with real problems. Which he obviously has real issues that need help, at least he is asking for outside opinions. Well he also could be just posting to get people fired up, and if that is the case you all fell right into the trap.

:) You all should be ashamed of yourselves! And you call yourselves opened minded liberals!? ;)

Mysticalis, great posts...I agree %100
Being open minded doesnt mean that you dont have an opinion on something..........
But Myst, if other people are being open-minded, they still have the right to disagree with his opinion. Surely he should be open-minded enough to respect that?

I can't say I agree that the original post had any intent other than shit-stirring. While there is the germ of a valid point inside it, it could have been expressed far more rationally and objectively (e.g. 'why do people attempt to read too much into a one-night stand? why are fat women emotionally needy? (are they?)' etc. Rather than the arrogant and insulting way in which it was expressed.
randycaver said:
Well.. because I don't necessarily think big=beautiful.

Nor does skinny... I can tell you, I've seen some damn ugly thin people in my time ;)
You can't claim to be open-minded if you discriminate and persecute the shallow and politically incorrect.

Since when did "free speech" equate to "no negative consequences of the things I have to say"? Sure, NT is perfectly free to continue to maintain his views but that doesn't mean that he won't encounter some flak when he airs them to others, particularly in cases where what he has to say is sure to offend some.

If NT had said "I'm not attracted to fat chicks", "I don't like fat chicks" or the like, he probably wouldn't have gotten much of a backlash at all. I'm not attracted to fat women either really so I wouldn't have had much to say, but then banal statements like that aren't really worth commenting on anyway.

But what NT essentially said was, "Who do these fat chicks think they are, hitting on me?" Like his shit doesn't stink? C'mon...you make an inflammatory and insulting statement like that, then you have to assume that people are gonna fire back at you with less than flattering responses. And what's with this "just because it rubs you the wrong way doesn't give you the right to fire back" BS? Oh, so you should have the right to fire out anything you want and expect to be immune from any negative replies? What a load of shite...you want the right to be brutally honest, you should assume brutal honesty in return.

And for the record, let's just look at the additional commentary...

All I mean to say is that, no matter how hard I try, it seems the harder I try the farther away from my goals I get. If I put a mindset to "picking up" attractive women, I don't get them.

Now...Allow me to flame you creeps who are like sharks.

Perhaps I am wasting my time trying to open minds, but I think I may be accomplishing what I've always meant to, reveal the bitter, cold honesty which is life and further bend my intentions to the act of living in harmony with such.

Exactly what "bitter, cold truth" are you doing us all a great service by revealing? That people generally aren't attracted to fat people or people less attractive than them? Well, EUREKA! Man, you've really discovered a universal truth there that nobody ever thought of before!

You like brutal honesty? Well, let's have some then...here's what I see. I see somebody who initially comes on crying about how he gets consistently rejected by the attractive women he wants and can only seem to get laid by fat undesirable "skanks", gets all defensive when people call him out on his BS, flames back at them, and then when he thinks about it more and realizes he was somewhat of a shit, instead of admitting it he comes back on and tries to pull some Svengali-like garbage by claiming he was only trying to "open people's minds."

Just get a load of all that fatuous solipsism and flowery, circular verbiage in NT's "true intentions" post. WHAT A COMPLETE AND UTTER LOAD OF HORSESHIT. Funny thing is, some people who always fall for the same "free speech/PC" canard actually fell for that load of shite and came to his defense-just because you have the right to say about anything you wish doesn't mean that what you have to say is actually worth saying.

Well, thanks but no thanks. Sorry, but next time I won't be responding to your cry for attention, O Puppetmaster.
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Necro, could you give us a bit of perspective?

Please post a pic of a woman whom you consider 'in your league' -- attractive, but attainable. So please do not post a pic of a celebrity or so on.

Also post a pic of a woman whom you consider 'unattractively fat' -- it should be the minimum amount of extra fat that she can carry for her frame without you finding her unattractive. Also any pics you can find that are generally representative of these 'fat unattractive women' whom you have copulated with, would be appreciated.

I am waiting anxiously.
FoxyKel said:
Nor does skinny... I can tell you, I've seen some damn ugly thin people in my time ;)

I couldnt agree more.

When I see a girl and I have more hips than her thats a bad sign.

it amazes me to this day that ANYONE thinks gweneth paltrow is hot
I don't think she's hot and I wouldn't want to bang her, but I think she has a gorgeous face and a great sense of style (as well as being a fantastic actress).
Infinite Jest said:
But Myst, if other people are being open-minded, they still have the right to disagree with his opinion.

There's a big difference between disagreeing with an opinion and flat out flaming the guy for speaking his mind on a very sensitive subject. I never said that openminded means you shouldn't formulate your own opinion, but that you should get over the emotions you have invested in your point of view to try and understand the perspective you're disagreeing with.

While there is the germ of a valid point inside it, it could have been expressed far more rationally and objectively (e.g. 'why do people attempt to read too much into a one-night stand? why are fat women emotionally needy? (are they?)' etc. Rather than the arrogant and insulting way in which it was expressed.

I'll agree with you there, but it can't really take back the fact that the issues have been laid out on the table to discuss. Instead of continuing to bash the author of the post, it'd be far more productive to discuss the objective points hidden within the verbal eye sore that he posted.