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Opioids Heroin - At 60 days and still withdrawing... am I alone?


Dec 10, 2008
I hit 60 days today and it never freaking ends.... I honestly can’t take it anymore mentally or financially. I can’t function what so ever or work so my shit is just falling apart. It’s not PAWS either....I would be mentally great if I didn’t feel so awful physically.

I can’t sleep without Xanax. I get the chills all day, I’m freezing, I get goosebumps to the point I feel like turning inside out. i am always soaked in sweat and freezing. I sneeze all day long, my nose runs randomly. My eyes water in morning and I yawn. I still have gastro issues, everything goes right through me.

Then the worst symptom of all, the reason I can’t sleep and I wake up all night and can’t work is because my body just endlessly aches so bad. I get random twinges of pain too. My joints hurt so bad.... I wake up at 6am every morning and have to jump on hot Epsom salt bath so I don’t off myself because it just hurts so damn bad.

I feel like I’m all alone in this. People keep telling me it’s something else (even though it happened when I stopped heroin, and it’s withdrawal symptoms)... The doctors are useless... they tell me they don’t know why I still feel this way but everything else comes back normal.

I just need to know when it will end, at least the body aches for the love of god. I can deal with everything else. Has this happened to anyone else???

Same thing happened to me in 2016 when I quit I made it only 94 days before I said enough is enough. The withdrawals never ended then until the 94th day..... when I ended them....
It's quite strange that you still feel this unwell this long after stopping heroin.

You haven't been using any other opioids during this time I assume?

I don't know why it's taking so long. All I can tell you is that you should start feeling better eventually. The question is if you can hold out until then.

If you are unable to, another option you could consider is switching to subuxone, or perhaps methadone is subuxone isn't strong enough.

These aren't ideal solutions. It'd be a lot better if you could get off opioids completely. But some people just can't seem to do it. I wasn't able too. So I got on methadone. It's not perfect but it's still a lot better than being on heroin.

I'm sorry I don't have something more optimistic to say. I simply don't know why you'd still be this sick. Normally you should have started feeling better after a week or so.

It really sucks. Hopefully there will be someone here with a similar experience who can give you an idea what to expect.

Good luck man.
Have you tried taking Imodium? Not at a long term fix I'm just interested to see if it would stop most of the symptoms. If you try it please don't take more than the recommended dose on the box.

It's odd that you're still this bad off 60 days in. You may want to see a doctor to get a second opinion. The heroin may have been masking symptoms for something major that is now coming to a head. Assuming it is the opioids going on methadone might be worth considering. I have a lot of respect for you managing to stay clean for 60 days while dealing with symptoms like this. The longest I had to go through this was just over two weeks but the worst was behind me after a week. That was with quitting methadone. With heroin/oxy symptoms nearly always eased off within 3-5 days for me.
You aren't alone, when I finally got off of opiates after many years of very heavy use I was full blown dope sick for around 3 months or so. It was hell but did subside eventually. I don't know if the mental aspect of the whole thing played a part in making it that bad or not but that's something I have considered.
Are you taking xanax every night? If so, I'm afraid you might have just switched one addiction for another, and xanax withdrawal is a lot worse than heroin withdrawal. 60 days is way too long for heroin withdrawal, or fentanyl, which is very likely what you were getting these days. If you have been taking xanax daily since withdrawal started, then you are almost certainly addicted to it now.

Although, if you wake up in withdrawal, then maybe it really is the heroin, somehow. That is highly unusual, in fact I've never heard of such a long withdrawal from any opioid (as 94 days like you mentioned has happened before). Even methadone/suboxone don't last 60 days of acute withdrawal when people have been on them for years, and those two have the longest withdrawal syndrome among opioids.

I think you should seek medical attention, as others have said, it may be that there is something underlying going on.

have you ever successfully gotten off opiates and past withdrawal, since you got addicted?
I’m not addicted to Xanax, I have before and no I do not take it every night. I switch between melatonin, Xanax, muscle relaxers, and just nothing where I sit there just imagining taking it all away. Xanax on the desperate nights.

I have had a 13 year heroin addicition, methadone on and off 8 of those years, and subs for 2 of those years. Last time I was off methadone for 5 weeks and kicked heroin (I was not getting fentanyl, I tested only for heroin) I was in the hospital for 3 weeks on and off after. So fucking sick I was just shitting puking and writhing non stop.

i have had kidney failure twice from detoxing even in a medical setting.

it can’t be anything but withdrawal because I got myself down to .25 a day of suboxone at one point and had 0 symptoms. This time wasn’t as bad as the methadone time cuz I was 6 months off methadone then kicked heroin, but it’s still bad.

no I haven’t done any opiates in 60 days, and I have seen doctors, they have no clue.

It wouldn’t make sense that every single
One of those symptoms just disappears with opiates and I feel on top of the world. I mean opiates is good for pain, but that’s it.
It wouldn’t just completely make me feel better...

I know I kick harder than most, I die from detox if i don’t go to the hospital. One time the hospital forced me to stop detoxing cuz they said I was gonna die if I kept going and gave me methadone.
I feel like the only person in the world.
I’m better than I was a month ago, a month ago I couldn’t eat without vomiting and I just tossed and cried all day. I know it gets better but I don’t know how much longer I can handle it....
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You aren't alone, when I finally got off of opiates after many years of very heavy use I was full blown dope sick for around 3 months or so. It was hell but did subside eventually. I don't know if the mental aspect of the whole thing played a part in making it that bad or not but that's something I have considered.
I’m glad someone understands! Everyone always says see a doctor but the doctor says it’s paws even though I have no symptoms of paws and my
Blood work is normal.
I’m just at my end. I take 23 supplements to try and help, and if I don’t take magnesium.... omg
The pain is unbearable.
I’m in hot Epsom salt bath at the moment to get a small second of relief from the pain.
I have before and no I do not take it every night. I switch between melatonin, Xanax, muscle relaxers, and just nothing where I sit there just imagining taking it all away. Xanax on the desperate nights.

I'am not a doctor or anything of the sort so what I say is coming from personal experience with the same demon. I know Xanax and muscle relaxers work in ways to alleviate the w.d. symptoms and none of what you mentioned is an opiate that will necessarily put you back at the beginning but with these are still things your body and mind will still have to work out of the body. At one point I was taking Xanax and Valium during my withdrawal and I noticed that as long as I kept putting something in my system, even alcohol and weed, the longer I dealt with the pain. it was like there was something telling my body to detox all the same, for me it was my lower back and the stomach problems the most physically and I didn't get my mental part completely back until I got it all out for a while. I'm not sure all that makes sense lol, if I was in your position I would try and let my body expel everything, (melatonin is not an issue) and see if that dose anything to get you feeling anything other than pain and depression. Tylonol pm or OTC sleep aids can replace Xanax. Shit is not gonna be easy at first but if your up for it, give it a shot. I'm sry if I ranted and this offers you nothing lol, Hope u find some relief and comfort.
You may not like to hear this, but I'm going to say it anyways. It comes from a place of understanding, because I've been there myself. As long as you continue to use mood-altering drugs, you will not heal. Regardless of it being Benadryl, Xanax, Weed, Alcohol or Muscle Relaxers. I've tried getting clean every which way I could think of, and in the end I always relapsed because my results were terrible and lead to a terrible quality of life. The only thing I did not embrace was total abstinence from everything. In the end, once that was thoroughly shoved down my throat through treatment and various 12-step programs, and I begrudgingly followed it (I was out of ideas after all), the magic started happening. Yeah, it was a slow and arduous road, and it really sucked for a while, but man did life ever get good.

I understand that everyone has different experiences when it comes to getting sober. I can only speak to what worked out for me. By no means am I saying that this is the right way for everyone. My second time doing this included opiate-replacement therapy in the form of suboxone for a while. And again, I didn't really start to feel normal until that too was cut out, but it served its purpose for me by allowing me to bridge a critical time in an outpatient setting.

As long as us addicts mood-alter, we stay sick. Of that much I'm reasonably certain.
People keep telling me it’s something else (even though it happened when I stopped heroin, and it’s withdrawal symptoms)...

These people are right. For whatever reason, we train our brains that every ailment is withdrawal related. I didn't go to the hospital for weeks with a 105 degree fever because I was convinced I was just in bad withdrawals, and I had a blood infection and endocarditis.

The acute stage of withdrawals extends to 14 days. Anything after 14 days is then post acute, or Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms (PAWS.) If it's related to the cessation of opioids after 14 days, you are no longer in the acute stage but post acute stage (literally, after acute), there is just no nuances or in between. Many things in life are not binary, in this case, it is.

With all that being said, those symptoms seem too severe for PAWS @ 60 days. How is your diet? You mentioned 23 supplements, which supplements, specifically? Those could be creating problems, as well. Our bodies require very specific ranges of electrolytes, vitamins and minerals in the blood and being too low (hypo) or too high (hyper) both can cause significant issues.

Don't assume correlation equals causation, just because it happened when you stopped doing heroin does not definitively mean it is due to cessation.
You may not like to hear this, but I'm going to say it anyways. It comes from a place of understanding, because I've been there myself. As long as you continue to use mood-altering drugs, you will not heal. Regardless of it being Benadryl, Xanax, Weed, Alcohol or Muscle Relaxers. I've tried getting clean every which way I could think of, and in the end I always relapsed because my results were terrible and lead to a terrible quality of life. The only thing I did not embrace was total abstinence from everything. In the end, once that was thoroughly shoved down my throat through treatment and various 12-step programs, and I begrudgingly followed it (I was out of ideas after all), the magic started happening. Yeah, it was a slow and arduous road, and it really sucked for a while, but man did life ever get good.

I understand that everyone has different experiences when it comes to getting sober. I can only speak to what worked out for me. By no means am I saying that this is the right way for everyone. My second time doing this included opiate-replacement therapy in the form of suboxone for a while. And again, I didn't really start to feel normal until that too was cut out, but it served its purpose for me by allowing me to bridge a critical time in an outpatient setting.

As long as us addicts mood-alter, we stay sick. Of that much I'm reasonably certain.
I think you feel more pure as well if you manage to not take any drugs for a few weeks a bit short tempered but also more natural and human or that makes sense I actually like the feeling.. I would suggest if my opinion counts for anything to go for a JOG even just 5-10 mins around the block every other day staying indoors for extended periods is worse then withdrawal imo I'm an out door person though I love my nature and fresh air
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Friend I know how you feel when people say "It's always something else" and I see how my last post could be taken that way. I just wanted to let you know that it's coming from a place of concern and the last time I told someone this on BL they ended up finding out they had something major going on. I can't remember the details and don't want to hunt for the thread but I do remember they went to the ER. They came back and said something major was found, thanked us for the advice, and as far as I know never returned.

If you're dealing with w/d for 60+ days I think you really need to go get checked/a second opinion. This is your health, and while I understand not wanting to see the doctor, if you've been like this for this long something is seriously wrong. Please let us know how you're holding up.
Yes, I can’t give blood because they can’t ever get a vein. So seeing doctor is pointless.

105 degree fever isn’t withdrawal symptom mine all are. So I’m pretty sure it’d withdrawal.

I took a half a 10/325 Percocet (so almost nothing) and it took ALL my symptoms away. I cleaned the entire house, got all this shit done. I went 14 hours straight with energy and motivation. It was amazing.
I had to do something my house was gross.
So if it’s something else why does that tiny amount take away everything. If someone has some underlying issue opioids would help but not completely take it away like it never happened.

. I notice if I forget to take them at night I wake up FEELING ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS. Worse than I do normally, so they do help.
I think you feel more pure as well if you manage to not take any drugs for a few weeks a bit short tempered but also more natural and human or that makes sense I actually like the feeling.. I would suggest if my opinion counts for anything to go for a lot even just 5-10 mins around the block every other day staying indoors for extended periods is worse then withdrawal imo I'm an out door person though I love my nature and fresh air

This I'm about 11 days in and I have bad chills and ansomnia little depressed to but going for walks really helps
Yes, I can’t give blood because they can’t ever get a vein. So seeing doctor is pointless.

They most certainly can, a nurse in a doctor's office may have difficulties, but not a trained phlebotomist. And if that fails, ultrasound will 100% be able to obtain blood. I deal with these issues constantly myself as all my major superficial veins are permanently collapsed and gone, it's annoying for sure.

105 degree fever isn’t withdrawal symptom mine all are. So I’m pretty sure it’d withdrawal.

I'm aware, it was just an exaggeration of how we are quick to justify unknown causes as withdrawals. A better, more applicable example, would be how we can think we're in severe withdrawals when a lot of it is just contributed to being starving or malnourished.

So if it’s something else why does that tiny amount take away everything. If someone has some underlying issue opioids would help but not completely take it away like it never happened.

A couple things, if it is withdrawal related, it would be PAWS verus acute withdrawals. A large component and difference between acute withdrawals and post acute withdrawals is just the time frame. By 60 days, your body has completely eliminated the drug long ago, which is the reason for the distinction. It's just a biological and physiological certainty due to the drug's pharmacodynamics.

The other issue is that opioids treat symptoms. Your symptoms of an underlying issue may be minor enough to allow the opioids to allow complete cessation of symptoms, in this case, it's not binary but incredibly complex with many inter-connected variables.

With all that said, it's not impossible to be a post acute withdrawal issue solely, just not an acute withdrawal issue.

Edit: You just said if you forget to take Percocet at night you feel horrible, if you are using opioids recently, then it would be acute withdrawals and that changes everything. I may be missing something here, but if you're taking Percocet, you haven't been clean from opioids for 60 days - or did you just recently start taking them to deal with the symptoms?
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I took a half a 10/325 Percocet (so almost nothing) and it took ALL my symptoms away.
The brain is a powerful thing. I could be so fucking dopesick, and the second I’m on the phone with my guy and driving to go pick up, the symptoms of WD start to subside. I’m not saying complete... but I know there’s a lot of other people who can agree with me and know what I am talking about.
If your brain has just been convincing you your sick and still in physical WD (although I’m not discrediting how bad you actually feel) the thought of taking a perc alone is blissful.
So if it’s something else why does that tiny amount take away everything.
I am not doubting that the perc helped, I’m sure it made you feel nice, especially after no opiates for +60 days, but it’s highly unlikely you are still going through physical WD at this point.
I notice if I forget to take them at night I wake up FEELING ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS.
Wait? So you have been taking percs, while saying you are on +60 days? Or am I misreading something???
If I’m reading that correctly, that changes everything!

Even though you are clean from heroin, perc will still cause WD symptoms.

it can’t be anything but withdrawal because I got myself down to .25 a day of suboxone at one point and had 0 symptoms.
I’m sorry I’m all over the place, but I keep going back and re-reading your posts, and every time I keep seeing something I missed.
How long did you take suboxone for? This changes everything. One time when I kicked dope, using suboxone, the. Quit suboxone, I didn’t feel the WD from suboxone until the 12th day. Suboxone is a very weird drug.

I keep rewriting my post and I’m sorry this is long but there are a few things that make your initial post questionable.
There’s talk of using suboxone and percs. Perhaps we can’t evaluate what’s going on properly because there’s things that have been left out.
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I have no idea how I missed the portion about buprenorphine either, but yeah, 0.25mg/day of buprenorphine does not start the acute withdrawal phase. Another caveat here that isn't adding up, I think we need some clarification from OP to better respond with more accurate advice. The half-life of buprenorphine makes the whole withdrawal time-line a totally different world.
^ yeah I’m thinking he needs to start over completely with just simple facts and say...
I quit dope X day...
My regime for suboxone was X...
And percs fall into the story ... how besides just the day recently it took away all symptoms.

I’m guessing the suboxone is playing a HUGE roll in all of this.
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Trying to find some sort of spirituality also greatly helps. Addiction is a disease of loneliness and isolation, so seeking a connection with others can help and heal the soul when the body is abstinent.