Mental Health Hearing voices and feeling like people are watching me/reading my mind.


Jan 3, 2012
(Not sure if this belongs in The Dark Side- due to the depressive and sarcastic nature of this rambling.)

Hello, I am a male in my early twenties. Have some experience with almost every drug, a variety of research chemicals, and suffered a handful of methamphetamine overdoses. Smoked cannabis for seven years with no problems. I'm sorry for the poor quality and limited vocabulary of this writing, I blame it on brain damage from all the meth I've done. I will try to explain a phenomena that my doctor calls "paranoid shizophrenia".

I'm hearing voices all day long, and has been doing so for several years. I also have a strong feeling of being watched, or that certain people has managed to "learn" my being and notice what I'm doing, thinking, seeing and so on. It is if my personal space is invaded and filled up with other peoples energies and influences, and that I have no place to "hide", neither physically in my own house or inside my own head.

This is very uncomfortable and I would like it to stop, since this is robbing me of my time, self insight and freedom to think and act. I hear these voices in different ways, "inside my head" like I used to hear my own internal dialogue, and also manifesting in noise from my refridgerator.

They usually comment on what I'm thinking and doing, talk about my past and sometimes try to control me. Some of them are friendly and motivating, others remind me of past failures in various ways, and some are even aggressive and seem like they know the workings of my inner drive. I recognize many of the voices as friends and close family, though when I ask them if this is true, they either say "so what?" or seem like they keep a secret.

First time I became acutely aware of this phenomenon was after a Cubensis trip that was hard to handle. Also the voices are hugely excaggerated when doing amphetamines/meth, a couple of times I've had full lenght conversations with people that were not physically present. What worries me is that they have told me things that I did not previously know, personal information and such, that when checking was 100% correct. Some people I've spoken to believe this kind of "telepathy" or so to be a known fact, something everyone knows about and lives with, and don't think much about. I've heard old hippies talk about this and calling it "the jungle telegraph", and trusting it as a primary form of communication.

So I wonder, to ask with complete honesty for a true answer, is being able to "hear people" or "speak in the mind" for real? And is it possible to feel/read others minds and actions from a distance? Personally I've never been able to know what other people is doing, though I've been an "outcast" and quite slow in social aspects all my life. It occurs to me that it is a weapon of power and control, and that I should have been more careful in estabilishing myself- in distracting me every day and telling me how to act and live, I'm taken out of the scene and pose no threat to anyone; maybe it's their favourite pasttime having cruel fun using "weak minded" people as me as puppets. On some occasions I've gotten threatening/angry messages when deciding to start something for myself. Some of them seem to be homosexual and try to lure me into becoming gay, this is not good since I know I am not homosexual. "Yeah just give up the last of your life, come to us and get fucked in the ass." Oh yeah I'd rather blow my head off.

I cannot play music, write, read or do anything without "permission" from "them", especially when writing or using personal energy it's like they hang over my shoulder and notice every slight action. If I reject doing like they say, or work against their "energy", they get mad at me. Reality is that my personal life and actions have nothing at all to do with other people, I never notice what they do and couldn't care less, unless they meet me personally and share it.

Struggling with depression/mania and psychosis since my early teens, I've had alot of problems following my own thoughts and deciding for myself what to do, making realistic hopes/plans and so on- asking for advice from other people was a great idea at first, but first of all I've not done as I've promised/as they said and I don't like doing like other people tell me to anyway.

As said, it bothers me very much and I would like it to stop. Constant commenting and "advice" is very bothersome and, well I've believed it all to be true for so long that it has become a habit. Even when going to the bathroom, it feels like people are watching me while I shit. It's "okay", but "okay" in the same way that destroying my life, self, future plans and thinking about suicide is "okay", it's better than absolute horror and sickness, but not something that makes me smile and care. It worries me that this condition will influence my life negatively if it doesn't go away, as I will get used living accordingly to these "voices/people/individuals" instead of doing my own good- from my own thoughts.

Just while writing this thread, I've heard alot of them talk to me. I've told my doctor about this, and he has recommended antipsychotics, which I have tried. I've done Seroquel in doses up to 750mg's, Leponex, Oxazepam and Zyprexa- though none of these take the voices away. Being very, very high on meth makes everything feel normal and silent until the "plateau effect" is reached, then it gets worse on the comedown and for about a month later.

It does make sense to me that since we "used to" live in tribes with no spoken language, and share alot of similarities with let's say cats and dogs (who notice you from far away, know you, and don't speak like us) , this phenomena is completely normal, and has just become very noticeable after all my tripping/studies and insights. We all are aware of feeling other people's "auras" or different personalities, maybe explained like different "flavours" or "feelings". Then it has become excaggerated trough amphetamine use, living alone and unoccupied (used to be lonely), and letting other people "own my mind". I'm a bit of an "attention whore" aswell. I'm not exactly dumb, I used to be a rather smart and insightful person in many different areas including nature, "the other side" and a dozen of areas linked to psychedelics. So I'm either gone mad and imagine all of this, or it is for real and I will have to live with this until I either manage to hide, block off the "signals" or just get used to it and live like a controllable piece of shit until I kill myself. Eventually I have considered some kind of psychic shock/terror to scare "them" away though I'm afraid I won't have much to give in a wartime situation. Asking it to stop has never worked.

Also I've "gained" olfactory hallucinations/another sense of smell- where I can smell other people, foods, the smell of speed, vomit and many other smells either by thinking about it/getting reminded of a situation or out of nowhere. This happened the first time after going crazy and doing two grams of crystal methamphetamine in week with no tolerance. It is very bothersome in particular because it keeps me from noticing the smells actually present in my surroundings, and also because I'm worried about it getting worse, i.e. smelling that my house is on fire or a very rancid smell that doesn't go away.

I've seen things, mostly on speed, like a blank page filling up with words, sentences, drawings, a person I knew thought highly of this and called it "the black book". I realize that knowledge is power, and what you don't know, you don't know- that being said it's logical that there exists a huge amount of phenomena, information and ways of being that I can't even imagine. I've become surprised several times when realizing / learning about new things. On MXE, mushrooms and usually every time I start smoking cannabis again, I get epiphanies and all these phenomena go back to being a completely normal part of life and sensing, and then I forget about it and it's "just the way it is".

It is dangerous for my mental health, and I believe that the day I go mad / start yelling out into nowhere / or let them take full control of me, they will cheer and be happy, even high from feeling the power of controlling/destroying me as a person. Hate and evil is abundant everywhere I look, and I respect the fact that almost everyone will feel happiness/contentment when other people are in pain/ watching their failures. Not feeling particularly or unrealistically paranoid, I am completely sure that several people want me sick/dead/locked up in mental office. Just have to ignore that I guess. But it is true! It makes more sense that people hate me than that people love me, considering my mindset and previous behaviour.

Yes, I lost almost all reason and ability to believe in myself after I seriously "f'ed up" the first time, ruining my career and talent as a musician, wasting all my inheritance- $10,000 on drugs, and spending extreme amounts of energy damaging myself/working against my own dreams and hopes for a reason I still can not find. A couple of weeks ago I lost some of my best friends, who supported me and to whom I had promised to stay clean, I was a month off meth and starting to find happiness again, health and good things were coming back to me. Then what did I do? Well I spent all my money on speed, took it all (three grams) in two days, did everything I knew was wrong, and even crushed my most beloved possession- my electric guitar that I had owned and loved for five years. When doing this act all the voices were saying "no, no, NO! Hey man, don't! Why?!" - tears were running from my face and after killing it, I've been emotionless, agitated and unable to listen to music. I regret this very much.

What is worth mentioning is that I've discussed this with a family member diagnosed shizophrenic, and I can hear his voice as well as the others. He believes this to be a natural phenomena, but it became a problem for him after people sent him negative energies/bullied him. Atleast that's what we like to believe.

I'm looking for a solution, (yes, I've tried a tinfoil hat but that just made me feel like standing on a stage). As said medication does not work. Considering some kind of higher help from a guru or old stoner, visualising chopping off the "telephone wires" that connect me to these individuals. When I get especially fed up and tired from this, I often ask of losing this ability for good/ complete removal of it.

It would not be a problem if I could control what I hear and say to them/ both what I decide to hear and most important how I react to it- the degree of value I give to it. I do not want to care. Though if these people are real, I would imagine them to expect some kind of reward after spending hundreds of hours talking to me and noticing me. I can answer them and have some kind of dialogue, though it very rarely develops outside of repetive, one-sentence messages. There is a system of letters and short words they use, like they all know about, that carries a connection to my social life, diffrent feelings, and so on. Almost all of them will demand that I react with emotion to them, halfway asking in a demaning way like "that was my way of being", "that was your *insert keyword here*". I'm also asked to be silent, often when I experience "silentness" which is very rare. The air feels full of noise, my livingroom feels full of people and happenings.

When outdoors and around a group of people, I will hear them comment on my life and personal being, clearly and loudly in their spoken voice. How they know about me I have no idea, and why they care to mention anything is also beyond me, maybe everyone knows everyone and I'm the silly person trying to ignore it.

I need to find a way to not attract attention / dampen my aura and psychical/mental Have to admit that I've gone a bit crazy by myself on speed binges, and may even have used other peoples "energy" in bad ways- maybe this is why they won't let me go. But done is done and there is no way to change the past.

Distracting myself and spending time "clotting my mind" with meaningless thought patterns makes me less concious and present, and therefore also dampens these voices and feelings. I'm in inner pain because of my meaningless/self destructive lifestyle and so I feel relief from being "out of it" and dreamy. It's bad since it makes it more difficult to maintain control over myself/my mind and what I think about.

(A chapter about how horrible my life is... I never seem to get tired of this)

Had I done things differently, I would maybe someday find peace with myself- be "proud" or atleast content with myself. Then having this kind of social network/capability would be very positive. Though I've been forced to give up most of my dreams and future plans and don't see myself with much honor. Now I see two paths- the worst is having all my problems in bigger magnitude, pain, sickness beyond imagination- the better and most realistic one is having to admit defeat and live for maybe fifty more years like a lobotomized, controllable and damaged no'one. What I think is the best solution is actually suicide, but I'm too weak to go trough with it. Will just have to shut up and wait for life to end by itself I guess. Not complaining but rather telling the truth, I have nothing at all to brag about, I've never given anything positive to anyone, and all the gifts and help I've got would be enough for a thousand lives. Spent alot of time trying to make people feel sorry for me, but it just goes straight to the devil who grows stronger and stronger. Yeah I actually believe that a long time ago, in my first major depressive episode during my early teens, I gave up on having a good life and swore to satan that I would never believe in "god", reject help and love and make life hell for myself, because I deserved it. Then I've forgotten about it though it continues every day in my subconciousness.

Apart from the fact that I'm more-or-less brain damaged, can't trust myself or have a relationship, no longer can play music (i composed, improvised and enjoyed music every day since I was just 3-4 years old), I'm reasonably healthy and still got alot ahead of me. Much of my experienced apathy and emotional numbness I know comes from my speed abuse, though it's love and hate since it takes the edge and amount of feelings away. A dreamy carelessness where every day goes by, possibilities and happenings go straight by me (or are rejected) has come to today, where I feel both on the edge of breaking down emotionally, completely angry and unsatisfied with myself, unable to give a reasonable explanation of my lifestyle/way of being. And also there is nothing more I would want then to repair what is repairable, and continue living in a positive way (this I am sure will be much more painful than just giving up - though not in the long run - i absolutely have to do something if I am to avoid mental collapse and total destruction of my life).

What is the force that makes certain people work against good? Is it "the devil" or some kind of anger/ seeking revenge on earlier losses/failures with good? No, it's just myself, probably trying to milk others for even more sympathy and help. But why give those possibilities and feelings to a negative mindset/side of myself? I do not know. I could until recently see a "way" or "path" that I could follow and repair myself with, now I'm too late and will have to fix things by myself.

First it was just small things - I was an excellent multi-instrumentalist from early age, skilled in many genres - but I thought of giving up because I thought I had practiced too little to become famous. Then I gave up on being famous, and studied in music school - but gave up on sex/relationships because I couldn't get laid in my teens. Every time I've "given up" or what to say, I've still had alot of positives left, and I still do, but now I'm almost completely empty and "broke" if you understand what I mean. I could exuse myself as a "recovering addict who recently saw God" though I've never been an addict, and that would be even more respectless when considering that I've never really struggled or been in a hard place in life. I do not really look forward to my future and with giving up/working against/not appreciating the help and recovery I had the last time (for the thousandth time) I only have myself to thank for my misery- and of course other people doesn't appreciate this at all. I will have to develop self-sarcasm and tolerate others looking down on me.

It "just has to be that way" - thinking about deserving something, good or bad I deserve having to work hard and give positive things back to everyone. I've been exceptionally lucky all my life and gotten out of serious trouble by godsend many times, I've rarely done anything to recieve gifts and possibilities. If I had just let things happen naturally and felt happy about it, everything would have worked out by itself. Hard to think about since it doesn't make sense at all. I think some of it is because I'm afraid of having to compete with others, to have someone being jealous at me. I guess it's also because everything has come to me so easily, recieved so much without giving anything or working for it. I've given my mother serious depression since her beloved son, who should be happy, loving and well just sits at home doing drugs, destroying his guitar, hating and complaining about being born. The punchline of all my wrong doings would have to be 1. wait until Jesus appears and miracles happen, win the lottery and then kill myself- or 2. Having to live with myself, straighten up, realizing my behaviour and past, and then go trough life always thinking back and regretting what I've done. Maybe karma/god/destiny is going to have its revenge on me, the lucky day I'm on the right path, I'll get cancer or die in a accident. Just waiting for it, the devil will laugh. Well I'm gonna eat a couple of oxazepams and go to bed soon.

Anyone got advice and/or experiences regarding this, I would be happy to read and discuss.

Thank you,
I would take a very lengthy post for me to express my opinion on this completely, but I belive in higher consciousness and some form of ESP.....I believe in spirits and I believe everyone sends and receives telepathic signals on a low level......To experience these kinds of energies, your consciousness has to be raised, but if this consciousness is raised sontaneously through drugs or trauma, it can result in con-currently occuring delusions or hallucinations, and it's a fine line.......

Ideally, I like to have it where I experience things like taste, sights and sounds intensely but not SO intensely that it's too much to process.....Over-analyzing these things and trying to rationalize them and control them is where I think psychosis can start to kick in.....I think slowing down your thinking by breathing exercises and engaging in grounding activities like cleaning, yard work or quiet walks can help in coming down from this state....

Sometimes, I'll be normal and something stressful or emotionally intense will trigger me into this "higher perception" when I'm not really in the mood to deal with it, it can be frightening and overwhelming but I can usually bring it back down to normal by just focusing on what I'm actually experiencing through my senses rather than my thoughts, ideas and interpetations about things....

Read about Kundalini, it may help you to understand these kinds of things better or it may make it worse for you if you become obsessed with it.....

Of course, some people who've never experienced these things pretty much think their is no spirituality or higher conscioussness and ignorantly assume their own normal waking perception is bedrock sanity and anyone who thinks there's something more is crazy.....They'll smugly post a bunch psycho babble mumbo jumbo, overintellectualize the whole thing and masturbate all over your ideas, so be prepared for that....

Of course your post is so long, I don't know how many people can actually get through it....
Reading about "Kundalini" on wikipedia reminds me of a dream I had, when someone shouted "BLAME?!" in a loud, frustrated/asking and angry voice - and I recieved immense pain in the base of my spine. Not sure if this has any value mentioning, but it was a strong experience.
I can only speak for myself here, because schizophrenia, spirituality, and ESP are all tricky sons of bitches that all seem to be linked pretty closely. But i too have a mental disorder, or a few of them fused together that have advanced due to drug use.

I have been prescribed amphetamines such as adderall, dexedrine, methylphenidate, and Vyvanse throughout the years since i was 6. While i stopped taking them a couple years ago, and feel better without amphetamines, i still cant help but feel like my brain is wired to be manic permanently. A few other drugs that i feel have pushed my mind a little further into the gutter in the past, are alcohol, DXM, and synthetic cannabinoids, which were all used very frequently in the past.

Ok cutting all the bullshit, i know my psychosis isnt caused completely by drugs. Ive had a naturally restless past, moving all around when i was a kid, having many different step parents, seeing many different points of view of many different people, until eventually i just became so indifferent that people must have just thought that i was a basket case and avoided all through high school, which they did.
That was only the beginning of my problems though. After high school, i always had problem finding the motivation to find a job, or even really show emotion to anyone, so my personal relationships started to decay. I care about my loved ones very much, i just have a hard time showing it. This is around the time i started using drugs pretty heavily. Mainly dissociatives, alcohol, and other sedatives. I also use a lot of psychedelics, but i see this as more of a solution than a problem.

With that being said, the product we are looking at now is a melted together mindfuck of bipolar, manic depression, adhd, and drug psychosis, that makes itself look a lot like schizophrenia. I dont hear voices very often, but i often see shadow people, suffer paranoid "delusions", have manic episodes, insomnia, and get the feeling that everyone has given up on me. I do hear voices briefly sometimes. Its what i get though, for fucking my loved ones over in the past for my own selfish reasons.

Im a very spiritual person, and i believe my brain obviously gets these odd vibrations for a reason. I think its my mind finding balance, to pay for my past actions. Like a cause and effect thing. I also think every human has a subtle esp sense, to remotely communicate with other humans, and other spiritual beings.

I cant pretend to know whats best for you, but i can offer a bit of advice from personal experience. I am trying natural remedies for my anxiety and depression. Some of these include, cannabis obviously, Kava kava, valerian root, kratom, and good old fashioned human interaction. Talk to other people who can relate to your situation. Maybe the voices will quiet themselves once you get yourself back on the right track. Also, one of the obvious solutions would be to quit smoking meth. Amphetamines will definitely magnify your paranoia tenfold, but you already knew that.

Hope you get better, or at least learn some new coping mechanisms! Take care, stay safe, and happy travels holmes.
The symptoms you describe are schitzoaffective, but it would be unethical for anyone to say they can diagnose you based on what you just wrote.

Drugs and especially psychedelics can bring out a predisposition for schitzoaffective disorders. There is a link between NMDA receptors and schizophrenia in the brain (as well as the dopamine system), which is an area that mushrooms have an effect on.

Briefly, kundalini psychosis relates to trying to open up the higher energy centres (like third eye) before the lower ones are balanced, leading to visions and psychic impressions being mixed with unresolved emotional chaos. Outright hallucinations are often due to the rising energy being stuck in the throat and not being able to rise above it. This is because the antakharana has not yet been built which links the throat to the third eye and crown. If you have any throat symptoms, this could be a sign. Psychedelics induce kundalini by their very nature, which is a major reason why kundalini psychosis happens.

I would not read too heavily into the kundalini literature in your current state of mind because it might confuse you more, and the exact nature of kundalini syndrome is subjective. It's really only a diagnosis they give in India for people attending spiritual schools.

If there has been any point in your life where you had this paranoia, especially in adolescence and before you ever did drugs, then it may be a schitzoaffective sign. Either way, I strongly recommend avoiding all mind altering substances for a lengthy period. If it is some kind of schitzoaffective disorder and you don't stop, it could make it much worse and harder to recover from.
The symptoms you describe are schitzoaffective

I am sorry that you are experiencing these symptoms. If I were you I would stop taking any more drugs. Drugs, especially psychedelics and stimulants are known to trigger and intensify (and even cause such episodes as in stimulant psychosis.) IMO the reason that the voices you here have knowledge of your personal stuff is that they are a part of you. I believe they are audio manifestations of your subconscious, what the majority of people experience as emotions. A side question.. do you experience the normal feeling of emotions or has this greatly lessened or disappeared? If I were you I would try and take the hot air out of their blathery. Since anti psyc drugs do not seem to be working I would implore you to see a psychologist, I realize this may be hard as the fear feels like.. lets just say I know what you feel like because I have been there but only stimulant induced, so anyway if this is something you may want to explore.. here are a couple links to specific emotions, lets try and put a name to a face, then we can try and take the wind out of that face.. so lets say a voice is screaming at you that you are a terrible person (you know thats a bunch of malarkey your a great person <3:D) then you should try and figure out the reason part of you is not happy with you.. get my drift, figure out what emotion each voice represents and catalogue them. Then while you are doing this make an appointment with a counselor that specializes ion this.. if you think or are told buy the voices that this is nonsense, don't believe it, identify the loudest voices with the correlating emotion and then take away there power.. so for instance you identify one as guilt, it constantly says something like how could you do that type stuff, listen to what it is talking about and apologize or make amends to the person it is talking about..

But if you really want to finnish this then you need to figure this out ENLIGHTENMENT:!

If you get there you are all set.. You CAN do it and it looks like you may have to. If you are able to with the way your mind is, ha the world might be yours.. <3

EDIT: these are all suggestions and professional help is your best option... WILL the voives to change to an Emotion you like, or will the release of the voices, dont talk or reason with them, will them to do what you want.
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as this is sort of a traditional case study on the effects of drug use exposing latent Mental Health issues I would be wary on several issues for anyone experiencing the same symptoms:

-the psychiatrist is not a therapist, they are a doctor looking for pathologies, ie stuff wrong with your brain. Although trained in psychotherapy they really aren't the best people to "talk" to

-your diagnosis is BS. Anything is pdoc tells you as a diagnosis is more than likely false. The complexity of the diagnosis is pages upon pages of written material. Its not a DSM one word - ie schizophrenia. Its a mainstay of the complete Mental Health system to never tell a patient what the diagnosis is.

-Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia by definition is a pathology of the brain where the core language system becomes progressively damaged. People with schizophrenia, as a spectrum disorder, have problems listening to communication and speaking. Do not self identify with a rare disorder that commonly occurs in
puberty. Do not self identify with any disorder.

-When examining your Mental Health first look at your own personal health. How is your diet? Are you knee deep in addiction? Do you have any physical chronic or acute symptoms? How is your sleep pattern? Are you exercising? Do you have any financial issues? Are you having problems with stress? Are you doing a good job at work? These types of questions are important to ask.

-Remember that the Mental Health system is a system. Its bullshit. Psychiatry is basically thought control with medication. Beyond being a danger to your self or others, suicide or homicide - its a good idea to seek help elsewhere. Think about self control. Yeah, you might have a chronic mental health condition but many people succeed in handling their problems without medication. Drugs are drugs. There's a lot of good stuff and bad stuff about them. Especially in the Mental Health industry.
as this is sort of a traditional case study on the effects of drug use exposing latent Mental Health issues I would be wary on several issues for anyone experiencing the same symptoms:

-the psychiatrist is not a therapist, they are a doctor looking for pathologies, ie stuff wrong with your brain. Although trained in psychotherapy they really aren't the best people to "talk" to

-your diagnosis is BS. Anything is pdoc tells you as a diagnosis is more than likely false. The complexity of the diagnosis is pages upon pages of written material. Its not a DSM one word - ie schizophrenia. Its a mainstay of the complete Mental Health system to never tell a patient what the diagnosis is.

-Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia by definition is a pathology of the brain where the core language system becomes progressively damaged. People with schizophrenia, as a spectrum disorder, have problems listening to communication and speaking. Do not self identify with a rare disorder that commonly occurs in
puberty. Do not self identify with any disorder.

-When examining your Mental Health first look at your own personal health. How is your diet? Are you knee deep in addiction? Do you have any physical chronic or acute symptoms? How is your sleep pattern? Are you exercising? Do you have any financial issues? Are you having problems with stress? Are you doing a good job at work? These types of questions are important to ask.

-Remember that the Mental Health system is a system. Its bullshit. Psychiatry is basically thought control with medication. Beyond being a danger to your self or others, suicide or homicide - its a good idea to seek help elsewhere. Think about self control. Yeah, you might have a chronic mental health condition but many people succeed in handling their problems without medication. Drugs are drugs. There's a lot of good stuff and bad stuff about them. Especially in the Mental Health industry.

Pure. Fucking. Gold.
as this is sort of a traditional case study on the effects of drug use exposing latent Mental Health issues I would be wary on several issues for anyone experiencing the same symptoms:

-the psychiatrist is not a therapist, they are a doctor looking for pathologies, ie stuff wrong with your brain. Although trained in psychotherapy they really aren't the best people to "talk" to

-your diagnosis is BS. Anything is pdoc tells you as a diagnosis is more than likely false. The complexity of the diagnosis is pages upon pages of written material. Its not a DSM one word - ie schizophrenia. Its a mainstay of the complete Mental Health system to never tell a patient what the diagnosis is.

-Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia by definition is a pathology of the brain where the core language system becomes progressively damaged. People with schizophrenia, as a spectrum disorder, have problems listening to communication and speaking. Do not self identify with a rare disorder that commonly occurs in
puberty. Do not self identify with any disorder.

-When examining your Mental Health first look at your own personal health. How is your diet? Are you knee deep in addiction? Do you have any physical chronic or acute symptoms? How is your sleep pattern? Are you exercising? Do you have any financial issues? Are you having problems with stress? Are you doing a good job at work? These types of questions are important to ask.

-Remember that the Mental Health system is a system. Its bullshit. Psychiatry is basically thought control with medication. Beyond being a danger to your self or others, suicide or homicide - its a good idea to seek help elsewhere. Think about self control. Yeah, you might have a chronic mental health condition but many people succeed in handling their problems without medication. Drugs are drugs. There's a lot of good stuff and bad stuff about them. Especially in the Mental Health industry.

thank you sir. whether or not i happen to be "schizophrenic" is not the question. the question is "what external frustrations collided with inner problems, to cause this reaction of inner anguish, and how can i control/rid myself of it?" Its not too important WHAT it is, its more important to realize that it is there, in your subconcious for a reason. It probably wants you (or me) to make ammends with someone or something that you fucked up along the way.
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thank you sir. whether or not i happen to be "schizophrenic" is not the question. the question is "what external frustrations collided with inner problems, to cause this reaction of inner anguish, and how can i control/rid myself of it?" Its not too important WHAT it is, its more important to realize that it is there, in your subconscious for a reason. It probably wants you (or me) to make amends with someone or something that you fucked up along the way.
I Think this is very wise... if the voices and paranoia are manifested emotions from the subconscious I believe it would be of great help to identify what emotion they represent and then do what is necessary to heal psychologically from any event (s) that invoke the emotions.. Very best of luck to you all.
When did you first start feeling emotionless and lobotomized?

I never done drugs in any form, but I took Zyprexa, and now I can't feel joy, sadness, anything.

I go to sleep and have bad dreams, I always remember them. I wake up, and still feel like I'm caught in a bad dream.

Sad to hear you're not feeling better since the other post about Zyprexa.

It could be of interest to you that I took 0 drugs for my entire life, and Zyprexa cause me to feel lobotomized, empty, without meaning, without social interest, and basically took my entire life away, from just the duration of a few months treatment.

Hope I improve, hope you improve. Hope this "medicine" is banned off the market before it ruins others life aswell, I know it ruined mine.
^anonymous, are you working with a therapist or getting support since coming off Zyprexa? Here is a site that might really help with information.

OP, this site might be helpful for you. It offers a great alternative view of the whole phenomenon of hearing voices among other things. I think you are absolutely right that the label is not the issue. The issue is your health and well-being and how best to maximize those for yourself.
I'm happy to say that I'm now two weeks off speed,

and recovering slowly but steady. "Same procedure as every year". I'm tired of going up and down like this, and I've lost most of my cravings for speed. I'm getting more and more regretful, though in a believable and healthy way. Soon I will take the curtains away from my windows and let some sun in my face, "god" (myself, my health, life force) is not very forgiving about living unhealthy, but hopefully in a months time the issues will fade and things become easier.

The voices are getting less and less, I'm getting some rest and look forward to not having to struggle with amphetamines anymore. I was about to write that this month, I'll spend all my money on food, though I've already had eight cans of beer (good stuff) and will buy herbal medicine, eh hashish for alot of it. (I'm confident and experienced in using cannabis as a medicine).

Thank you for your replies, I should spend more time researching my situation but I'll come back to it as I've been full-time occupied just with doing something.

(What the heck. I spoke with a Shaman friend and now my keyboard is moving around like I've had shrooms. Strangely relieving!)

I will go to bed soon, and post back in a week or two.

I've experienced this. It literally destroyed my life for a decent amount of time. And in my case it definitely was lingering effects from meth abuse. I felt like I was constantly being watched. I would be a paranoid wreck everytime I left my house, unless I was drunk off my ass. I thought that I had developed some sort of "super hearing" sense, because I swear I could be standing like 20 feet away from a group of people, and if I focused on them I could hear their whole conversation clearly, but I don't mean it was just me and that other group of people in the area...there would be tons of people around also talking, so its not like they were the only ones talking. Sometimes the conversation would be be a regular conversation, while other times I'd see them look at me and then start talking negatively about me.

Then at times I would honestly believe I would be having telepathic communication with people on my street while I was in my room. It was pretty crazy...and of course I was going crazy.

I had no idea how long the after effects of meth abuse could linger.

But at the same time, there were certain things that happened that I honestly just can't explain and still think about to this day. For example, during the times I was having these "telepathic" communications with people, they were literally threatening me and telling me they were just waiting for me to let my guard down and then they'd get me. So I went out one day, and when I came back to my house there was a car parked right by my driveway with two guys sitting in it that I had never seen before. This made me think "what the fuck?" So I get into my driveway, and as soon as I do, one of the guy's hops out of the car and starts walking up my driveway towards me. Me, going into a state of panic, frantically reached into my pocket to grab my keys so I could put one key inbetween my fingers while I made a fist (you guys should know what I mean.) The moment I did that, the guy stopped, his eyes got really wide and ran back to the car with the other guy while yelling out "FUCK MAN HE'S GOT A FUCKING KNIFE!" Then by the time I had gotten my keys out the guy driving the car said to the other guy "you fucking pussy that wasn't a knife that was his keys" - I heard this because both of the car windows were down and they were like right in front of my house. Then they sped off. I haven't seen either of them since, or the car. I still have no idea what the fuck happened that day. I find it hard to believe that I hallucinated that entire thing, I just can't accept yea. I really don't know what was up there. Thank god nothing has happened since...

But yea I thought I'd just share part of my story.

I'd like to add that I no longer experience the voices/telepathic type stuff. Because I stopped using meth. I still wonder what the hell really happened that day though..
FugginMedicated -
in your subconcious for a reason. It probably wants you (or me) to make ammends with someone or something that you fucked up along the way.

I have problems with this phrase, not that it is antagonistic towards me, or towards anyone really - but that a problem with "people like us" because I have no better way to put it is that we dangerously view problems or issues as an internal process beyond our control or as an external issue of conflict that potentially needs solving. Restitution.

I think, put simply, we are the only persons responsible for ourselves. Its not so much people with mental health problems but everybody, really.
What you are describing is a psychological illness.. you need to speak to a professional..

Stop all drugs, healthy diet, exercise and get a regular sleep pattern on the go..
@Tiesto.. It's perfectly probable that you misinterpreted that whole scenario.. He could have wanted to talk to you or ask you about anything.. It's highly unlikely they were there to hurt you..

I too have felt like this.. I thought for a long time that people could read my thoughts, know what i was thinking, were conspiring against me, were planning on hurting me in some way.. There were many times where something would happen and it'd be evidence for me to believe my suspicions were true.. but looking back on it it was me interpreting situations all wrong, thanks to some incredibly powerful paranoia and delusional mind state.

Seriously OP.. You need to stop the drugs completely.. and if they still don't go.. see a doctor..

A friend of mine has heard voices for a lot of his life and was recently sectioned when he tried to cut his ear off.. Turns out he's got bipolar disorder and a couple of other things.. But it's more likely it's the drugs kicking your ass (as was the case for me)
I'm happy to say that I'm now two weeks off speed,

and recovering slowly but steady. "Same procedure as every year". I'm tired of going up and down like this, and I've lost most of my cravings for speed. I'm getting more and more regretful, though in a believable and healthy way. Soon I will take the curtains away from my windows and let some sun in my face, "god" (myself, my health, life force) is not very forgiving about living unhealthy, but hopefully in a months time the issues will fade and things become easier.

The voices are getting less and less, I'm getting some rest and look forward to not having to struggle with amphetamines anymore. I was about to write that this month, I'll spend all my money on food, though I've already had eight cans of beer (good stuff) and will buy herbal medicine, eh hashish for alot of it. (I'm confident and experienced in using cannabis as a medicine).

Thank you for your replies, I should spend more time researching my situation but I'll come back to it as I've been full-time occupied just with doing something.

(What the heck. I spoke with a Shaman friend and now my keyboard is moving around like I've had shrooms. Strangely relieving!)

I will go to bed soon, and post back in a week or two.


good job stayin off the speed for 2 weeks man :). If you continue that pattern, things should really look up for ya. Ive noticed some positive changes in my mental and physical health lately too, as i have been using less synthetic drugs, and taking herbs and roots to help with my anxiety and such, and i have been exercising more, and eating better.
1) They are pricks. Fuck 'em. What right do they have to ruin your life?
2) Have you considered the viewpoint that all these perceptions you have are illusion? Lies. If dark forces wanted your destruction, lies and deception would be the first thing they'd use. And if all of it is a lie, then that opens the door to realizing that there IS love in the world, and that people DO care for each other and you...