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Happy-Happy Birthday to Sadie!


Bluelight Crew
Oct 16, 2006

Hope you have an otterly fabulous day, my love <3

(i have a feeling you will ;))

No prezzies til you wake up tomorrow so hope a goodly slice of this will keep you ticking over til then <3

[spoiler="Cake & Cuddles]


Happy birthday sadie! Have a great day :)


Got you a F.U.B.A.R cake! I wouldn't eat it tho....
HB mate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Many Happy Returns, gorgeous!

Enjoy the living daylights out of 24 hours dedicated especially to just you and nobody else =D
OMG I nearly missed your birthday. Thanks for letting the cat out the bag Shambles ;) As she was very coy when I asked about it.

Happy Birthday Darling​


more cake...apologises about the spiders, but I know you like a wee thrill!
Hippy bathday Sadie. Hope its fabulous and that the FUBAR strippergram is not to disturbing ;)
Happy birthday you horrible two-faced bitch, responsible for the death of Bluelight, the destruction of Rome, all wars known in modern history and the sodomization of Shambles. Ok, the last ones probably true.

Keep being a strong no shit taking woman. EADD could do with a hundred more like you. <3
Thanks guys, you've all really all made my day. I can't even fault the weather, beautiful and completely autumnal. Your well wishes completely made my day.

Shm, you caught me off guard. Thats so sweet. I'll say no more as it's neither of our style. Just know that I've got an ear to ear smile.

Snoo and a' thank yooo <3
SPIDERS!!!! REALLY K!?!? Good thing I love you girl!
KingOfWessex thinks he's ordered a lama or pig but he's really bought you a tarantula for your birthday 8)=D

Its fucking tense here, how do you prepare for this kind of shit? Tell ya what matey I'll keep the spider and sadie gets the Lama's, 3 geese and the pig.
Happy Birthday :)
Happy birthday, dollface :) <3

Sure, why don't you take the night off (I allow you :p)?
Happy b/day darling, get shitfaced for me:)

Whats wrong with a spider for a b/day gift? I'd prefer an amblypygid myself (tailless whip scorpions)


Neat looking critters. Quite harmless, although they can give a pinch with those spiked, mantis-like limbs. They use their very long, super-fine antennae to stealthily feel out their prey, tapping, tapping, ever so gently and sneakily with them, so precisely they are able to feel the likes of a cricket all over its body without the cricket ever noticing its there. Then closer, up close and whack!, its lunch. They are arachnids, like the spiders, scorpions, the tiny pseudoscorpions, the camel spiders, and the acid-spraying tailled whipscorpions, as well, and VERY unusually for arachnidae, they are known to be social in certain species, and the mothers in some kinds apparently comfort distressed young.

Would love a pet mesothelid too, they are a mygalomorph-like (the true spiders are divided into two main orders, the araneomorphs and mygalomorphs. The former with sideways-oriented, pincer type jaws such as orb weavers and widow spiders [the widows actually, incidentally make good pets, I've kept black and brown widows, and they aren't at all vicious, prefer to flee if disturbed, and only bite in self defense or if a mother is defending eggs. That said, brown widow got me once and fuck ME did it ever hurt like a bastard the next day. Felt like I'd had the fucking shit knocked out of me by an angry bull elephant with some elephant-sized brass knuckles, then run over by a moderately large tank. Plenty of sweating, tearing, puking and eyes tearing up like crazy. Pretty damn painful at the bite site too. But she only bit, because she was defending her newly laid egg sacks. And I accidentally intruded whilst cleaning the enclosure. Whilst the mygalomorph spiders are those with generally quite large, downward stabbing fangs, like tarantulas, funnel web and mouse spiders. The mesothelae are oddballs, a sister group to the spiders and scorpions, presumably from around the evolutionary point where the two orders diverged, because whilst lacking a tail and lacking venom, they have mygalomorph-type oriented spider type fangs, yet unlike all other spiders, they have a segmented, although more rounded and spider-shaped abdomen, like the scorpions.

Ain't this little lady pretty http://s256.photobucket.com/user/Lucifus69/media/Trap-door-004.jpg.html

(and so is the Liphistius mesothelid...sadie...yes..I meant the spider;)=D)
^That was really interesting!

I'm not a big fan of spiders but I find them fascinating. I'm not afraid of them as such but I can get a bit squirmy with smaller spiders. With larger spiders I'm generally alright.

Some of them can be really cute, too!
