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Half Ounce of Pot Gets Louisiana Man Twenty Years Hard Labor


Bluelight Crew
Dec 16, 2010

While Colorado and Washington have de-criminalized recreational use of marijuana and twenty states allow use for medical purposes, a Louisiana man was sentenced to twenty years in prison in New Orleans criminal court for possessing 15 grams, .529 of an ounce, of marijuana.

Corey Ladd, 27, had prior drug convictions and was sentenced September 4, 2013 as a “multiple offender to 20 years hard labor at the Department of Corrections.”

Marijuana use still remains a ticket to jail in most of the country and prohibition is enforced in a highly racially discriminatory manner. A recent report of the ACLU, “The War on Marijuana in Black and White,” documents millions of arrests for marijuana and shows the “staggeringly disproportionate impact on African Americans.”

Nationwide, the latest numbers from the FBI report that over 762,000 arrests per year are for marijuana, almost exactly half of all drug arrests.

Even though blacks and whites use marijuana at similar rates, black people are 3.73 times more likely to be arrested for possession of marijuana than white people.

For example, Louisiana arrests about 13,000 people per year for marijuana, 60% of them African Americans. Over 84 percent were for possession only. While Louisiana’s population is 32 percent black, 60 percent of arrests for marijuana are African American making it the 9th most discriminatory state nationwide. In Tangipahoa Parish, blacks are 11.8 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana than whites and in St. Landry Parish the rate of black arrests for marijuana is 10.7 times as likely as whites, landing both parishes in the worst 15 in the country.

The story continues: http://dissidentvoice.org/2013/09/half-ounce-of-pot-gets-louisiana-man-twenty-years-in-prison/
So fucked up, how can a half ounce of pot possibly justify 20 fucking years, I mean come on. There are people moving pounds who get a fraction of that where I live, usually suspended sentences too. I have always wanted to visit New Orleans but after reading about Louisiana's cannabis laws I would definitely abstain from smoking whilst there.

Is there seriously anybody left in the world who thinks this type of shit is justified? I mean its a rhetorical question since in the article it states some assholes decided 5 years was too lenient for a 4th marijuana offence. Seriously though what kind of horrible human being could possibly believe it was justice to take 20 years of someones liberty away because they chose to smoke a plant that has been used medicinally for thousands of years, probably longer than the bible I assume these fuckwits believe in says the earth has been around for actually.

EDIT - Just wanted to point out, I am not calling all Christians fuckwits, it is just an observation of mine that an overwhelming majority of people that believe this sort of shit is justified for drug crime are religious, and in the US, particularly the south, that usually means Christian.
For people who believe that people should be handed long prison sentences for drug possession, their beliefs about drug laws are just the tip of the iceberg of the the self-righteous, hypocritical and deeply flawed way of thinking these kinds of people have. Although you can't really stereotype people who believe in harsh sentences for drug crimes anymore than you can stereotype any other group of people who hold maddening outrageous beliefs about the world that defy logic, the "Christian Right" living in rural America is a good place to start!

These people tend to have some kind of moral superiority complex based on amalgamation of a perversion of the teachings of Jesus and some sort of weird, politically conservative, pseudo-patriotic bullshit that:

A: completely contradicts the live and let live, philosophy of universal forgiveness that Jesus taught and...
B: completely contradicts the philosophy of personal liberty that the US was founded on

It's absolutely mind boggling! If you believe in constantly finding people to punish who do things that you don't believe in but don't have any impact on your life, you're not a true Christian or a true patriot, you're an ignorant busy-body who should just find a place to go die. That kind of intolerance, hatred and hypocrisy is what's making the world a worse place to live every year, not marijuana!

I'm sorry, I've just personally met people that think this way...Most of them can't be reasoned with. You can't use logical arguments against them either. They were raised to believe that Christianity is more about judgement than forgiveness and don't understand the concept of "freedom". What's scary, if you took away all the major cities on the East and West coast of the US, the majority of the people left would be mostly the kind of people that would believe in rounding all the pot users up and throwing them in jail for 20 years!
Sure, he's a multiple offender, but does it really make any sense to give him 20 years for that? Sentences like that should be based on logic, because it's just not logical to send someone to jail for 20 years because of 15 grams. It's just not necessary.
Thank god for justice, is all I can say. Imagine the horrific consequences were 14-odd grams of cannabis to make it to the street!? We're talking addiction, prostitution, despair; we're talking Reefer Madness here!

Sure it will cost 10's, probably 100's of thousands of dollars of taxpayers money to try and incarcerate this dangerous drug-dealing predator, but our poor, innocent children are safe. It's not like there can be an endless supply of these awful drugs, surely? I mean, look how tough the police look; surely that has to count for something?

Now, let's all read our tabloid newspapers, and then bury our block-like heads in the fucking sand like good, upstanding citizens.
This is surreal. I mean, is it a joke or some sort prank? Surely this is not real life...

I can not wait for this War On Drugs saga to end and we the people can start to prosecute the DEA and these types of judges as fucking war criminals. You bastards, drugs will be legal one day pricks.
Louisiana and their home grown prisons for profit are a national disgrace and should be shut down.. also you greedy fuckers are the scum of the earth.. and if there is a hell you will be there. Yeah and five and six year old children pedal crack on bourbon street every night so dont pretend your addressing some sort of problem.. yeah any reporters want a good story.. go down and watch how young children are used to peddle drugs on bourbon street.. just look for the little kids out at 3am when is it ever going to be enough.. your war on drugs now has children peddling crack and a drug user doing twenty years of hard labor for pot.
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For people who believe that people should be handed long prison sentences for drug possession, their beliefs about drug laws are just the tip of the iceberg of the the self-righteous, hypocritical and deeply flawed way of thinking these kinds of people have. Although you can't really stereotype people who believe in harsh sentences for drug crimes anymore than you can stereotype any other group of people who hold maddening outrageous beliefs about the world that defy logic, the "Christian Right" living in rural America is a good place to start!

These people tend to have some kind of moral superiority complex based on amalgamation of a perversion of the teachings of Jesus and some sort of weird, politically conservative, pseudo-patriotic bullshit that:

A: completely contradicts the live and let live, philosophy of universal forgiveness that Jesus taught and...
B: completely contradicts the philosophy of personal liberty that the US was founded on

It's absolutely mind boggling! If you believe in constantly finding people to punish who do things that you don't believe in but don't have any impact on your life, you're not a true Christian or a true patriot, you're an ignorant busy-body who should just find a place to go die. That kind of intolerance, hatred and hypocrisy is what's making the world a worse place to live every year, not marijuana!

I'm sorry, I've just personally met people that think this way...Most of them can't be reasoned with. You can't use logical arguments against them either. They were raised to believe that Christianity is more about judgement than forgiveness and don't understand the concept of "freedom". What's scary, if you took away all the major cities on the East and West coast of the US, the majority of the people left would be mostly the kind of people that would believe in rounding all the pot users up and throwing them in jail for 20 years!
True, alot of people who call themselves ''christians'' nowadays are exactly the opposite, and are often worse then atheists and other religions. Christianity is about forgiveness, not hate. And most of these fanatics are pure hatred in the form of a living being. If youre a drug user, atheist,gay, whatever they dont agree with you are automatically bad and rootten, and you should be punished and die according to them.

Its impossible to reason with them, because they know it all and they are close minded. But god never said hate people who are doing ''wrong''. He said try to help them and forgive them. They dotn even realise that they do the exact opposite of what christianism is about.
^It would be hilarious if it wasn't so destructive...They literally do pretty much the exact opposite of what Jesus taught! Shit, if Jesus actually came back now and showed up in some hard-core Christian fundamentalist town, they'd probably shove a shotgun in his face and arrest him for vagrancy!

Do they really think Jesus is looking down from heaven and watching them just hate everyone and tell everyone they're going to hell and pumping his fist and saying "Yes! that's exactly what I wanted you to do, you people really got the message!"

Jesus hung around with the dregs of humanity, healed people and taught love and forgiveness....wherever they came up with the shit they've twisted it into, I don't think anyone knows...

They twist the scripture to actually justify their own bigotry....Not to mention, the original scripture has been re-translated over thousands of years and the way it turns out in English is probably just a broad generalization of the gist of what Jesus might have said...but they act like, "Jesus says right here, all people who smoke pot must die!"
Shit, if Jesus actually came back now and showed up in some hard-core Christian fundamentalist town, they'd probably shove a shotgun in his face and arrest him for vagrancy!

That, and being Middle-Eastern in appearance.
^It would be hilarious if it wasn't so destructive...They literally do pretty much the exact opposite of what Jesus taught! Shit, if Jesus actually came back now and showed up in some hard-core Christian fundamentalist town, they'd probably shove a shotgun in his face and arrest him for vagrancy!

Do they really think Jesus is looking down from heaven and watching them just hate everyone and tell everyone they're going to hell and pumping his fist and saying "Yes! that's exactly what I wanted you to do, you people really got the message!"

Jesus hung around with the dregs of humanity, healed people and taught love and forgiveness....wherever they came up with the shit they've twisted it into, I don't think anyone knows...

They twist the scripture to actually justify their own bigotry....Not to mention, the original scripture has been re-translated over thousands of years and the way it turns out in English is probably just a broad generalization of the gist of what Jesus might have said...but they act like, "Jesus says right here, all people who smoke pot must die!"
Lol exactly! They overturn and interpret the bible and all to justify their own twisted way of life. Hate everybody who isnt like them. Like if they really were christians they would try to help people stop doing whats ''wrong'' in their minds instead off blindly hating and wishing death upon everybody.
Apropos to the American Christianity discussion:

FRC: 'Nothing More Christian' Than Massive Food Stamp Cut

Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, now with the Family Research Council, said that the House GOP’s massive food stamp cuts that could remove around 4 million people from the program next year was an act of Christian compassion.

While many churches and Christians organizations denounced the move, Blackwell told the Christian Post that there was “nothing more Christian” than kicking low-income families off food stamps. He referred to food aid as part of the “plantation of big government” and said that churches and charitable organization will replace such government assistance.

- See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/conte...n-massive-food-stamp-cut#sthash.Lcy8PQUR.dpuf
^^I understand what this guy is trying to say, but in this case it just amounts to double-talking bullshit...It would be nice if everyone just gave to the poor out of their own free will and we didn't need any government assistance, but that just doesn't happen on a consistent enough basis for everyone in need to be fed...The churches in America do feed and clothe a lot of people, but even though it may be widely abused, food-stamps are necessary IMO...

America is rich enough, so much food is produced and thrown away here....Most food is produced strictly for corporate profit, not just for sustenance...that's a whole 'nother issue....I don't care how irresponsible or crazy somebody is, everyone needs to eat and it's not that expensive to feed people, we can actually afford that...

Now if you wanna talk about cuts...How bout prisons, and law enforcement, military etc etc etc...The waste from foodstamps is not even a drop in the bucket...

In conclusion: The guy in that article can go get his face fucked by a 7 foot black guy with a 10 inch cock, dressed up like Jesus at a gay pride parade!
at a certain point its time to stop smoking weed or move somewhere else