Mental Health Guys, I really need help and support, I'm drugged against my will with powerful anti-psychotics


Sep 14, 2022
I've only posted in the COMING OFF INVEGA / PAIPERIDONE INJECTIONS ( ever since joining bluelight.

I received the invega injection (two loading doses of 234/156 mg) and my life has gone down hill ever since. However, unlike others in that thread(s), I have shifted from believing that it's invega having caused all these problems.

Based on what I've experienced, I feel like I'm being drugged somehow by the state, with a sophisticated drugging mechanism. I'm unsure how this is done, but I've felt like 10 or so drug-changes in the span of 20 months, and now, in the last 5 months, I'm just experiencing this sudden state of heaviness, along with low libido and no sex drive. These are some of the worst torture drugs I have experienced. It's also scary this is happening to me. And there is no support outside of the internet either. If I were to explain my symptoms and about my guess (that I'm being drugged by the state), I get labelled as a schizophrenic. There's absolutely no mercy here, and my human rights are being violated to the extreme.

Is it possible I am just going to be living like this forever? With no sex drive, no motivation, no adrenaline, and low energy levels? Can anyone reach out to me and help me? I want to feel like myself for once. It's been so long.

Please, any help would be appreciated.
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I have no experience with this kind of thing (the meds you mention, and the feeling of being poisoned by the state). But I certainly know the feeling when you're going nuts and there's nobody you can reach out to, or they simplify you problem and respond with generic "wisdom" (not referring to anyone here in this forum).

I just did a quick read of the thread you mention and it seems like this invega is something out of a psychohorror thriller! I can't say much about sex drive issues, as I never had much to begin with. But all the other symptoms I have lived through and managed tomovercome somehow. Of course, no Invega or similar stuff involved.

Not being in the same shoes as you, I can't offer advice. I just wanted to react to your post and let you know that you're not alone.
I have no experience with this kind of thing (the meds you mention, and the feeling of being poisoned by the state). But I certainly know the feeling when you're going nuts and there's nobody you can reach out to, or they simplify you problem and respond with generic "wisdom" (not referring to anyone here in this forum).

I just did a quick read of the thread you mention and it seems like this invega is something out of a psychohorror thriller! I can't say much about sex drive issues, as I never had much to begin with. But all the other symptoms I have lived through and managed tomovercome somehow. Of course, no Invega or similar stuff involved.

Not being in the same shoes as you, I can't offer advice. I just wanted to react to your post and let you know that you're not alone.
Thanks a lot for replying. I like the way how you describe the thread, like a psycho horror thriller, because that’s exactly what it is. People’s human rights are being violated to the extreme, but I’m worried that for my case it may be forever since the average healing time from Invega or these mystery drugs is about a year.

I personally had no choice but to make a guess that it’s not Invega that’s responsible for my suffering. For 20 months I’ve been in fear and haven’t felt normal and had to experience sudden effects of different types of drugs.

I am no maniac or schizophrenic. This is all real and I’ve internalized my suffering for so long. I can’t talk to anyone about it because if I told them about being poisoned by the state they’ll say I need professional help.

Anyway, thanks again for reaching out, it’s helpful to me that someone actually cares.
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How is your nutrition? Have you been evaluated for any nutrient deficiencies? Many deficiencies can cause fatigue and even libido issues. If you have a chance, see a doctor and complain of fatigue and ask to be evaluated for deficiency. At the very least you can rule things out
How is your nutrition? Have you been evaluated for any nutrient deficiencies? Many deficiencies can cause fatigue and even libido issues. If you have a chance, see a doctor and complain of fatigue and ask to be evaluated for deficiency. At the very least you can rule things out
I've been eating 1 large meal a day. I don't pass 2000 calories a day. I am mostly in bed. I currently maintain 197 lbs, which is an abnormal weight (I'm 5'5" so I'm obese). My weight under normal circumstances is 164.4 lbs.

The last time I went to the doctor I was low on Vitamin D, and had high blood sugar and high cholesterol. I was prescribed Vitamin D tablets. I was so paranoid from being covertly drugged at that point that I lost trust of everything, even my doctor.

My doctor was being strangely aggressive with me and mentioned I had large breasts (which I did/do from being so fat now), and she aggressively wanted me to see a psychologist and take an SSRI. I kind of realized later on that she may have known about my suffering and how I was being covertly drugged, because having large breasts is one of the ways where people get off anti-psychotics. The medical term I think is gynecomastia for that.

At this point, I don't know if it's a waiting game or if I'm just going to be drugged mercilessly. I have developed a lot of trauma from this, maybe even exceeding the trauma that soldiers get from being in combat. It's really not all in my head, but I can't express myself to family & friends because I'll get labelled as a schizophrenic. And god forbid, I may end up on a nasty injection again, which I'm desperately trying to avoid.

I have a 75 page file of all my suffering. I've logged every drug change and all the horrible sensations I've been feeling for the past 20 months.
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Invega can cause high prolactin levels and in males this can induce gynecomastia.

If you don't trust doctors, you can get a women's multivitamin. The one a day brand is great and includes vitamin d, iron, b vitamins, and others. The men's doesn't include iron and has lower folate iirc. That should help even out vit D and hopefully help with any other micronuteient deficiencies. Vit D deficiency is one of the most common causes of fatigue

I always encourage people to first sort their nutrition before taking any other steps regarding medications or other interventions, if you don't have good nutrition then real issues can be masked by confounding symptoms
Invega can cause high prolactin levels and in males this can induce gynecomastia.

If you don't trust doctors, you can get a women's multivitamin. The one a day brand is great and includes vitamin d, iron, b vitamins, and others. The men's doesn't include iron and has lower folate iirc. That should help even out vit D and hopefully help with any other micronuteient deficiencies. Vit D deficiency is one of the most common causes of fatigue

I always encourage people to first sort their nutrition before taking any other steps regarding medications or other interventions, if you don't have good nutrition then real issues can be masked by confounding symptoms
Thanks for the help, but it's not useful advice to me. I tried taking multivitamins before, like B6 and B12, and it does nothing. I am definitely drugged with anti-psychotics right now.

The invega shot I took was 20 months ago, and the effects should have worn out by now.

Either way, If I disregard your suggestions, the only next thing for any sane person to tell me is that I'm mentally ill, but I'm not. There's no help and I'm totally screwed.
Not just b vitamins, but also vitamin D, A, K, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese etc. It can take a little while of taking them to notice an impact but I think nearly everyone should be taking a multivitamin anyhow because most people eating western diets don't get nearly enough good nutrition from a variety of whole foods. I take one every day and it helps me immensely. Your doctor was likely correct that you have a vitamin D deficiency. I know that I do, or at least did, and so do most people especially in winter months or in those who work office jobs and don't get much sun time.

It should also be noted that coming off of some antipsychotics can actually induce psychosis so even if you didn't have an issue with it before going on the medication you may have developed an issue going off of it. Not saying you should go back on, I just want you to be aware of the possible impact on your mental health.