guiltiest pleasures,what is the least cool song that you really love


Aug 17, 2015
It's easy to post the song you think is the coolest and have no problems telling others about. I have one that's a little harder everyone tell us your guiltiest pleasure. In other words a song that you jam while alone but if others come in the vicinity you either change it or turn it way down.
For me it's easy I love the song somewhere only we know by Keane also love the scientist by the girly teeny bopping group coldplay. I know it's whimpy but it's such a beautiful song and very melodic! I showed you mine now show me yours.
Tyler the Creator has one album that i thought was fire but my friends are all "underground and shit" so they shat on me for liking it...idk if that counts?

also Michael Jackson and Prince have always been among my favorites and people think I'm just being ironic or whatever. MJ was the best entertainer of all time and honestly I don't think thats even a debate
I was only 5 or six though
was going to be the joe 90 theme but wtf thats cool
erasure are awesome. nothing to feel guilty about there.

i love "you're so vain" by carly simon. the lyrics are great.

if there is one that i feel guilty about singin out loud it would have to be... like if i'm cruising i will turn this shit down to not offend anyone + im gettin old and playin shit obnoxiously loud at a red light isn't very polite ( i used to be that kid )
I got a soft spot for dance pop, and Taylor Swift does does it well. Zombywoof I also like that old folky psych pop and you guilty about being a crate digger? Looking forward to hearing Ice Ice Baby still after all these years is a bit concerning. . .hrmm I should be ashamed of my prior loves for IDM and third wave ska and where they met......But maybe I should be embarrassed of all the art damaged, glitchy, noisy, and above all pretentious, yet kinda soft and pleasant, kinda sloppy shit I love like Buck 65/Sole/Restiform Bodies, Belong/hammock, anything funeral or drone doom....the looks I get in the car, I should be embarrassed of that shit. I should refine my ear for marketable pop and wear it proud from a social standpoint.
Erikmen I know many people make fun of abba but they have some really beautiful melodies. As musicians they were extremely talented and very creative. I used to make fun of them and the Bee Gees and now that I'm a little older(41) and don't give a fuck what anyone thinks(well not like I did when I was in my 20's) I find the Bee Gees as well as ABBA have some really incredibly harmonic music. I think because Disco became so uncool that these bands have gotten dismissed which is ashame because they were uber talented and recorded some really great songs.

I got another guilty pleasure how about some Howard Jones,fucking love him!
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Abba is legit, also Fleetwood Mac is really good

and yeah thats the one Zeppelin song thats iffy lol