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Gibberings CCIXV2 - And Now For Something Completely Different

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Go! You have extensive Training and even I can tell that isn't good! From what you said, I couldn't tell if they debrided you earlier. Did anyone give you a silvadene ointment?

No they decided against ointment and just put a Vaseline based dressing on.

We only treat acute burns with things like burns gel and cling film and get the person to hospital. Longer term management of burns isnt really in my remit.

I'm already at the hospital but there may be a considerable wait involved before i can see the doctor. I can tell it isnt good because it's so painful and I can hardly walk.

Its different when it's yourself though cos I just kind of bury my head in the sand and hope it will all go away :) (it took me two days to bite the bullet and phone for an ambulance when I broke both ankles last year.....not clever i admit).

Edit....yes they did debride it yesterday but I'm not sure how thouroughly as there were bits of melted uniform and dirt buried deep into my leg...I don't think they did a brilliant job of it TBH..
No they decided against ointment and just put a Vaseline based dressing on.

We only treat acute burns with things like burns gel and cling film and get the person to hospital. Longer term management of burns isnt really in my remit.

I'm already at the hospital but there may be a considerable wait involved before i can see the doctor. I can tell it isnt good because it's so painful and I can hardly walk.

Its different when it's yourself though cos I just kind of bury my head in the sand and hope it will all go away :) (it took me two days to bite the bullet and phone for an ambulance when I broke both ankles last year.....not clever i admit).

Edit....yes they did debride it yesterday but I'm not sure how thouroughly as there were bits of melted uniform and dirt buried deep into my leg...I don't think they did a brilliant job of it TBH..

Isn't it illegal for paramedics to get ill or injured? That's like a copper handling stolen goods or drawing a picture of a penis on his neighbour's garage door.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm in the same boat as you. Last night I was frying some belly pork and got splattered by some fat. I've now got two large burns on my wrist, approximately 4.6mm in diameter. They'll probably be there for a week or so, but it makes me look more rugged which will impress the ladies.
Sadie I'm currently taking furosemide tablets for water retention on my knee. But like the cunt I am ,I'm still drinking alcohol on them and it's now effecting my foot.
Time to stop drinking me thinks.
Nothing like your war story , but my own little bit of grief.and like you I don't stop pissing where the fucks it come from ? :)

Every one has their own battles. No need to compare. Do they make you take yours in the morning too?

AND HOW does it make you piss like nothing else. It's madness!!!! Spoke to my GP today and asked when I should be tapering off my water tables as I got a taper schedule for my steroids and she said that I just come in and get a repeat. WHAT! How long do they want me to keep taking these fountain gushers??? I've had enough of the 10 minute turn around. I'm gonna wear my carpet down at this rate!


Leg has swollen up and turned bright red (and I feel awful)....

Phoned the doctors and they wanted to make me an appointment in TWO FUCKING WEEKS!!!!

Looks like I'm spending my evening trecking back to A&E :(

Two weeks! They're doctors, don't they know you are at high risk of infection? Your GP is shite if you don't mind me saying so. Hope you're not waiting too long in A&E. It's always waiting roulette when you walk through the doors.

Shame as it's something your GP could have seen to and not clogged up A&E for. LAZY!

Let us know how you get on pet.

Dunno, but I've found where it goes to when I take H and can't pee despite drinking the usual quantity of fluids ..... Through my skin, in bed, for the next several nights :\

As ever Sexy AF! Gonna have to towel dry you every half hour my lovely by the sounds of it!
@sadie yep mornings, time I get back in bed it's time to get up for another piss, drives me mad.
Might even kip in the bath tonight. =D

I thought that was just me since my sense of smell gets very acute during a rattle.

Eta:sorry for the double post but I'm using a tablet. Not multi-quote friendly.
No man sorry , but we fucking stink on a cluck.:(

Waves Magic green Glitter stick for fellow pisser. Poof * posts merged *
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Well covered knee to toe in a massive bandage and given a course of fluclox (as it turns out infection has already set in) and a date to see the rather fetching nurse practitioner again 11:00am Saturday to see how it's getting on..

Luckily I didn't have to wait too long as was triarged in about 10 minutes then bypassed the two hour wait to see the doc and got sorted by the nurse practitioner instead.....

In and out within 30 minutes...pretty efficient for A&E.:)
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Talking of wee, I tapered my benzo use in half and kept needing to use the loo.

I recently stopped taking my 1mg of alprazolam before bed and only take 0.5mg of clonazepam in the morning. Doesn't sound like much, but I felt a lot more anxious the week I started that reduction and kept going to the loo within minutes of drinking any water. Crystal clear piss, too.

I started to get a bit worried until I googled benzo withdrawal and found out frequent weeing and love-handle growth are common symptoms.
Isn't it illegal for paramedics to get ill or injured? That's like a copper handling stolen goods or drawing a picture of a penis on his neighbour's garage door.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm in the same boat as you. Last night I was frying some belly pork and got splattered by some fat. I've now got two large burns on my wrist, approximately 4.6mm in diameter. They'll probably be there for a week or so, but it makes me look more rugged which will impress the ladies.

Ha!! Your THINK it was illegal the fuss my boss kicked up about it. Loads of "serious incident" forms to fill in....compulsory trip to see the Occ Health doc before I'm alowed back etc...etc...

I'm sure he was even implying I somehow did it on purpose....stupid prick

Seconded on the "rattle stink" BTW...

You know you stink when you cant even stand the smell of yourself. That's a feeling I dont want to experience again in a hurry. I was thinking that this leg was an excuse to crack open the oramorph since I dont have to drive ......but it isnt :)
I wonder if Adam & Eve lasted that long in Eden..

Nah apperently Adam was wasted on "forbidden fruit punch" and spent 20 minutes trying to shoe-horn in a semi before calling it a lost cause and giving up :)
Cheers, mate. It's a character from a comedy series called 'Toast of London'.

He is a complete buffoon, as am I.

I bloody love that series! Sham got me to watch it last time I was down for a visit. Matt Berry is hilarious. I think Imma make him watch them again while he's up here now.

As Ali says, Crackin' name!

BTW, Welcome to EADD <3
Not trying to play the sympathy card or anything......:)

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