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I really could enjoy GHB a lot until IT gave me 2 psychosis, I liked that IT could deliver 2 different highs, when I got to know my way around this drug I was often able to dose so well that I could choose a bit of I was going to have the energetic effect of the drowsy effect...

When on GHB I loved to watch movies, I found this to give a really Cosy vibe and I was able to totally lose myself in the movie...

I also liked eating while on GHB.

I did encounter something strange twice while on GHB (besides my two psychosis), namely that I suddenly wasnt able to move anymore, I couldnt open my eyes,... My body seemed dead in a way, but my mind was awake, I was simply locked in my body... This lasted for I think about 15 minutes and then suddenly I could move again, and this happened twice years apart.
Xyrem user here (prescription ghb). Your person is most likely not being truthful if they say your g is 0.7 g per mil. Since I take prescription g, I know for a fact that my solution is 0.5 g per mil.

6 ml for me (3 grams) is generally the most I can take without completely passing out and going into g sleep. 2-2.5 grams is my perfect recreational dose, and most of my male friends take anywhere from 2.5-3,, while most of my female friends take 1.5-2. (Grams)

I have however talked to very select few people who seem to have an extreme natural tolerance. Or some type of tolerance that is created by prior drug use possibly. These people in particular are able to take more than 3 grams and not feel it very much, and will “G out” at much higher amounts. I have even talked to one person who could take 4.5 grams of xywav and not g out. This is all on an empty stomach.

I have heard of a way to dehydrate your g, and see what the actual potency is but have never tried that myself (obviously).
It strikes me as a very dirty drug. It would be interesting to see if HOCPCA is significantly different subjectively. If so, I suggest that those differences are due to GHB (being non too selective) is binding at other sites.
HOCPTA is fairly well defined if you make a simple internet search.

It's a very selective GHB ligand that has a LogP appropriate to it entering the CNS and only binding with GHB sites within the CNS. In fact the image is or the racemate when in reality, one isomer has much more affinity than the other (x31 times more affinity). So I would presume that it will produce the subjective effects of a much more selective GHB ligand.

I guess it's kind of like pyeyzolam when compared to ethanol. The former is a selective a5b1y2 GABA PAM. It does emulate all of the positive effects of alcohol perfectly (so you can tell what are the unwanted effects by it's difference).

Pyeyzolam isn't THAT special but it was designed to be a flush-in, flush-out ligand i.e. it does not undergo metabolism, it is excreted unchanged. Why? So the designer didn't have to worry about metabolites interfering with the effects of the compound....
Yeah - pyeyzolam was excellent for emulating'drunk' but could not emulate '2 glasses of wine'. I now know why that is an have a second candidate. The work is done but in the UK the Psychoactive Substances Act make development almost impossible.
I Just tonight stumbled on a docu that Stated that ghb was the most dangerous drug of europe... Im not saying this is so, im also not saying this isnt so...
It sure is one of the hardest and most unpredictable drugs out there.
It's action is hard to pin down but I know it's often found in cases of people who perished due to polydrug intoxication.
Yea ghb is kinda notorious for being the stuff under which influence one does extremely stupid things. And I notice no difference between bdo, gbl or ghb regarding this. But I still love ghb or it’s prodrugs for being such a nice substance, especially for combining it with other substances, despite of it being a rather hard drug.

this is why I am responding to this…

I was roofied in a bar when it looked like I was alone but really my friends were in the bathroom
I blacked out but I can attest from second hand stories that under the influence of that drink I did stupid things
was wildly out of control and not myself

I don’t know why anyone would take that shit recreationally
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It would be interesting to know if real sodium oxybate (Xyrem™) is subjectively different to street GHB. I have always felt like street GHB was poisoning me, but is that the active or an impurity?
Ya gotta tell your peeps that GHB can put you into an unrousable sleep if you do too much, but that it has a wide window of safety. Tell them, "If I'm sleeping and you can't wake me up, just check my breathing for a while."

If mixed with any other depressants, completely disregard that. That's dangerous.
I threw away 3 x 10ml bottles after buying 4,as it gave me a haeadche on first 5ml dose, felt a bit sleepy and that's it, and a bit sick, then I waited over 2 hours but had ate a bit of food and done another 5ml it done nothing just gave me a headache again
vidmate mobdro
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Oh yeah those munchies are insane.

GHB/GBL are one of the few drugs I don't like riding a bicycle on, really.

Splendid stuff nevertheless.
Gbl is best, then bdo and then the real ghb because it’s hygroscopic and not that easy to handle.
Untrue my first few loads of GHB were powdered hygroscopic powder that could be easily weight on a cheap scale.

Just put some silica pouches in your container and it could be good for ages. Now powder is non existent but it was in the beginning and a trip from South Africa to the Netherlands never hurt it.

GBL is just easier to handle and more addicting.
hmm, more addicting, dont know. it hits faster, thats it.