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Getting Wisdom teeth out next month, is this a weird drug combo?

Anyone flapping out term's like masochist or lunatisme.

The remarks I make are concerning how

The sound of the dental drill does that to me.

That's where that idea occured, would music or white noise help. Especially in case of dental shit the sound's could be hard to cancel out.
I meant no offense in my masochist jab, simply that I found it hard to believe anyone would even get their wisdom teeth out without being put under and given some actual painkillers after. I've found ibuprofen to only really be effective in treating muscle related pain, like when I pulled out my back once.

I too have tried music during skin cutting operations. It really doesn't help. I can still 'feel' the scissors and the tugging of the needle and stitches as they sow the wound closed. I think dermatologists and dentist should just keep 10mg diazepams readily available to give to patients before procedures, it's simply being humane. I'm so glad I had a diazepam before my wisdom tooth surgery because it made me so apathetic about the whole thing.
You will be fine, ask for nitrous oxide? I was given nitrous and IV valium decades ago for my extremely impacted wisdom teeth to be removed and I just remember laughing from the nitrous, and not even feeling the needle and then waking up hours later at my parents' home after the surgery.
You'll be fine. I had a root canal done and all I took were a couple little blue pills. And for good measure I found out online they were 4x stronger when snorted. So, I just did one a half hour before and I hardly remember even driving there or back. The doc told my wife how out of it I was and he said to not take so much for the follow-up procedure and I did comply but damn, those little things were strong. Warning - I'm a professional, do not attempt this as it was very dangerous, as I later learned.
What were those downer pills? Valium? Xanax?
I have heard that about NL/Benelux. Were you born there?
Sadly so. Overmedicating is one thing but undermedicating is barbaric.

Root canal, outdated and obsolete according to dental dr. that removed my Amalgam filling's. It is like an empty castle, a lovely place for an infection. Like the one reciding in my hollow tooth.

But the procedure, and removal and alll other shit Is done under local aneastetic. No painkilling with Opioid's afterward's.
Sadly so. Overmedicating is one thing but undermedicating is barbaric.

Root canal, outdated and obsolete according to dental dr. that removed my Amalgam filling's. It is like an empty castle, a lovely place for an infection. Like the one reciding in my hollow tooth.

But the procedure, and removal and alll other shit Is done under local aneastetic. No painkilling with Opioid's afterward's.
What is it like living in NL/Benelux? I have been to Amsterdam and Haarlem but was with family there. I did not use any drugs either soft legal ones, or hard illegal drugs, and did not have sex with any prostitutes.

The Rijsttafel was delicious even if the food was mild and not spicy like other Asian food I enjoy.
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Sublingual em and they will be working in a blue oral space. Been there done that, was no prob she said just a bit weird.

I was nominated most relaxed patient ever. No wonder I was missing a lot of Etizolam when I got home.
What is 'em'? I do not like novacaine or the needle, so I just let the dentist use a drill on the small number of cavities I had. The sensation of the drill tickled and having a dental hygienist scrape my teeth and gums with a pick hurt a lot more.

I was not on benzos or any drugs and do not use them.
Fentanyl and Valium are very commonly used. Never heard of Brevital.

EDIT: oh yeah, Brevital does sound like an old one and it's an odd and (IMO) risky idea to mix an opiate and a benzo AND a barbiturate derivative.
He told me it works better for dental work. I'm of course still wary of the combination, but he seems to have done thousands of surgeries so I guess it can't be that bad.
I'm in the us and I had a broken tooth with the gum overlaping it, the dentist gave me 2 shots of novacain hurt the first time after couldn't feel anything when she cracked it out, and gave me a Rx of tramadol, they did it pretty fast, I asked about the bill and she said probono weird I don't think that will eaver happen again, it's cool to hear everyone's views on it, next time I go i just want a Rx
I remember one time they gave me about five shots of novacain and I could still vaguely feel the pain from the drill fixing the cavity. Never again haha.
Drilling, renovation's and root canal. That is when you should start thinking about a benzo beforehand and some opiod like painkillers. Kratom or Codeine would suffice I say, but then again who am I.

You'll get a local anaesthetic for these here haha. Anyways, unless you have anxiety a benzo's not necessarily useful since it's not analgetic.
You'll get a local anaesthetic for these here haha. Anyways, unless you have anxiety a benzo's not necessarily useful since it's not analgetic.
Overhere just the same, these so called dr's, actually prick's.

Rather have you crippled by anxiety avoiding dental care as much as possible. When you finally are forced to go, as your teeth start to rot out. You get a nice script for Ibuprofen. Which is allready in 90 % of the population's medicin cabinet.

But I buy my own RC benzo's for anxiety and Kratom for pain relief afterward's when necessary. So glad for the age we live in today. My younger day's aneastetic's were out the question if you were on social healthcare.
when i was younger, they had me take oral ketamine tablets + valium 30mins prior as well as IV fent when i got mine taken out. i was high as hell and the ketamine didn’t knock me out. ended up having to take 3 extra pills prior to the extraction and it still didn’t knock me out. i had a total blast though and was perfectly fine afterward. brevital is much smarter to use than ketamine. with any form of anesthesia regardless of how mild it is, you will often get short term memory loss for a very short amount of time. it’s very very common. don’t worry about it!
What is 'em'? I do not like novacaine or the needle, so I just let the dentist use a drill on the small number of cavities I had. The sensation of the drill tickled and having a dental hygienist scrape my teeth and gums with a pick hurt a lot more.

I was not on benzos or any drugs and do not use them.
'em was reffering to my pressed RC Etizolam pellet's. These were blue all trhrough. And after sublingaling some the blue dye painted my inside blue. Not my teeth but all the rest was blue.

And indeed a bad mouth hygenist can cause a lot more of pain then a dentist. But it all comes down to skill.

I love local aneastetic's btw. But I have childhood trauma, drilling till the core of the nerve without a 'caine'

My first tracendental experience was during one of these dental tortures. 'I became one with the universe, a flower on it's waves'
What is it like living in NL/Benelux? I have been to Amsterdam and Haarlem but was with family there. I did not use any drugs either soft legal ones, or hard illegal drugs, and did not have sex with any prostitutes.

The Rijsttafel was delicious even if the food was mild and not spicy like other Asian food I enjoy.
Well the 'soft' drugs are technical illegal over here. The hard drug's very pure, just don't buy them in a*dam or you'll get nicked or tricked.

But no sex with a prostitute can't say you missed anything. The mere thought of paid sex is not my thing. But you missed out on the Weed. As that is actually, although illegal, of great quality.

'Rijsttafel', 'Kapsalon' is the ultimate culinairy urban invention of this century so next time you get a chance. Any Turkish or middle-East foodhouse should have it. The 'Kapsalon' which is the Dutch word for barbershop. There is an whole story how that name got connected to this new recipe, really urban.
I'm going to call again tomorrow to ask some questions, but I have a severe fear/phobia of the dentist, so I would like to run some things by here first.

First, my oral surgeon has stated he is going to be using Brevital and Fentanyl via IV sedation after I take a Valium 30 minutes prior. I have tried my best to Google for information on this drug cocktail, but found not much information other than they're old drugs and mostly replaced. Is this true? Is this also what's known as conscious sedation? I was hoping to be asleep rather than just not remembering. I also recall reading someone said they suffered short term memory loss as a result of Brevital. My theory is the surgeon prefers this because most nurses unlicensed to deal with anesthesia won't touch Propofol. I would like to be told I'm wrong on this one.
Perfectly normal combo. Don’t psych yourself out. You’re assuming they don’t know what they’re doing, and I assure you they do! Also, no they aren’t old and “mostly replaced.” They’re fairly normal for patients with high anxiety at a Dentist office.

There are 3 levels of sedation:

Partial sedation, like laughing gas; very minimal

Conscious sedation, (can be administered thru IV or orally, meaning you are asleep but your body functions such as breathing and coughing are still working (that’s why it’s called “conscious”)

And full IV sedation which is not what you are getting. Full IV sedation requires an anesthesiologist to be present who is specifically trained to do IV anesthesia and IV anesthesia only. It is the highest level of sedation because you are completely unconscious and attached to a machine that takes care of your automatic body functions (breathes for you).

I am a dental assistant; and all the offices I’ve worked at are surgical offices! You have nothing at all to worry about. Valium is an outdated method alongside the IV sedation “cocktail” you described, but only when you’re talking about regular patients... patients with high anxiety such as yourself though, it is still widely used. You are completely in the care of a medical professional and they have an assistant who monitors you the entire time. And you aren’t the first one to get that cocktail for IV sedation and you won’t be the last!
I am a dental assistant; and all the offices I’ve worked at are surgical offices!
So what is the status on N2O.

A brief period it was used a lot with dental but also during labor. You have any insight why it seem's to have lost it's medical appeal?

My son was put under with narcose for dental. Labor, Pethidine the first. worked like a charm to bad only after the delivery had taken place and epidural 2e time. Nice one that, lot's of risk I read. And de crook did it that way that my wife was half limp.

Nitrous seem's like a way better solution imo.