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Gabapentinoids (Gabapentin) withdrawal, any advice?

So, I'm not a person who knows much about drugs. I started taking Gabapentin for anxiety about two months ago. It's only a small dose, 300mg at bedtime. About two weeks after that, I started having muscle spasms, mostly in my legs. Most of the spasms I can't even feel, but can see. I do have some spasms that I can feel, mostly at night. It was only today that I thought of the gabapentin as a cause of the spasms.

So, did any of you guys who took this noticed spasms as a side effect?

The spasms look like this:


I see my shrink on Friday. I take it I shouldn't just stop cold turkey, even though it's not that great of a dose.
throwawaybetty- You can probably stop cold turkey. My guess is the withdrawls will be minimal. Just make sure you have a couple days dosage on hand. If you have and bad wd's you can go back on the pills and see your dr about tapering. Wd symptoms go away about 2 hours after taking another pill.
And yes, your spasms may be caused by the gabapentin. It is primarily an anti nerve pain medication. It is meant to block signals to your brain. It is also prescribed for psychological troubles. Beware thst most people respond well to it, but some have real problems. And whatever it was fixing while you were taking it, even if it was not prescribed for that, may return with a vengeance when you quit. Things like depression and nerve pain. Again, most people have little trouble quitting gabapentin but pay attention to how you feel and be prepared with enough pills to go back on it if necessary until you can see your dr.
Whatever your wd symptoms, they'll likely only last 2 or 3 days.
throwawaybetty- You can probably stop cold turkey. My guess is the withdrawls will be minimal. Just make sure you have a couple days dosage on hand. If you have and bad wd's you can go back on the pills and see your dr about tapering. Wd symptoms go away about 2 hours after taking another pill.
And yes, your spasms may be caused by the gabapentin. It is primarily an anti nerve pain medication. It is meant to block signals to your brain. It is also prescribed for psychological troubles. Beware thst most people respond well to it, but some have real problems. And whatever it was fixing while you were taking it, even if it was not prescribed for that, may return with a vengeance when you quit. Things like depression and nerve pain. Again, most people have little trouble quitting gabapentin but pay attention to how you feel and be prepared with enough pills to go back on it if necessary until you can see your dr.
Whatever your wd symptoms, they'll likely only last 2 or 3 days.

Thanks. Any idea how long the gabapentin would stay in my system so I'd have a good idea of when to expect the spasms to stop if the gaba was doing it?
throwawaybetty- I had pain in my teeth from Lyrica (that's gabapentin's big brother) from about the same usage and it went away after about a week of stopping. My guess is your spasms will go away jn 5-7 days.

Pay attention to what else you have been doing differently since using the gabapentin. Your spasms could be caused because you aren't as thirsty and stopped drinking enough water, or maybe you quit taking a multi vitamin because the dr told you it wasn't needed anymore. I have had so many problems since being on all of these prescriptions, and I know that some are simply because they make me less thirsty and I'm dehydrated all of the time.
i know this is old but i am currently trying to taper myself down off Gabapentin (as well as suboxone) the taper process was(is) hard at first. I have been on this medication for a year and a half to two years but started on Lyrica in 2011. I started the suboxone in 2010. The person on here that made it seem like a joke because they did not experience withdrawl is wrong. Everyone is different. It is possible that one did get the symptoms but they were so mild you assumed you were just in a bad mood. Others especially once you have been through it before know what it is and what usually happens so that will increase the anxiety. The mind can be a powerful thing. Magnesium Chloride helps (slow mag) tremendously! I tried it once when i ran out just to see what would happen. It did work. I should have stuck with it but i didnt. But here i am now.
Have you considered getting off the buprenorphine and then working on finishing getting off gabapentin? Sounds like you have a plan you're feeling good about though, which is the most important thing.
Lowering dosage and if needed considering another strategy such as upping GABA levels or targeting another ionic ligand/channel. Truth is it wont work for most pain. Possibly an ok adjunct to a useful (read real) pain reliever. It is one of those that makes so so sense in theory but turns out eve worse in reality. This is to distinguish pain relief and high. Its effect on pain is Tvery week, fleeting and generally non existent. Euphoria is very week but perhaps of more value than as a pain reliever, in general-if some ultra week and rare opioid similar feeling is something you want. Keep in mind that it is fleeting and mixed with a change in burstyness of neuronal gatekeeping of postsynapse. It actually makes sense if you take it, but that effect is very transient and of little practical effect in some observation. Though for some types of pain that may not be true.
My gabapentin wd was horrific, even with a taper. Severe digestion/nausea issues, migraines, brain zaps. I don't recommend cold turkey only because I see what effect it had on my brain; however, maybe had I used CT instead of a taper it would've been less intense. Gabapentin/Lyrica to me is worse than some opiates and benzos. It is all how your brain chemically reacts I guess.
Everyone is different. Some lucky bastards can do heroin and have no wd's. I drank a liter a day for 10 years and quit w no wd's or PAWS. Lyrica gives me wd's after only 3 days use.
Gabapentin and Lyrica are designed to change some pretty important parts of your brain. Wd's can be fatal. That sucks.
Gabapentin is highly addictive, and the withdrawals; sweating, nausea, no sleep, constant tinnitus, balance issues, etc. took at least a week to end. I was rx'd the med due to nerve damage caused by cancer surgery. Started at 100mg/day and slowly increased to 300mg. That is when I realized that although the side-effects of the drug did not warrant its continuation I wanted more. Stopped cold turkey. Took what was left of my script to my boss, not the pharmacy I acquired them from...duh, and never took them again, nor will I. I can no longer carry a gallon/four liters of milk, cannot pull anything in a cart, severe pain when coughing, etc. Still better than the gabapentin.
My mother-in-law takes 300 mg x 3 /day for pain from diabetes and she swears it has saved her life.
What bothers me is when a Dr takes a 'one size fits all' approach. Some people have real problems with some meds.
I forgot about the tinnitus. I had that for some time after stopping Gabapentin also. Really annoying. Sometimes so loud I couldn't fall asleep.
Gabapentin withdrawals were serious. Seizures, akathisia , suicidal driven thoughts, off the chain anxiety, couldn't take a bath or brush my teeth, emotional dysregulation the only emotion was anger and rage even if something was funny. Body temp problems, staring off into space with d/p in bed for days, going blind and deaf. At one point my brain was completely blank with no thought whatsoever if you want to committe sucide you have to have a "thought" you have to be able to make a body part move to make it happen. I only laid like in some condition like a coma with the only sensation was intense pain of boiling blood and muscle aches. I was going into respiratory shut down and my dog pounced on my chest to make me breath. I shot up looking like a zombie in a commercial with air hunger. gab drove my chronic pain up in intensity /mass a duration full body pain. I had speech problems I could think what to say but the words wouldn't come out right. Chronic fatigue and basically bedridden for probably a year. Doctors kept telling me gabapentin was not the problem and it was a safe medication. The speech was a progress issue going from full sentences, shorter sentences , One word answers and avoiding conversation to non verbal. Or the opposite my mouth was not attached to my brain and things came flying out I would never say in a million years. Noise and light sensitivity. Cognitive decline I couldn't write a note, read mail, make my arm work well enough to brush my hair or button a shirt or cook I had to cook frozen French fries because it was only two steps even they got burnt often. auditory hallucinations, psychosis like I was on a bad acid trip that I couldn't come out of. Some weird self awareness was out the window I couldn't help myself. Freaking out with the touch of water. All of this for about two weeks or so then I could stabilized and be fairly functional. Then tell myself get ready to gain 10 pounds have another nervous break down and do it all again. Insomnia for 3 or 4 days straight. I tried to jump at 200mg and said I am done after a year and a half of this and loosing everything under the sun. The next day I got a wake up call with Seizures and and all the crap again. I had to go back and beg for more medications. I had to hack that taper down to .25mg and still suffered for two weeks after that drop. Gabapentin GABA/ glutamate regulation is unstable. Anything is possible ... from no withdrawal to rocking worse than any Benzo, heroin or suboxone and longer as well.. everyone's story is the truth because their are so many variables to this drug. I am not the only one that has suffered this bad either. My muscle are weak, my balance sux I have 4 cadaver tendons in my knee from rupturing my quad twice because Gabapentin kept making me loose my balance and fall.
Seems to be high dosage/long term users that I have talked to that match my experience. Poly-drugged with Benzodiazepine or a opiate. Pls don't discount this withdrawal it is very real for a subset of people.
My last dosage of Gabapentin was February 9th 2017. I have to reteach myself simple tasks all over again one thing at a time. When I try to tackle the task I have to be ready for emotional disregulation, anxiety, depersonalization speech problems from stress. Once I master the task those symptoms all dissipate until I am strong enough to do it again with the next task. I have to keep exposing myself to emotions laughter for example until the anger feeling goes away and I am either flat emotionally or perhaps feel some laughter if something was belly laugh worthy. I will take flat over raging anger for everything under the sun. I am struggling but, i am healing at a fairly fast rate depending on how much I work on it and what I want to work on for the week. Emotions, cognitive, moving my body parts or muscles takes some power thoughts. But, once I got it... I got it! Good days bad days but progressively moving with bigger windows.
Doctors would never attribute my side affects to gabapentin Just keep adding medication and adding new medical conditions to the tune of 22 pills a day. This crap is so unstable in it's GABA/glutamate regulation it runs under the radar unless you or a Doctor is on top of it. 2 years of tapering other meds. 1.5 years of tapering Gabapentin because after tapering off the others I trusted Gabapentin was safe. I was left with Gabapentin, high blood pressure and thyroid meds. Thats when I noticed Gabapentin was the problem child. I am off Gabapentin now all other mental physical and emotional health health issues are going bye-bye This is my story, this is my truth. I know many others who have or are suffering with this withdrawal syndrome. I know I am a extreme case but, this is what this medication can do to someone with no family or care giver to help support to notice taken long term high dosages.
Gabapentin also ran my BP up to 5 different medications and still controllable. Now I have dropped 3 HBP meds. I am now at 2HBP meds And Synthroid that's it! My pain is manageable with normal self care. Geez
Gabapentin Withdrawal for real

Gabapentin withdrawals were serious. Seizures, akathisia , suicidal driven thoughts, off the chain anxiety, couldn't take a bath or brush my teeth, emotional dysregulation the only emotion was anger and rage even if something was funny. Body temp problems, staring off into space with d/p in bed for days, going blind and deaf. At one point my brain was completely blank with no thought whatsoever if you want to committe sucide you have to have a "thought" you have to be able to make a body part move to make it happen. I only laid like in some condition like a coma with the only sensation was intense pain of boiling blood and muscle aches. I was going into respiratory shut down and my dog pounced on my chest to make me breath. I shot up looking like a zombie in a commercial with air hunger. gab drove my chronic pain up in intensity /mass a duration full body pain. I had speech problems I could think what to say but the words wouldn't come out right. Chronic fatigue and basically bedridden for probably a year. Doctors kept telling me gabapentin was not the problem and it was a safe medication and upping the dosage. Speech problems were progress issue going from full sentences, shorter sentences , One word answers and avoiding conversation to non verbal. Or the opposite my mouth was not attached to my brain and things came flying out I would never say in a million years. Noise and light sensitivity. Cognitive decline I couldn't write a note, read mail, make my arm work well enough to brush my hair or button a shirt or cook I had to cook frozen French fries because it was only two steps even they got burnt often. auditory hallucinations, psychosis like I was on a bad acid trip that I couldn't come out of. Some weird non-self awareness I had no clue what was happening to me. Self awareness was out the window I couldn't help myself. Freaking out with the touch of water. All of this for about two weeks or so then I could stabilized and be fairly functional. Then tell myself get ready to gain 10 pounds have another nervous break down and do it all again. Insomnia for 3 or 4 days straight. Things got tougher at 500mg and lower as I dropped instead of easier. I tried to jump at 200mg and said I am done after a year and a half of this and loosing everything under the sun. The next day I got a wake up call with Seizures and and all the crap again. I had to go back and beg for more medications. I had to hack that taper down to .25mg and still suffered for two weeks after that drop. Gabapentins GABA/ glutamate regulation is unstable. Anything is possible ... from no withdrawal to rocking worse than any Benzo, heroin or suboxone and longer as well and everything's inbetween. Some people have been fine using Gabapentin until the next pill.. all heck breaks loose. .Everyones story is different and everyone's story is the truth because their are so many variables to this drug. I am not the only one that has suffered this bad either. My muscle are weak, my balance sux I have 4 cadaver tendons in my knee from rupturing my quad twice because Gabapentin kept making me loose my balance and fall.
Seems to be high dosage/long term users that I have talked to that match my experience. Poly-drugged with Benzodiazepine or a opiate past or present poly drug combos. Pls don't discount this withdrawal it is very real for a subset of people.
My last dosage of Gabapentin was February 9th 2017. I have to reteach myself simple tasks all over again one thing at a time. When I try to tackle the task I have to be ready for emotional disregulation, anxiety, depersonalization speech problems. Once I master the task those symptoms all dissipate until I am strong enough to do it again with the next task. I have to keep exposing myself to emotions laughter for example until the anger feeling goes away and I am either flat emotionally or perhaps feel some laughter if something was belly laugh worthy. I will take flat over raging anger for everything under the sun. I am struggling but, i am healing at a fairly fast rate depending on how much I work on it and what I want to work on for the week. Emotions, cognitive function, moving my body parts or muscles takes some power thoughts. But, once I got it... I got it! Good days bad days but progressively moving with bigger windows.
Doctors would never attribute my side affects to gabapentin Just keep adding medication and adding new medical conditions to the tune of 22 pills a day. This crap is so unstable in it's GABA/glutamate regulation it runs under the radar unless you or a Doctor is on top of it. 2 years of tapering other meds. 1.5 years of tapering Gabapentin because after tapering off the others I trusted Gabapentin was safe. I was left with Gabapentin, high blood pressure and thyroid meds. Thats when I noticed Gabapentin was the problem child. I am off Gabapentin now all other mental physical and emotional health health issues are going bye-bye This is my story, this is my truth. I know many others who have or are suffering with this withdrawal syndrome. I know I am a extreme case but, this is what this medication can do to someone with no family or care giver to help support to notice taken long term high dosages.
Gabapentin also ran my BP up to 5 different medications and still controllable. Now I have dropped 3 HBP meds. I am now at 2HBP meds And Synthroid that's it! My pain is manageable with normal self care. Geez
I've been using opiates for roughly a decade - I'm 28 now, started taking vicodin 7.5's when I was 18. When I was 21 I got a script for roxicodone that lasted a year got another doctor lasted a year, then I slowly progressed into heroin. Anyways long story short, I started using gabapentins basically full time when I met my ex-girlfriend and other people advised me it would help me (my first experience seeing gabapentin was like 7 years ago when my friend got RX'd it and it made the opiates/benzos that much stronger he'd nod out in his food). My mother was then prescribed it to help with alcohol withdrawal. So roughly I've had a consistent supply since January. I started using them originally to help me 'get over' the hump with opiate withdrawal as I'm fucking tired of it. For the past 1-2 months I've noticed crazy stomach pain, worse than I've ever dealt with with opiate withdrawal. I started to notice other things I've never dealt with before. But everyone has told me "no gabapentin withdrawals" but as I've been proven time and time again, everybody is a fucking idiot. Now I'm literally BACK on opiates, to get through this gabapentin stuff. I stopped "cold turkey" but that is with my usage varying widely- if I saw my ex I could take 5 of her 300mg's a for one or two days, and back to taking one or two 300mg a day, and then my mother's 100mg maybe two-five a day. My usage was never consitent, and the handful of days I stopped until someone got me more, was never really enough time to make me fully feel this withdrawal. Now it's been like 6 days of no gabapentin, after about 3 weeks of barely taking it, and it's coming together why even though I've been sober off opiates I still feel this way. Genuinely thought it was postacute or something but I knew it couldn't be. All i want to do is get over this shit so I can get back to being sober and only smoking weed.
If I didn't have to work 9-5, the withdrawal wouldn't be that bad. It's when I am sitting at my office desk staring at two computer screens that the gaba withdrawal really starts to hurt me, and the stomach issues are a problem I might see a doctor for once my insurance kicks in. I had to get back on opiates because I need to keep my job (well I don't need to, but I'd like to), and at least I know what I'm getting when I stop that. This I have no idea when or what I'm gonna feel, besides feeling like shit.
Anybody reading this thread should pay close attention to wordnox. You can have withdrawls from coffee and tylenol(apap). Just because the pharmaceutical industry or some doctor says you can just quit, or because your buddy quit with no problem, that doesn't mean you can go abusing something and be fine.
Wordnox- what about going back on the opiates and getting yourself on a solid tapering plan. Get yourself down at least a little. Then when your insurance kicks in, you can go see a Dr for some real help?
^ real talk from Squeaky.

and who i've taken 600mgs of gabapentin and smoked 0.2 mgs of heroin. i heard that gaba and heroin synergise very nicely, but this doesnt seem any dkfferent to a vanilla heroin high? i'm going to take more gaba, I've already had 600mgs, should i double that? i might go form solid 1.5 grams bur not too sure atm.
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I've been on 800mg 4x a day for years and the only withdrawals I have is the nerve pain / neuropathy returns
It takes an hour or two to start working. Dunno if the H would last until a second dose of gabapentin would kick in.