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Further thoughts on Poppy Pod withdrawal.


Mar 19, 2024
Here I am again with another query .

12 years light to medium use . Retired male.

Because of constant, relentless heat attacks ..(anything physical triggers one as does as cup of tea.)
I decided to quit and also the supply in U.K. is iffy to say the least. Unfortunately you can't grow poppies in damp, waterlogged clay soggy gardens with virtually no sun.

But I suffer badly with feet neuropathy (nerves dying ) also prostate problems and after trying most everything , guess what the best help I get with both is ? I used it as an antidote for pain and bad discomfort. Now that's gone and I've collected a load more upsets such as RLS, ultra fatigue etc etc.

This last week Ive resorted to the barest , minimum micro amount I can take and get some comfort.
probably 2-3 times a week usually in the small hours . I'm very receptive so a tablespoon of ground straw
Is more than enough.

Now, my problem is I really don't want to give it up but the heat attacks are debilitating ..I suspected testosterone but no. It's long term use effecting part of the brain. (Hypercamus /spelling ? ) Then there's the sporadic supply problem getting worse. It's legal here with constraints.

Its why i decided to see what life without would be like. So far , not very good but I know it takes a long time.
the question is am I scuppering all progress by having these occasional slips ? They are a big relief at the time . If not for the heat attacks and sporadic supply problem I don't think I would quit. I know in another 10-15 years I'll use what ever helps as by then it won't matter that much.
But at the moment is very occasional micro use a disaster ? I imagined a huge long taper until I didn't notice anymore which so far, is what I've done.
Tbh, I’d switch to a pure opiate. Pods have so many different active compounds that the WD is awful & who knows how all of them are affecting your health. How does codeine work for you?
Hello, thanks for reply , this forum is the best help I'm getting so far from anywhere.

I tried codeine /paracetamol 8/500mg cold extraction which seemed to work fine. The codeine water extremely bitter. But to my dismay after starting with 8 tablets and no effect, I gradually went to 15 tablets for extraction (or tampering is the official word !)
and still didn't get much result. I might be losing codeine in the process I don't know.

Is a potential dose of codeine of say 120mg low medium or high? . Thats in theory, in reality it will be a lot less I expect.

I pack of 32 tablets per chemist allowed per week is frustrating. It means travelling around to different chemists. So no, codeine not doing much unless the dose is too small.
You could try to isolate crude morphine from the pods using calcium hydroxide but it takes some skill.

Poppies contain a lot of nasty alkaloids that aren't the best to use longterm
Thanx for reply, I wouldnt mess with anything like that. Although Ive used the pods a long time it's only been light doses mostly. I've been off them for several weeks now but still have to resort to the minimum possible sometimes to defeat RLS torture.
im starting on Gabapentin soon (very carefully) and hope they rid me of RLS.
Starting about 1pm each day, I'm overcome with terrible fatigue symptoms. Doing anything at all is mind over matter effort. It lasts while about 4-5pm then fades but it's every day. I expect this to last at least another 5 weeks. This and the RLS the last two symptoms. Knowing I could take a dose of poppies and feel great is a cruel cruel temptation which I've managed to overcome.
Here I am again with another query .

12 years light to medium use . Retired male.

Because of constant, relentless heat attacks ..(anything physical triggers one as does as cup of tea.)
I decided to quit and also the supply in U.K. is iffy to say the least. Unfortunately you can't grow poppies in damp, waterlogged clay soggy gardens with virtually no sun.

But I suffer badly with feet neuropathy (nerves dying ) also prostate problems and after trying most everything , guess what the best help I get with both is ? I used it as an antidote for pain and bad discomfort. Now that's gone and I've collected a load more upsets such as RLS, ultra fatigue etc etc.

This last week Ive resorted to the barest , minimum micro amount I can take and get some comfort.
probably 2-3 times a week usually in the small hours . I'm very receptive so a tablespoon of ground straw
Is more than enough.

Now, my problem is I really don't want to give it up but the heat attacks are debilitating ..I suspected testosterone but no. It's long term use effecting part of the brain. (Hypercamus /spelling ? ) Then there's the sporadic supply problem getting worse. It's legal here with constraints.

Its why i decided to see what life without would be like. So far , not very good but I know it takes a long time.
the question is am I scuppering all progress by having these occasional slips ? They are a big relief at the time . If not for the heat attacks and sporadic supply problem I don't think I would quit. I know in another 10-15 years I'll use what ever helps as by then it won't matter that much.
But at the moment is very occasional micro use a disaster ? I imagined a huge long taper until I didn't notice anymore which so far, is what I've done.
If you are having constant relentless heart attacks; I am not so sure you will be around in 10-15 years. Did the doctors give you any good advice on your problems? Also there are medications for RLS, Nuerontin( mis?) gabapentin for one and see if their are others.
If you are having constant relentless heart attacks; I am not so sure you will be around in 10-15 years. Did the doctors give you any good advice on your problems? Also there are medications for RLS, Nuerontin( mis?) gabapentin for one and see if their are others.

He keeps saying 'heat' attacks. It would be unlikely him misspelling the word heart attack every single time. Also 'constant' heart attacks would have had him hospitalized or 6 ft under by now. So maybe what he means is something like hot flashes? Body overheating for no reason ie temperature dysregulation? ...
Which of course is a side effect one would not want. And would be a nervous system issue.

Hey @MikeMercury , could you clarify?
It is not very hot and I assumed it was a typo. Spelling and grammar, are often not that great on here. Never heard the term heat attacks
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It is not very hot and I assumed it was a typo. Spelling and grammar, are often not that great on here.

He spelled it 'heat' three times and what I'm talking about is not the environment being hot, but the body generating excess heat without any significant exertion, and that can be caused by hormone imbalances (which he says he's already had checked) or autonomic nervous system malfunction.
I feel you are dreaming a fix @TheUltimateFixx 🤣 I don't think anything bad and I am not trolling you. But your heated heart seems to be in the ego fatigue realm atm. Hope it will pass soon or that oneyou good quality bag finds you without you even asking for it. Been away for a while but I remember your battle between two loves in (off?) your life. Hope you're feeling cool and at peace. Take care everyone and sorry for one off topic post. Keep on and be good to your hypothalamus...look how long has HT been good for us who have a spine. 🙂
I feel you are dreaming a fix @TheUltimateFixx 🤣 I don't think anything bad and I am not trolling you. But your heated heart seems to be in the ego fatigue realm atm. Hope it will pass soon or that oneyou good quality bag finds you without you even asking for it. Been away for a while but I remember your battle between two loves in (off?) your life. Hope you're feeling cool and at peace. Take care everyone and sorry for one off topic post. Keep on and be good to your hypothalamus...look how long has HT been good for us who have a spine. 🙂

... I honestly dunno wth you're waffling on about. 😶
Yeah man I'm a hot head...meaning it can be 60° and if I'm doing anything I sweat bullets(not like real bullets jnowhere) and when discontinuing an opioid/opiate comes the CHILLS but also the HEAT. Fuckin hate waking up in a pool of sweat(at least feels like a pool)

Clonidine will help a bit also with the restless legs, kratom too if you really need help in acute phase but this will produce its own fever like feels.

Best thing in my opinion is imodium it will kill the chills for most part and the heat too hopefully...next to stomach cramps/diarrhea and the mental crave/anxiety, CHILLS AND HOT FLash feverish symptoms are the worst part of withdrawal.

RLS is up there too but I've trained myself to just fucking stay still...it works along with nutrients like magnesium, potassium, and everything else your bod needs.
You could always opt for suboxone or some other opiate substitution. Suboxone is nice for when you just want to be on maintenance.
Pregabalin's main medical use is for nerve pain, have you tried that?

You may even be able to get a prescription for it.

Failing that it's not hard to get.

Also there's kratom. Many people swear by certain strains doing more for their verious physical pains and ailments than much more addictive and expensive opiatres, if you're obtaining them on the black market.
It is not very hot and I assumed it was a typo. Spelling and grammar, are often not that great on here. Never heard the term heat attacks

I think he’s referring to having “hot flashes”. Hormonal imbalance + withdrawal could give anyone different degrees of hot flashes.
I think he’s referring to having “hot flashes”. Hormonal imbalance + withdrawal could give anyone different degrees of hot flashes.
it was late and I assumed he made a typo, because I never heard of heat attacks especially when it ain't real hot.
... I honestly dunno wth you're waffling on about. 😶
Sorry... I stuck in a period when a user with a similar name had a conundrum who should he please and chose the person not the substance. Sorry for my mistake. I will unwatch my self out of the thread. 🙂