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Funniest E hallucinations

I've rolled pretty fuckin hard in the past, and NEVER once have seen anything as crazy as this shit. 8o
off some crazy methbombs, part of my friend's face was being shadowed, and the shadow part looked like it was gore hanging out of her face. shit was awesome.
My first time on Md , everytime i would close my eyes i would see people talking to me and i had a strong urge to answer back which was slighlty embarassing because i was in the train and people were looking at me a bit funny . also once everyone i looked at had tribal tattoos on their faces .
I was already off my tits when a friend and me decided to go into the bathroom at a party and pop some more. The door was jammed, so I slammed my shoulder against it, quickly went in and closed the door. I was trying to lock it, when I heard my friend say, "Hey. Let me in!" I turned around and he was already in, sitting on the toilet. I asked him, "What are you doing? Taking a shit? Take this man!" and handed him a pill. He said thanks and asked if he could be alone for a minute.

It took me a minute to get the door open after I popped mine. I just figured he had to take a shit so I was going to give him some privacy. When I got out of the stall, my friend was standing right in front of me, asking me what the hell I was doing. I was confused as hell. All of a sudden, a man who was twice as big as my friend and looked NOTHING like him emerged from the stall. All he said was, "Thanks for the pill." and walked off.

That was one of most random things I've ever had happen at a party. I swear I saw and heard this guy as my friend. Since I interrupeted him in mid-shit, I figured he deserved the pill.
i have seen some visuals before (pixels, glows, etc) but this past saturday i finally had a legit hour or so span of hallucinations. i was on 3 good rolls, slightly coming down but we had just gotten to my friends house. he pulls out his bong and starts packing it with white widow. after 2 rips everyone's faces was morphing to a cartoon image... i could tell who they were but it looked as if they had been drawn and colored as if in a comic book or something. also, based on what they were talking about (negative or positive) their face would reflect it. for example, one of my friends was standing by the fire and started talking shit about their room mate. her face began to take on a devilish qualities. that one kind of freaked me out but other than that they were great. looking back on it, the whole day 1pm to 2 am feels like a dream. it was one of my best rolls ever.
Damn. I've had quite a few. One of the weirdest trip rolls was when I went to the bathroom at a friend's house. They said I was in there for like 15 minutes so someone went in there to check on me. When she opened the door,she caught me having a heated discussion with the shower curtain. I wouldn't believed her had I not snapped out of it in mid sentence. I was in and out of it all night. They said I kept saying weird shit like,"I was in a movie with Michael Jackson last week." and that I kept trying to instigate shit with that shower curtain all night.

thats great shit... had me laughing
I've never had any funny ones off just E, only the usual glasses on people. Although once when a friend of mine was especially wrecked at a rave once he walked up and tried to pick up a pillow only to realize once he yanked it that it was a blond girls head, needless to say it freaked the hell out of her and made us all piss ourselves laughing.
I went to refill my water bottle at a drinking fountain, and after about 15 seconds of filling it, I looked up and realized I was standing at least 5 feet away from the fountain and my bottle was still empty... The security guard next to me was just staring, completely confused.
Once while on a pill that I suspect was MDA, we were all in the living room of our apartment and had a huge tie-died tapestry hanging up. I had tried to piss several times that night and was not able to so I have given up. after I we all had started to come down we were just relaxing on the living room floor with blankets. I looked up at the tapestry and it turned into a huge dick pissing into a toilet. I remeber thinking about how cool it was because it was so clear and I could move my head and shift my eyes without killing the hallusenation.

I got up and ran for the bathroom and pissed for like 5 minutes straight and then went to bed.
Off some speedbombs/mdma last weekend (20 pills total over two days) I was seeing all sorts of stuff, pretty much anything that cast a shadow would become alive.

I had turtles, dogs, monsters running around the back yard. There was an extra car parked in the carport, an iron fence on the roof and someone running around on it.

The scariest thing I did see though was when I was outside naked, smoking and trying to piss on the grapefruit tree; I saw my ex-gf (who is rather large) standing there staring at me in both disgust and disbelief. I almost shat myself then and there until I realised 10 seconds later that it was just a tarp...

Saw heaps of other things as well mainly when it was dark, people coming out of the shadows, plants growing out of the palms of my hands etc.
Usually on a normal dose I only get really minor hallucinations, like people with glasses/sunglasses.

On that note however I have given up taking pills for a looooong time, since it really was a stupid thing to do and kicked the shit out of me - urination was virtually impossible, I got constipation on the third day having not gone to the toilet for so long, and had the worst hangover that still hasn't gone away.
Funniest ever... a mate was trying to find his cloakroom ticket. Getting a bit concerned. Everybody quite worse for wear (multiple pills per head, 5am leaving a Jeff Mills gig). Mates gathering around, examing the stuff he'd pulled out of his pocket. Trying to figure out how the ticket had got so small, shrivelled, and how it had changed from white to black. Everybody very baffled.

Eventually somebody said it, they had to; "It's a piece of fluff ffs!" - mate actually had his ticket in his wallet...
I was already off my tits when a friend and me decided to go into the bathroom at a party and pop some more. The door was jammed, so I slammed my shoulder against it, quickly went in and closed the door. I was trying to lock it, when I heard my friend say, "Hey. Let me in!" I turned around and he was already in, sitting on the toilet. I asked him, "What are you doing? Taking a shit? Take this man!" and handed him a pill. He said thanks and asked if he could be alone for a minute.

It took me a minute to get the door open after I popped mine. I just figured he had to take a shit so I was going to give him some privacy. When I got out of the stall, my friend was standing right in front of me, asking me what the hell I was doing. I was confused as hell. All of a sudden, a man who was twice as big as my friend and looked NOTHING like him emerged from the stall. All he said was, "Thanks for the pill." and walked off.

That was one of most random things I've ever had happen at a party. I swear I saw and heard this guy as my friend. Since I interrupeted him in mid-shit, I figured he deserved the pill.

Thanks for sharing. I am laughing my ass off right now.

Once at a 3 day that the cops were trying to shut down I was waiting in line and heard that people were being searched so I popped all my pills. 3 I think.

The cops were in riot gear. I had seen some of them walk past a couple times. When I started to trip balls the cops started looking like storm troopers. Then eventually it had to happen. Fucking Darth Vader walked past with some of his storm troopers. It scared the shit out of me. Hehehehe

On a boat cruise party while on the lower deck I was looking out at the water, tripping out and suddenly it looked like the water became solid. So I started walking and hit my knees on the railing. The pain brought me out of the halucination and i looked at my friends next to me and said. "It's a good thing this railing is here. I'm way too fucked up to swim!!"
When i was 21 I had to spend 75 days in a "trustee camp" (or "jail lite") for driving on a suspended license. The day I got out, my wife had a nice little assortment of party favors, think i probably took 5 or so.....

We were sitting at the kitchen table trying to twist one up, and next thing i know my wife's grabbing me saying "Who are you talking to", for a minute I was totally back in jail, sitting around the table playing poker with the guys. Crazy shit. that was the only time i ever really "left reality" from rolling.
Hey guys I'm brand new to the forums. The funniest hallucinations I ever had; I was on my 4th pill of Green Mickeys and my friends were watching "Robin Hood in Tights" as I was closing my eyes, I heard clapping. I remembered thinking oh crap, Robin Hood is here and I would jolt up and clap and cheer for Robin Hood in front of the tv until I realized I wasn't in the movie.
Havn't hallucinated in so long now, dont ever seem to get any good enough stuff to make it happen is there any way of making MDMA convert to MDA more in your liver or increase the conversion as im only able to find MDMA these days and i still do massive dosage without any of the hallucination i used to see people wearing glasses, demon faces, wierd tattoos & head wear growing on people etc... but now cant even find the good old MDA.
had a mda pill once me and a buddy were up all night on one and the next morrning we noticed the brightness and colors of the trees tracers from the night before would suddenly pop up it was very nice and chill for us, but my other friend ended up getting sick and going home

another time on strong mdma pill only took 3 this was the best roll of my life, and at my peak my vision was like a crappy video phone, like all laggy and fuzzy, also a greenish blue tint to everything, felt as if my eyes were still dancing, i only noticed it when they turned the lights on ,witch wasnt very often lol
dont know exacally what i had one time mabey mdxx +speed its was called a purple ice cream cone it was very strong but we were doing the whole light show thing taking turns and stuff , my friend gave me the most bad ass time and when it got so intence i felt like my head was going to pop off i closed my eyes and i could still see the lights go to the rythem of the music it was sooo cool, like i couldnt even see because of the tracers ,like if u stared at the sun lol
another time we had an out of body expiance - we had been rolling all week 1 1/2 sunday 2 1/2 wedsday and on friday we took 1 thinking it would just be a buzz because i thought our chimicalls were all used up but 15 minuts after dropping sitting in my buddies car at a gas station suddenly im flying through the car , the wall, the ground, like i felt like i was in the nose cone of a rocket , this all happends in like 2 sec realtime and i yell out cause its so forien to me and suddenly im back in the car. then it kicked off the most best roll of the whole week,super love omg , my friend looks at me like "what the hell was that" all i siad was ull find out- 5 minuts later he throws his head forward like in a covulltion an yells out then looks up at me like" wow thats wut that was" "were u flying too?" . it happend one more time that night when i was lying down on the floor i had my eyes closed and i swere i fell though the floor and back though the roof back onto the bed - the pills were purple and yellow space men with glitter and really mushie very clean i guess over 2 years ago
First hallucinations from pills i found myself flying at tremendous speed through a city made of like sparkling star dust....most amazing thing ive ever experienced.
Me and my girlfriend were coming down from a roll, we smoked a bit of weed and she started getting quite tired. We were in a dark room and it was hard for her to tell where I was, she kept seeing me in places where I wasn't. She asked me to hand her a bottle of water. As I did, she reached about two feet to the left of me, grabbed nothing, and began drinking the nothing, completely convinced she was drinking the water. I loled and made sure to actually place the bottle in her hand after that.

I was getting some pretty strange hallucinations too, my thoughts were turning into dreams that were acted out through my visuals and CEVs especially. I'm used to the pattern-type visuals that psychedelics give, so it was quite a new thing for me to see entirely object-based hallucinations, seeing cats, brooms and other things that were not there. Upon closing my eyes I saw intricate landscapes, with complex 3D trees I could rotate in my mind. Strange...