FRESHIE 2/22/03- Springfield, MA. v. wrap this summabitch up already (9)

damn! all the major players...except me, whirly and cravn...
I *will* make the next one... erik, keep me posted?
Originally posted by Funky4Breakz:
I will post all my pics of everyone tomorrow promise, until then its sleepy time. :)
Nice pic. :) Just don't forget to ask for permission before you post someone's picture.
Originally posted by Funky4Breakz:

Yes i think thats because he wears jeans and hes an older guy. (tee hee dont beat me please)

Hey just because I only need room for one in my pants!!!! And I'm not getting old I'm getting better you all are getting old!! lol

it's electronic's...

LMAO!!! Vodka and mixed berry flavored sludge anyone? LOL
Had a great time friday night where I drank myself into oblivion, while in a nitrous induced haze, amid orgies alomst breaking out in every! For those of you that didn't go to the pre party at Luke and Chrissie's friday night, you missed out on a Lot of fun..
The party itself was ok...def one of the better Asylum parties I've been to. The sketchy element that is always prevelent there was no where to be found, so that was a plus.. Saw lots of people getting harrassed by security for no reason at all though..
The music sucked ass in every room up until about midnight... Madam Buddafly's set in the back room, and James Miller Jr's set in the side room were superb.
I think I'm all set with Donald Glaude. I found his set to be incredibly irritating to say the least.
Misstress Barbara's set was incredible!!! I've never been disappointed by this woman yet. My only gripe being the Asylum's shitty sound system not being able to correctly handle the bass I bet she would've punished everyone with..(like at Wish Upon a Star, or Boo 6)
Better than the party itself was the awesome pleasure and priviledge of being able to chill with and get to know some AMAZING people:
Sri: It was awesome to chill with you again. Thanks for coming all the way from Canada to party with us. Seems like you had an AWESOME time. I look forward to chilling with you in Montreal again.
Eric: Man, you rock big time! You're like the king of randomness or something. lol Definitely had a blast making lego raves, or laughing and talking about anything at all with you. Live closer!
Danny/Smiley/Cuervo!: Yo, you are mad fun to be around. You're so chill. Thanks for the General Tso's chicken and Sprite, even though I could hardly eat it. You and Eric are just GOOD vibers. I look forward to chilling with you guys again.
Adam(Kev's friend): It was awesome meeting you. I think you, Eric, Danny, and I formed the Cuervo something. lol I heard this was your first party. I hope you had a great time.
Justin & Kim: It was awesome meeting you and lots of fun chilling with you guys at Chrissie and Lukes afterward. Justin, the liquid duel (or whatever we were doing) was fucKing awesome! I think you won though. lol You were far more creative than me. Kim, the way you come up with excuses to ditch work so quickly is very impressive. lol You guys rock. I hope I see you guys again real soon.
Erik, Greg, & Susan: Erik, dancing only for 20 secs eh, fraid not. lol Like everytime I saw you, you were dancing you're ass off. lol As always, it was great seeing you again.
Greg(smiley#2), it was nice meeting you. I don't think I've ever seen anyone smile as much as you. lol Hope to see you again.
Susan, (XENA, XENA!!) Glad I know your real name now. Nice seeing you again.
Richard & Amanda: Richard, thanKs for adding another dimension to the afterparty fun. You're a really kewl guy. "....You're in America now. We do powerlines here!" Priceless. What you did to Sri was pure evil. lol
Amanda, You are a riot. Next time you make berry smoothies, USE MORE VODKA!! lol
Thanx so much for the comforting conversation in the car on the way down to Stamford. (((hugz))) If I'm ever in Georgia, I'm making it my business to come to Athens to see you guys.
Jen: So glad you came. You are just TOO sexy. lol watching you and Amanda go at it was awesome. Sorry you were so tired afterward. I hope you got lots of rest when you got home.
Shawn: I'm so glad I FINALLY got to meet you. I enjoyed watching you dance your ass off.
Mella: It was great to see your smiling face again. I like seeing people dance. You looked as if you were thoroughly enjoying yourself all night long.
It was awesome to see the APC out in somewhat full effect again.(christina, where were you?)
Cheryl, I'm SO glad you came. Your dancing skills are getting better and better. That outfit was bad-ass!
Paul and Steve, you guys just jetted without saying goodbye. Bitch asses. lol I hope everything is ok..
Jay(Icey), Christian(Web), Steve(Captian Howdy), Ed(Xplore).... please know that you guys were missed.
Luke and Chrissie, you guys are quality personified. Thanks for letting me shower and wash the Asylum funk of my clothes at your place..Luke, thanks for the change of clothes (I wanted to keep that putty and grey A&F T-shirt. lol)I ALWAYS have fun at you guy's place.
I know I'm forgetting like a lot of people.. and this post is like hella long already.. I apologize.
Thanx everyone for making this an incredible weekend. I miss everyone already.
Nothing but love..
all of a sudden they spun DAVID BOWIE "Ground Control To Major Tom" I almost flipped off the handle!!!!!
dude - i was in the room when that chick spun that song, too - and i fucking yelled out as well (and also got some strange looks)! I'm glad to see i'm not the only David Bowie fan on here :)
Ah...what's left to be said that hasn't been said already? That's what I get for waiting so long to do my afterpost. After 506.3 miles, myself and Cuervo are back home, much the better for the journey. One thing Danny said in the car was that he as very comfortable with everyone from the moment he walked in the door, which I thought you would all like to know. On to my limited shout outs, please don't be offended if you don't get one no, but I know everyone is tired of extremly long posts.
Teddy- You rock tits! I wish I lived closer too. Remember the perfect combination, "it's like you see the frames", "yeah, like pixels". I'm always laughing with you and that rocks. "That's a whole lot of nobody's business"
Richard- "everything shifts to the left" description I ever heard. That's for the good times, and I'm coming to visit you and Amanda in Georgia this summer some time, count on it.
Amanda- What can I say? You made my weekend, when you were awake anyway (j/k). Remember alays add more vodka, and when shit goes wrong, it's electronics.
Jen- I'm glad we could organize getting you up for the weekend. It was fun being the parents waiting for the kids to finish their dance. That glostick girl is catching a beatdown if I ever see her again. McDonalds Elvis rules!
Sri- Thanks for making the trip down, you are the coolest canadian I've ever met. I swear you are a candy kid wrapped in jaded BLer's clothing. Whipit king!!
Tyson- My new nephew. Remember before you order at Denny's, call your deadbeat uncle for advice. Great seeing you again, we have to do it again sometime.
Sara(h)?- Take care of my bald retarded nephew, he needs help :) Good to hang with you, bacon in syrup, yum. Striking eyes.
Lauren- I love you hun. Always good to see you, and cant wait for the next time
Kevin- I'm glad we spoke a bit more then last time I saw you, cause you rock. I'll be back through sometime soon, so we'll have to chill.
Justin and Kimmy- Amazing to see you guys again, and thanks for giving Jen a ride back. You'll have to email me so we can hang out again soon. Flipspace
I'm getting really tired so this is the last one, sorry...
Chrissy and Luke- All these good times ould hae been impossible without the two of you. I don't think I would have the patience to put up with so many BLers for such an extended period of time. You guys are my heroes. Luke- thanks for talking to my mom while I was passed out and chatting with me when I was pissed off. Bloody puddles! Chissiy- My older sister, the whipit whore. Love you to death kiddo we'll meet up again soon.
Okies, I'm out....maybe more later, maybe not, I'm indecisive like that...
^^^^^^^^^^ yes!
(hehe hey look i'm on my cellphone in the background of that pic.!! lol)
I <3 Kevin :)
and i need to know.. When's Danny registering? handle = Smiley or Cuervo? i think it should be QWAYVO since that's apparently how it's pronounced when u're drunk :p
[ 25 February 2003: Message edited by: Bi KaNd*E* RaVeR ]
It's tuesday **i think** and i finaly got a chance to get on the computer. it was good seeing alot of you specialy when i haven't ben on here for awhile. buzzy adn chrissy definatly two of the people i was most excited to see you should come to Foam Club! Mella it was really nice meeting you i can't belive how short and cute you are, and to think you had tricked me all this time into thinking you were taller then me. teddy and dave always awsome catching up with you guy's. funky, nice to finaly meet you. melissa; what else can i sayy but damn. you looked great, i hope i am so lucky that you visit me some time again. well, all this typing is crapin' up my hands (i have to take it slow i have ben out of the ol' posting loop)
I'm not gonna shout everyone out, but this meetup, the weekend the pre-party, party, after-party, dennys, cracked outness, the trip up there, most importantly everyone that came. You all made it was it was. It was up there with the best of the best, just like the old days.
It was quite an emotionally fulfilling 3days.
I'm gonna open a beer, and drink to the next one...
Pat, it was kewl catching up with you as well... get online more often. I miss our AIM convos.
Originally posted by BugOutKid:
"That's a whole lot of nobody's business"
Danny Smilez, hurry up and register, bro!
ok, so to make it short and sweet:
erik and greg: you're going to be kidnapped soon, so i can get my dose of cuteness from you two whenever i want.
luke and chrissy: thank you SO much for opening your house to us every so often :) it's always fun trying to find a place to sleep!
the far-as-fuck-away-crew: sri, you let me use that computer, so i don't want to hear it :p ;) ... jen, next time there will be rope and tape and the trunk of a car. or maybe just silk scarves and handcuffs, we'll see :D ... eric and friend (sorry, i'm bad with names) it was awesome to see and meet you, when're ya comin up again??... batty n crow, always a pleasure, i'm glad i didn't have any of that slush!
sara and tyson: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how cute! *gags* i love you both...
MA crew: jamal, nice sweater. what was that, red bull you spilled on it? hehehe... cheryl, it was nice to see you for the like 10 seconds we were in the same place :) katie, i'm glad you drove down, and glad you made it back alive! i'll talk to you soon...
dazed: much quieter than i pictured you... and with bluelighters, that's not a bad thing! feel free to come party with us whenever you want!
funky4breakz: i'll admit, you charmed me :) i was kinda afraid you'd be this bouncy little pesky candykid that i'd have to punt into an e-puddle, but i was very pleasantly surprised!
ebow: nice shirt! next time, stay a little longer :)
kevin: so, you want that pic of you and misstress barbara blown up and framed, or just as the background on your computer? oh, and nice pic, with the blue glasses :)
Ok I finally have enough time to do some posting :)
Like buzzy said this whole weekend felt like the old days (thats a good thing). Tooo many people to do individual shout outs, but you all rock :)
the Picture that was previously posted her was taken down via request of theRaveToy. I hope she takes back her violent threats toward my genitals.
Thank you,
[ 26 February 2003: Message edited by: Crow ]
[ 26 February 2003: Message edited by: Crow ]
actually, it was in reference to the laughing kevin and i did about that picture.
and i take back any threats i made reguarding your gentials... i'm sure batty wouldn't like those to be damaged in any way ;)
i know i'm not photogenic, you don't have to rub it in.
[ 26 February 2003: Message edited by: THeRaVeToY ]
awwwwwwwww, i didn't get to see that pic of lauren, crow, you'll just have to send it my way
and look at me all "stary" eyed sittin next to the one and only jungle faerie.
this can be my bluelight clame to fame, i'm in a picture with JF!!!!
oh you guys think you can get me with emberassing pics, you wait, just wait until i get my film developed, i have one certain picture of a few individuals on a couch.....
lets see who gets the last laugh!!!!
[ 26 February 2003: Message edited by: KayDUB ]
This goes for everyone that i met over the weekend, you guys showed me a great time and i will repay you guys one day. You guys a funny as shit and all of you are bugged out.
Just like me Smiley aka Dan
Misstriss Barabra tore the roof. "Yeah"
I really didn't want to drive the van. he he he
Cuervo anyone?
"Love Juice"
Crissy,Luke,Erik,Richard,Jen,Amanda,Justin,Kim,Sri,Susin,Eric,TEDDY,Adam,Amy your a fucking hottie,and anyone i missed all you guys kick ass,talk to you soon.
DAN (Smiley)
yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! hes one of us now!!
mwahahahaha **eeeeexcelllent** :)