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⭐️ Social ⭐️ First Drug Ever Tried?


Moderator: TL
Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
Sorry if this post is in the wrong place..what was the first drug u ever tried? Mine was weed of course lol but then ecstasy as far as what I consider “real drugs” lol
Caffeine was my first
Me too; after discovering the magic of sweetened coffee creamer around age 11-12, I really abused the hell out of it. But it only held the DOC title for a year or two, before giving way to a couple of new discoveries that made their mark around the same time. No surprise here; it was alcohol and cigarettes, of course.

At the time, though, they weren't just bland corporate products to me -- excuses for advertising, stacked under fluorescent lights, dully twinkling with mainstream vice, and promoting the state of humdrum intoxication at best.... No, back then, they were exciting contraband items in my eyes -- objects of fascination, tucked away in secrecy, fairly glittering with illicit novelty, and raising the prospect of unknown pleasures to come....
black beauties, then learned later they were fake purchased outta the back of dirty mag adverts.
There was another thread a little while ago that reminded me of those "lookalike" pills -- the high doses of ephedrine+PPA+caffeine could be way more dangerous than amphetamines. The fakes did end up killing some teenagers, who stroked out after popping 2 or 3. That never happen with real Biphetamines -- taking 3 capsules of the highest dose, you'd ingest the equivalent of 45mg d-amphetamine, which is obviously nowhere near a lethal dose (we all know that people trying meth for the first time often use way more than that).

I guess PPA has been taken out of almost everything in the US? Or everything OTC at least... I can't really remember what it felt like on its own, compared with ephedrine or other decongestants (phenylephrine, psuedoephedrine, etc.)
First was alcohol from my dad's secret stash. Red label whiskey. Would throwup half the time because I was drinking too much. I was around 14 maybe?

Then weed at 16-17. Dropped alcohol as soon as I discovered weed.
If alcohol and tobacco doesn't count... I think I tried taking haloperidol and then cyclizine. The first real recreational drug would've been codeine, which I enjoyed.
If you like benzos, have you ever tried combining benzos with kava? It makes the benzos and kava a lot better and stronger.

So tobacco is another one. I only ever used it directly with cannabis. But I first used cannabis in 1997, and did not ever directly inhale tobacco until 2000, and not since 2006.

I'm severely I mean severely allergic to tobacco smoke from 2005, can't go anywhere near it especially an indoor space for even 15 seconds with tobacco smoke in the air.

Which was a nuisance, as every where Iever went through n my life, to 2005, there was some smoke about somewhere or everywhere.

Can you imagine how much your life would change if suddenly you could not be near somebody smoking tobacco or ever enter a building where there was tobacco smoke in the air?

Sorry to hear that! At least it happened to you around the same time as the public smoking ban. Imagine if it were still the 60s and literally everybody smoked everywhere all the time?
You're absolutely right I was going to comment on that but left it because how convenient I think it was 2006 when in United Kingdom the public smoking ban was introduced now that itself was THE saving grace lol.

Honestly. The rest of my life had to change anyway and the truth was because of the debilitating level of the multiple conditions from the sudden onset of such severe Lyme disease from being the most perfectly fit immune super soldier young man.

That was just an extra inconvenience but at the time it was a problem because ever since there was so many times when I could have visited very good friends and I had friends queueing up without trying and had to basically turn them down everywhere that I could no longer ever visit which would have helped me so much in life and still is not an option so that alone was a cause for an extra degree of alienation.

But life is life and we just have to run with it and accept and somehow I do I just don't like pain and I seek fun and pleasure and a good laugh.

That's been really tough to maintain a balance there this year.

Did you contract Lyme Disease abroad? I've only heard of people getting it from tick in North America.

"But life is life and we just have to run with it and accept and somehow I do I just don't like pain and I seek fun and pleasure and a good laugh." - very relatable. Being happy is my main goal in life, above all else. I think if you spent a good portion of your life extremely unhappy, you get an extra outlook and appreciation for happiness, the same way people get for being healthy after a long illness or serious health scare.
Hey what exactly are black beauties? I’ve always been curious
I think the original ones were pretty much the same as Adderall: mixed amphetamine salts sold under the brand name "biphetamine". A commonly abused (and socially accepted) drug during the 1950s and 60s, at least that's what I've read.
Though there was also a similar pill which contained a mix of amphetamine and methaqualone (and other similar pills with amphetamine + barbiturates)

I had tried things like alcohol and caffeine before but the first time I got really high (aka drunk as fuck)was at my brother's wedding. I was 14-15 at the time, it marked the start of my drug career.
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There was another thread a little while ago that reminded me of those "lookalike" pills -- the high doses of ephedrine+PPA+caffeine could be way more dangerous than amphetamines. The fakes did end up killing some teenagers, who stroked out after popping 2 or 3. That never happen with real Biphetamines -- taking 3 capsules of the highest dose, you'd ingest the equivalent of 45mg d-amphetamine, which is obviously nowhere near a lethal dose (we all know that people trying meth for the first time often use way more than that).

I guess PPA has been taken out of almost everything in the US? Or everything OTC at least... I can't really remember what it felt like on its own, compared with ephedrine or other decongestants (phenylephrine, psuedoephedrine, etc.)
The only indication for prescription PPA that I am aware of now in the USA is to prevent urinary incontinence in dogs. It hasn't been available OTC in years.