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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film: Transformers

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after watching the full trailer, I truly think they went overboard with complicating the look of the transformers as robots. it gives me a headache trying to look at them and understand what crazy looking part does what.

I guess I'm stuck on the original cartoon look of the transformers... they looked solid. also, you could mostly tell what they transformed into by the look of the robot. Optimus' chest looked like the front of a big rig truck, so you knew what he would be while in disguise. the new Prime just looks all funky with some tires on his butt.
I dont think i'll be seeing this. My memories are too fond. This flick looks like a bunch of people running from the green screen.
i saw the preview on the big screen yesterday during pirates and i was super impressed. on the edge of my seat, grinning like an idiot, goose bumps, the works...and i am not a transformer fan.

i am not ashamed to admit to being a typical american movie goer who digs big explosions and cheesy dialogue. i don't require quality films every time i visit a theater, i enjoy eye candy
So, it came out a few days ago. Someone tell me about it. Was it any good? Did it live up to the hype. Yo, whats the deal?
Shia LaBeouf is a great actor, but this film felt more like a vehichle for his career than for the Transformers genre. As expected, there was too much human time and not enough robot time. Bumblebee was mute most of the film. Any other scenes with robot banter were so short that you couldn't savor their personalities. Finally, most of the action shots were cheap, because the camera was so close to the action that it just looked like metal fighting metal. The human cast was great, but once the nostalgia wears off I think you'll want your money back.
wild, i loved the human time more than the latter....the nonstop action was teh only thing that was overdone, but it doesn't bother me as it is the nature of the film

shia really does make the movie, he is fabulous. that is the first thing i wanted to talk about leaving the film.....him.

overall, no one is expecting schindlers list, we know this is an action flick, and it totally delivers. it has silly laughs, it has the action...it is reallly fun. i loved it.

the only thing i think of when someone says it sucks is that they are total transformer geeks, so pissed over silly shit like bumblebee is not a VW or that the decepticons don't get enough personalization. otherwise, i don't get any "hatin"

overall, really fucking good.
DarthMom said:
wild, i loved the human time more than the latter....the nonstop action was teh only thing that was overdone, but it doesn't bother me as it is the nature of the film

Agreed. If anything there was too much action.

I'm actually suprised by your post wild, but then again, I'm not a huge action movie fan.

shia really does make the movie, he is fabulous. that is the first thing i wanted to talk about leaving the film.....him.

overall, no one is expecting schindlers list, we know this is an action flick, and it totally delivers. it has silly laughs, it has the action...it is reallly fun. i loved it.

the only thing i think of when someone says it sucks is that they are total transformer geeks, so pissed over silly shit like bumblebee is not a VW or that the decepticons don't get enough personalization. otherwise, i don't get any "hatin"

overall, really fucking good.


I loved it.

I suggest that you watch it at the movies, on the big screen. While whacked (not that you need to, but it helps to be able to laugh at the cheesy jokes and seems to add an extra element to the special effects.)
Film: The Transformers

Why do I do this to myself?

Chalk that up as another movie Brandon has walked out of, leaving friends to die a slow, ragged death-by-bunkness.

A list of everything the Transformers is:
  • racist
  • sexist
  • trite
  • simple, utterly
  • not funny
  • slow
the embodiment of everything bad about bad directors who rely on lazy game/FX programmers to do their 'directing'
the waste of perfectly good eye-candy (of both genders). It's like the movie couldn't decide if it was for kids... being ironic... being serious... being funny... a nod to the original 80s show... a nod to the revamped 21st century shows... a serious sci-fi critique... a social commentary...

They did things like:

  • [-] Insult Iranians by saying -- not implying, mind you, outright saying -- that they aren't smart enough for certain technologies
    [-] Insult the intelligence of every American, which apparently we love to have done to us considering the box-office numbers
    [-] Use just about every 80s teenage sci-fi cliche in the fuckin' book, including the post teen girl who turns out to have a criminal recor BUT WAIT -- because she can't just be a former criminal, she was thrown in juvie because she wouldn't rat out her criminal father because she has morals and a sense of honour and boooooooooooooooooooo! (Ever wonder, Hollywood, that seeing as life imitates art (and vice versa) it would be okay to have actual, real-deal criminals ... oh, I dunno, try and follow me here ... ACTUALLY REDEEM THEMSELVES instead of having this parenthetical about their criminal ways?!?!? Fuckin' hell, you little fucks!
    [-] Oh, and the popcorn was wack, which I'll go ahead and blame the movie for, too.
Notice that they have the chance to 'diss' North Korea (as well as China and Russia) but chose not to seeing as they have nukes and America is obviously too scared to pick on them. But, Iran doesn't have nukes, yet, so they are total and completely okay to diss. So, is Iran the Nazis of the 21st century for Hollywood? I can't wait -- a lot of Iranians are cute, so at least I'll get some eye-candy. Unless they do the whole 'brownface' shit, which I fully expect.

And the 'joke' about the Paki-phone operator that was trying to be a social commentary about outsourcing of CSR jobs?? Yeah, not funny... no one laughed, not even the 14 yr olds in the theatre... racist humour is funny when Lisa Lampenelli does it... when Michael Bay does it, it's just pathetic. Utterly.

(I knew there was a reason I hated Michael Bay)

Anyway, stay the fuck away from Transformers.

More than meets the eye?

Only if you're fuckin' blind.
wow. idk what some of you are talking about. that has got to be the most baddest movie i have ever seen. i think you guys were expecting WAYYYY too much. you guys are even over analysing the movie.

michael bay is not getting a fucking cent from me
he didn't for pearl harbour, nor the island, and he sure as hell won't get it for this, or anything else he makes
Oh noes! The same director who directed Pearl Harbor and The Island directed Transformers? Damn, my urge to see this movie just evaporated. I would have thought his director's licence got revoked after Pearl Harbor and The Island.
L2R said:
michael bay is not getting a fucking cent from me
he didn't for pearl harbour, nor the island, and he sure as hell won't get it for this, or anything else he makes

i wish i would have been as discerning.


$9 USD to walk-out in the middle of it.

altho' it felt good to yell at the screen as i did it.
TALLY said:
Oh noes! The same director who directed Pearl Harbor and The Island directed Transformers? Damn, my urge to see this movie just evaporated. I would have thought his director's licence got revoked after Pearl Harbor and The Island.

If i were president, this would be the case. He'd have to hand in his card and his testes (no reproduction for that guy).

vote for me!

hey i just realised, i pirated armageddon too. Ha! i don't think i've ever given his films money! w00t!
The Movie in movie terms is shit, a plot line 5 y/o can follow and characters with 0 depth, however the f/x are fucking amazing takes CGI to a whole new level.

Movie 1/5
F/X 5/5

Wow, this has to be one of the geekiest thread ever. :p

The new movie looks the dogs danglies though even though the whole robots in disguise somehow passed me by. :(

BMX's & girls were more important at the time. :)
L2R said:
If i were president, this would be the case. He'd have to hand in his card and his testes (no reproduction for that guy).

vote for me!

hey i just realised, i pirated armageddon too. Ha! i don't think i've ever given his films money! w00t!

i wouldn't even rec pirating it.. because by downloading it you'd be giving someone(s) added ratio... and that's just NuCurrency in the Pirate Age...and that's just as unacceptable.

no one should benefit in no way under no circumstances in no culture or sub-culture on any network from this movie -- no way, no ma'am, no how!
I just got back. I'm giving it 2/5, maybe even 3/5.

For a Michael Bay movie, it was tolerable. This didn't fuck with my childhood nearly as bad as I had feared it would.