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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film: The Dark Knight

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I get excited whenever the joker enters the scene.

+1 to that!

I saw it at the IMAX last night. I don't know if any movie is worth $12, but if there is one, its TDK. My roommate wasn't impressed at all, but I was blown away. The shit was like super HD and I thought the audio was incredible. I only watched the IMAX scenes from the DVD Bonus Disc once, so I'm sure they're there, but there was a bunch of shit in the IMAX version that was definitely not in the standard theatrical version. Not full scenes or anything, but there are shots in the IMAX version that definitely weren't in the regular theatre or DVD versions (I saw it at the regular theatre during its original release and have watched my DVD probably a dozen times.)

Anyway, if you have the extra $, I'd recommend catching it while the re-release is still out there.
This is my favorite batman movie now. I loved Heith Ledger's performance as the Joker. It was outstanding to say the least :)
Are they making a third installment?

As much money as it made, it's a definate that there will be another and another and another and another. I'm sure that the suits in Hollywood are still trying to figure out a way to make a sequel to Titanic.
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^this is true.

but chris nolan is working on some sci-fi project before the next batman film
Loved it. Can't decide between it and Batman Begins though.

Really looking forward to Inception.
quickflicks sent me the blu-ray. stunningly beautiful.

also, this brilliant disc incorporates the expanded imax aspect ratio on the imax scenes. excellent work.

did you know: they crushed one of the only four imax cameras in existence. :)
"Why so serious"

Fantastic, still, after the 5th watch.

The joker as the comics knew him, a crazed insane psychotic killer with high levels of intelligence. Plus I loved how they embraced the estranged relationship between Batman/Joker.

And the constant changing of his disfigurement was brilliant, since in the books, he doesnt even know why.
You know. I am absolutly obsessed with this movie. I watch it atleast once every day.

I try to see Heath Ledger as the joker. I just can't see him under that make-up and I've watched it maybe 100 times.

This is by far, the best Batman movie ever. I truly fell inlove with it the first time I saw it.

Besides, Christan Bale is sooo fucking hot!

But you know, I was reading something the other day that said Heath Ledger died from an overdose because The Dark Knight caused him to turn to the drugs. That he is playing a "psycho-path killer" and he just couldn't sleep at night, and just couldn't handle the roll.

What do you think? You think the movie killed him? I mean, come on, his role in the movie is undeniably amazing. It really is oscar worthy.

But do you think it could have pushed him over the edge? I mean I watch the movie, I get into it, and I think yeah if anyone had to do this role and be that good at it, yeah I think it would have some effect. But on the other hand, it is just a role. He should have been able to handle it. What do you think?

But the movie gets 5+ stars from me :)
only speculation but i doubt this movie turned him to drugs. maybe the movie 'candy' turned him on to them, maybe they made him a better actor for the dark knight, maybe he was just like everyone else but had the money to afford bottles of pills.
Yep. Due to Ledger's death and the hype around it and his performance, this stands out to me as one of the most overrated films of all time.

I watch it atleast once every day.
I've watched it maybe 100 times

You realise that it's about a guy who dresses up as a bat?
Batman is an idolized symbol. He stands for what everyone would want to ever do in a situation. Stand up for themselves and take matters into their own hands.

It's not soley about Batman either. It's a really good movie. A little long, yes, but otherwise a very good movie. Let me guess, you like Spiderman better, don't you? ;)

Just kidding =D
He is a vigilante that dresses like a bat.

There isn't anything deep and meaningful there.

'Idolized symbol' doesn't make any sense, it just sounds like it does.

Super hero films are entertaining but fanboys read way too much into them.

Take 'The Dark Knight' out of your DVD player and throw it out the window.

Watching a two and a half hour film about a man who dresses in a leather bat suit and battles an insane clown 'at least once a day' is bordering on mentally unstable.

(No offense.)
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^I refused to see this movie for the longest time because I thought that it was massively overrated due to Ledger's death. I grew nauseous from all the fucking "Into the Black" idolatry that was going on over Heath.

Then I decided it would be a good idea to actually watch the thing before I judged it. I loved it, and despite all my disbelief Ledger's performance actually was pretty amazing. In my opinion it's the best movie that has been released in several years.

I don't expect everyone to feel the same way I do, but implying that anyone who watches the movie is mentally unstable is a pretty stupid comment to make.
^before we get into a too and fro banter/bicker, it wasn't that she watched the movie, it was the frequency that he was commenting on.
^ You're right, somehow I missed the "once a day" part or thought it was referring to the fighting in the movie or something. My bad.

Ok then, I actually strongly agree with TheDeceased. Watching the same two and a half hour movie everyday is pretty messed up. I hope whoever said that was exaggerating by quite a bit.
Two rumors related to the future of the "Batman" franchise emerged today, one a mere bit of logical speculation while the other an outright falsehood.

First up, AICN reported that "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight" Director Christopher Nolan could very well shoot his next Batman film entirely in IMAX after the success of the IMAX-filmed segments of "The Dark Knight".

During 'Knight' promotion, Nolan stated how much he really enjoyed working in the format and would love to have done more with it on 'Knight'. However technical limitations with the equipment (namely size, weight, noise, availability, maintenance issues, etc.) meant he could only do certain segments with it.

The site however comes up with an interesting theory - the reason Nolan jumped onto doing next Summer's sci-fi drama "Inception" rather than a 'Knight' follow-up was not only to take a short reprieve (ala shooting "The Prestige" between 'Begins' and 'Knight'), but to allow time to create a few new IMAX cameras made to his specs - ones that would likely allow more freedom and speed on his part while still yielding the same quality.

AICN nevertheless specifically says right now this is rumor only for now. While it does sound reasonably plausible, is it true? I think many would like it to be (including the filmmakers) but I'd be sceptical.

The other rumor today however is pure BS from, surprise surprise, the British tabloids. The Sun reports that "Transformers" babe Megan Fox has signed up to play Catwoman in the next film which would hit in 2011.

At present no script even exists let alone is the film anywhere near casting so dismiss this entirely for now.

i just read a couple replies on the first page of this thread...ya'll still think Vincent D'Nofrio > Heath Ledger? HAHA!

Ledger FTMFW!

EDIT: for the record, Ledger always had problems with insomnia...i highly doubt this movie turned him onto drugs, but its not out of the question that it pushed him over the edge...he said he locked himself in his hotel room for crazy hours creating the Joker persona...i'm sure that didn't help him sleep

also, i too watched this movie probably every day when i first got it...not 100 times, but almost every day for probably 2 weeks...i'm easily obsessed though...with that being said, i was truly moved (enchanted? idk, i really thought he was amazing) by Ledger's performance...and previously i was in no way a Heath Ledger fan...i sure as shit didn't watch Brokeback Mountain (don't even start) and what else was he in? A Knight's Tale? LOL...so basically he was brand new to me and he fuckin stole the show...that movie should be called The Joker as far as i'm concerned...christian bale was TERRIBLE and he's an excellent actor...his stupid "batman" voice is unbareable though...i'm hoping for some unseen Ledger/Joker footage from Arkham at the beginning of the next movie

i had something else to say, but i forgot as i was typing that..maybe EDIT #2 coming soon

EDIT #2: now i remember...i don't think i've ever read/heard anyone mention the coincidence of Aaron Echkart (Dent) being in this movie and one of Napier/Joker's goons in the original Batman being named Eckhart
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Yeah, Brokeback Mountain, what a shit movie. 8(

Seriously, if you respect Heath at all watch it. Stop being a homophob.
"Brokeback Mountain is a 2005 American romantic-drama film that depicts the complex romantic and sexual relationship between two men in the American West from 1963 to 1981."

I mean, really? I like Jake Gyllenhal in probably all the movies I've seen him in and, of course, love Ledger as The Joker, but really? Call me a homophobe all you want, but I have no interest in ever watching that movie.