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Favorite First Experience

Opium. We got an ounce and half of mushrooms, and 2.5g of opium. We all ate about an eigth, and smoked roughly a gram and a half of opium between us. Then we went to the lake and went swimming to an island. Where we proceeded to pudder around on mushrooms while pleasantly sedated from the opium. Things went crazy from there though, and include a inflatable raft rescue mission, and other things I don't remember...
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acid. I cannot explain the profoundness of my first acid trip.
Pot, hands down. As my first psychoactive drug experience there is nothing that compares to the first time I lit up.
Extacey, it was a blue Mitsubishi from Texas in 2007. 5 of us went to a local strip club.
There was a girl in our group selling tabs, one of my buddies from school had shown up but he was underage and had to wait outside.

Him and his friends wanted extacey. They bought nearly all she has apparently for a high price. She was so happy she gave me a big hug and offered me a pill. At first I was scared, I had never taken x before. Heck I was only there that night because I had just turned 18. But she seemed pretty happy why not.

Oh my God son, I was floored, it was just so much. Lol I couldn't even talk , walk . It was like I had no bones. But the feeling , Jesus man. The music , everyone was hugging me, the lights, the strippers, even the dj came over and shook my hand. And I had noooo idea what was going on.

All I did know was I felt fucking amazing

It's like every stranger in there had my back. My god it was such a great time.

The comedown was a little tweaky. - but that first night started a chapter in my life that lasted for years. Raves, parties, music.