Favorite Color??

Purple is my color. Glittery sparkly magic things are purple. Velvet and violets are purple. Grape jelly and the fringes of a sunset are purple!
~*~ Ashke ~*~
P.S. Tho I also have a special fondness for green. Green like celtic reels and the folds of leaves... *snug*
My favorite colors are colbalt blue and yellow! Those are the colors my wedding is going to be, and my kithen, and one of my bathrooms, I could go on and on but I won't!!!
GREEN.....the color of some of my favorite things (Weed, money, rolls, glowstick)
"Look at the world with open eyes and you will see the world. Look at the world through my eyes and you can only imagine."
X-RaverQueen :)
i second ashke's emotion

purple is an amazing color
it expresses so many emotions and feelings
its warm
its dream-inducing
its sexy
it's giggly
purple is da bomb
Pale, mellow, non-blue....Like the sky....I guess that everyone calls it "baby blue"......
Let's see...I like "sky" blue, as well as navy. that dark green is killer too =)When I purchase glowsticks and they ask "what color?", i have to go with that bright bright blue. I find it to be a soothing color....... rather pretty, actually =)
I LOVE all colours but my favorites are:
I have to agree with HouseKid, red and blue, but not together.