Favorite Color??


Dec 18, 1999
Okay, I was just going to bed but I figured I should post something before I do.
(Gives me something to read tomorrow)
What is your favorite colour??
Me luvy YELLOW!!!!! and ORANGE!!!!!
Goodnight!! TTYT!!!!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
[This message has been edited by luv2luv (edited 16 January 2000).]
blue and red, but never together
"whatever it is i think i
see, becomes a tootsie
roll to me"
purple, orange, and green (to my friends' dismay i have a striped shirt containing all of these colors which i wear as frequently as cleaness allows)
sky blue... but not that crayola bullshit sky blue - like the actual color of the sky - all the different shades of blue.. wow. I used to be with a guy whose eyes were like that
Ha!! I stole your man!!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
Hmmm... I have to agree with you, luv2luv, yellow is so cutie! I have this really cute YELLOW UMBRELLA! I am just so in love with it! When it rains and its all gloomy outside, I have my little yellow umbrella, and I feel like sunshine. I don't really wear yellow, though, I don't think its such a great color on me =(.
MuCH LuV, KandeKitten
roayl, electric, superman BLUE (like my hair)
and black... lots, and lots, of black.
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!
Wherever you are,
Yer gunna see me FLY!!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
You now the color or colors you see around ppl wene you are peaking.Yeah thats my favorite color.
He He
pEacE LovE aNd HappinEss
[This message has been edited by Its Chaos (edited 16 January 2000).]
I love gold and pink and a deep olive green! green is so natural and always makes me feel so earthy. i love it
Hy RoLLerGirL - I got your boyfriend, want him back?!?! Too bad, he's mine now. Mmmmmmmmm...... I love looking into his blue eyes!! Wow, you sure are missing out!! Just kidding(I hope there isn't some harsh background with that relationship - then I'd be a shit!)
Keep those colors coming!!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
RED*RED*RED*RED! I love every shade of red - from dark, cranberry reds to pinks to oranges to redish purples.....ohh, I *love* red.
Black, pink, red...I like em all actually, but I think those are my faves right now.
"For goodness sakes, would you look at those cakes?"
Sometimes I can't decide what my fav color is, but it has to be something bright and fun, or else baby pink or baby blue maybe?