faded and jaded..

this is not an april fools joke, you fools. it really is interpol and we have been trapped. they want us to believe its all a joke. im waiting on those motherfuckers to break through the windows.
hey now why didnt I get a cooler title insted of the one all the noobs got? Im writing my congressman
The Bluelight administrators cannot handle the immeasurable responsibility of giving me an alternate name given that they would have to live up to such wit and wisdom of my original monicker.

I don't want to be Faded and Jaded. Jaded, maybe. Faded, certainly not.
Awww why didnt I get to keep my faded and jaded title and some other people did?

I'm going to call the WAAAAAAAAMBULANCE! :!
Edvard Munch said:
The Bluelight administrators cannot handle the immeasurable responsibility of giving me an alternate name given that they would have to live up to such wit and wisdom of my original monicker.

translated: i feel left out.


TheRiseIsTheFall said:

Home alone on my throne, everywhere I go I own.
I'm a troll, packin' bowls, yo, it's in my chromosomes.
It brings out the best in me in very scary ways.
I've been down with bootin' up since Sierra Games. I GUARANTEE IT!

lol okay

i wanna be faded and jaded again. i demand the mods resurrect me as such. and i always get what i demand.
Id rather be faded and jaded. Than neutered and spaded.
word up....fool. you fuckin FOOL! i betchyo momma is neutered FOOL!!

just showin my respek for all the foollighters out there.