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Ever been to "shakedown street" ?


Aug 2, 2023
Ever been to "shakedown street" ? If you've ever been to a concert. You should know that "shakedown street" is the place where the venders set up out side a concert. It's a cool place to check out. They have stuff like grilled fajitas, tie dye shirts and other stuff. So, have you ever checked it out ?
i thought the parking lot of a dead concert would be my best bet to get some acid in the early 2000s, like 2003 maybe. i got ripped off by three seperate people. lost like 200 bucks... all the tabs i got made me think i had a tolerance to acid, so when i eventually got some from my weed dealer buddy a year or so after the concert, i took way too much and lost my mind for the night. ended up in the hospital. lol.

looked like they had some good food in the parking lot and some cool tie dye and stuff. i remember a lot of people eating chicken off the bone... some one even let me get a hit of some killer bud off a joint and there were people like "i can sell you some good ganja, but no acid". i'm not saying it's impossible to get acid in a place like that now days, but i'm not a good judge of character. lol. one of the tabs i got might've been underdosed, maybe a ten strip was underdosed, but i bought a whole sheet that did absolutely nothing. lol.

i brought some mushrooms to the show myself though and had a really good time. i loved the drums part of the show they did. my friend took some of the fake acid and thought the world was melting. lol. i have no idea sometimes.
"phat, kind, veggie, burritos"

I remember taking a friend to his first Dead show. He wanted some acid and after a while browsing Shakedown he said, "Where's the acid?".
I said, "Rick, they don't have tables set up."
So, I started looking for groups of people congregated in wooded areas, shared joints with a few folks, made discrete inquiries.
The first few folks shied away, of course, but we finally got some 'cid. It was nice.

Some years later, nearer to Jerry dying in '95, people did indeed walk around saying, "doses?" A self fulfilling prophecy of the media.
And, yeah, you had to be careful by then. I saw Freon being sold as Nitrous.
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Shakedown street was pure when it was not productionized. The small set ups some Dead Heads had trying to get money to go from Nassau col to Providence Civic Center in 1981 was more pure. Cleverness was pure. Drugs were pure (most of the time) And it was done by Deadheads sustaining a tour. Some of them brought out the new fresh batch of acid to distribute for almost free. Later on, after 1990's it got big and a lot of people were there just for that. Selling and money. Then fake drugs and rip offs happened way more.

I have not seen a Shakedown Street since Gathering of the Vibes 2008. I can only hope people are cool and being kind! lol Bring back the genuine Shakedown Street! It is up to all of us! I would love to hear good current stories.
Shakedown street was pure when it was not productionized. The small set ups some Dead Heads had trying to get money to go from Nassau col to Providence Civic Center in 1981 was more pure. Cleverness was pure. Drugs were pure (most of the time) And it was done by Deadheads sustaining a tour. Some of them brought out the new fresh batch of acid to distribute for almost free. Later on, after 1990's it got big and a lot of people were there just for that. Selling and money. Then fake drugs and rip offs happened way more.

I have not seen a Shakedown Street since Gathering of the Vibes 2008. I can only hope people are cool and being kind! lol Bring back the genuine Shakedown Street! It is up to all of us! I would love to hear good current stories.
There's a reason it ended up being called "Shakedown" Street.
I just went to Billy Strings in Lexington, 4/27, and they had a Shakedown. They're starting to have them at his concerts in a limited fashion. I was modestly sized and not too commercialized. My lady, not the deadhead, jam band type, was amazed. "Bedazzled and tie dyed" is how she described her take on it, I think. I had a blast. There was a portable police tower like this, but I didn't see any cops.


Nitrous mafia in full force with no hassles.

BTW, anyone who has capped a video of that show please contact me.
Well.. I'm just bringing up my old Thread to see who else has been to Shakedown Street.

This is one of my fantasies, actually. I love the entertainment industry.

I would love to follow a....festival I guess? Band? Across the country and sell sandwiches outside. Mostly that would depend on who I end up dating next, I think. I wouldn't want to travel alone, but on the other hand with the right person it would be super fun.

My last girl would have been WAAAAAAAY into this as she loves festivals. It's her favorite thing in fact. We had broached the subject a couple of times, but she was not organized enough for us to really pull it off.

But I love the concept. People living adventurous lives, and making a buck in the process.

I also like cooking, so the Grateful Dead entrepreneur thing sounds fun because then you're combining cool people, cool music and making tasty sandwiches for hungry people. I can't think of a better way to spend my time!
This is one of my fantasies, actually. I love the entertainment industry.

I would love to follow a....festival I guess? Band? Across the country and sell sandwiches outside. Mostly that would depend on who I end up dating next, I think. I wouldn't want to travel alone, but on the other hand with the right person it would be super fun.

My last girl would have been WAAAAAAAY into this as she loves festivals. It's her favorite thing in fact. We had broached the subject a couple of times, but she was not organized enough for us to really pull it off.

But I love the concept. People living adventurous lives, and making a buck in the process.

I also like cooking, so the Grateful Dead entrepreneur thing sounds fun because then you're combining cool people, cool music and making tasty sandwiches for hungry people. I can't think of a better way to spend my time!
The Dead lot scene at it's best could be described as a circus, with people in Uncle Sam outfits walking around on stilts and the like. What it became was kind of what flea markets became. The same, mass produced, junk at every booth. People started out calling it the "lot scene" and ended up calling it "Shakedown Street".

All that's a bit much, actually. It was fun even later on, but the sharks had moved in, as they do.
I still find a nitrous mafia kind of goofy. You can get giant tanks of that ish for like 100 bucks. Whippits are not the way to use nitrous so the only question left is how do you keep the oxygen level safe. Some cool devices in a recent nitrous thread but also nothing id feel comfortable building.
The Dead lot scene at it's best could be described as a circus, with people in Uncle Sam outfits walking around on stilts and the like.
I remember totally tripping on acid in my seat just before the first set back in the 80's. People shuffling, beach balls being paddled, tie dyes all over. At total circus inside too. And I said to my friend that acid is great as this was so fun. But I stopped myself, looked around in approval and said proper set and setting of course (like this). :cool:
Someone needs to "invent" mass produce w/e something to keep a solid oxygen level that screws right into the tank and is easy to understand and use. Cmon you gangsters of nitrous, step your game up and profit will follow.

It is up to you to think of an ostensive reason for its existence and thereby dodge any liability from people who "misuse" your product.

Build it and they will cum. (srry had to)
Shakedown street was pure when it was not productionized. The small set ups some Dead Heads had trying to get money to go from Nassau col to Providence Civic Center in 1981 was more pure. Cleverness was pure. Drugs were pure (most of the time) And it was done by Deadheads sustaining a tour. Some of them brought out the new fresh batch of acid to distribute for almost free. Later on, after 1990's it got big and a lot of people were there just for that. Selling and money. Then fake drugs and rip offs happened way more.

I have not seen a Shakedown Street since Gathering of the Vibes 2008. I can only hope people are cool and being kind! lol Bring back the genuine Shakedown Street! It is up to all of us! I would love to hear good current stories.

Ha! Was at vibes in 08. Also, all good and Bonnaroo that Summer.. Was an interesting summer to say the least.