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Benzos Etizolam for Phenibut Withdrawal

I'd say you're in the clear, then. I know mine kicked in just a little before 24 hours. That's me though. My guess, if you make it to 48 hours you'll be absolutely fine. Some minor anxiety and depression but that's it. Let us know how you're doing.

I really hope somebody can help me. I messed up with phenibut and took between 1-3 g a day for the past week with only one 2 day break. Obviously, I'm going to suffer withdrawals. I've read online that some people recommend kava and others recommend a benzo since benzos affect the GABAa receptors while phenibut primarily acts on the GABAb receptors. Would anybody be able to tell me if I can use etizolam to get me through the next week? Will this just prolong withdrawals?

I've only been through phenibut withdrawal once before and that was after a week of very high dosage. I've taken phenibut for maybe 4 days in a row and didn't have withdrawals but I believe that I will likely go thorough them this time. If anybody could please give me some direction, I would really appreciate it! Thanks.

Why don´t you use a normal benzo, like Valium or Xanax. Or are those substances that you are trying to quit?
I don´t think Etizolam will interfere that much on the withdraws.
L-theanine, gabapentin and pregabalin are alright... they all work differently than GABAergics like benzo's GHB and alcohol and can be used for relief during withdrawals.

Like others said or implied though: etizolam is way more serious and addictive than phenibut, so your question sounds like the world is upside down. I don't know how long you have been taking phenibut but if you can't handle the withdrawals from that you probably should avoid physical dependency on benzos at all costs. Well everyone ought to avoid that but just saying don't underestimate it. It is not that difficult to have that happen and believe me it is pure hell.
Just wanted to say one last thing. I'm at 48 hours since last dose and feel fine, you guys were right. Just some breakthrough anxiety/depression and irritability. Not at all what I was expecting!

Thanks everybody!
Just take GABAPENTIN. I got off of a 6month daily phenibut binge by tapering down and then using 900-1200mg of gabapentin each day for 4 days. You can eat benzos too though, I wouldn't recommend more than a couple days but they hit different receptors. On day 6 or 7 of no phenibut I ate some etizolam and was fine, not like it brought back the phenibut WD or anything they hit different parts of your brain.

This. And it's easy to aquire.
I just want to add that I did use the etizolam and did not feel withdrawal but the etizolam caused me MAJOR depression. After 2 days off of it (I barely took any) I woke up fine. Fuck GABAergics altogether. I'll take my natural anxiety over medical induced bullshit any fucking day.
I say you really shouldn't use phenibut 2 days in a row because its a shock to your system. Its a pretty powerful compound. Etiz will help you come off but so will valerien root or kava extract might work just as well and you'll get back to normal in no time. I wouldn't use a benzo to quit phenibut if I were you but it will help the symptoms. I would go the natural route and get some l-theanine and relaxing herbs. Etizolam is strong stuff and is addictive as well so why not avoid it if you can.
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So I ignored all the warnings and have been taking phenibut every day for about a month and a half now and have gotten to 9 grams but haven't been able to cut back or cycle so I ordered some Etizolam and am going to try cycling 3 days of phenibut then 3 days of Etizolam; will this be an effective cycle or with both being gaba drugs will my efforts just contradict eachother?
Don't cycle them. Taper down off the phenibut and use the etizolam for a week max once you jump off.
Withdrawals from 1 week of use? If you can't trust yourself around phenibut welcome to Etizolam addiction.
Sigh...I didn't see what most people said except Joey24, who is correct. I disagree with using etiz for a week, though, try to rely on strong brewed kava root and have a small number of etiz for when it's not enough. If you taper correctly, you shouldn't need the etiz most likely. Kava does not affect Gaba B or Gaba A, at least in the ways that we think of benzo's or phenibut. It has a reverse tolerance in which you have to have more and more to get the full benefits. That might mean GABA re-uptake inhibitor, but that would usually lead to some sort of withdrawal symptoms for heavy users. The conclusion I've come to is it upregulates GABA receptors (explaining reverse tolerance). Whatever it is, no tolerance and no withdrawal even for a heavy drinker like myself. I would, as Joey said, taper down till 500mg or so at a rate that's livable you don't have to have a strict "this amount in this time period" schedule. BUT don't go back up (why you go at a rate that's livable, so you don't have to). DO NOT drink alcohol during the taper or for a few weeks after. Depending on things it can make you feel worse or really bad, or if you're off it can bring back some symptoms. Not the end of the world, but not worth it. So, taper down, jump off and use some top notch kava (if you want to p.m. I can help you with that) and etizolam. I'd try to rely more on kava and save etiz for when really needed. Keep in mind Etizolam has some serotonergic effect, so if someone recommends DXM which is an nmda antagonist and can lower glutamate which is responsible for a lot of GABA withdrawal symptoms, not a good idea. It's a weak one anyways. Nootropic memantine (p.m. if you decide) would be better, but i'd try to avoid it if possible. For all I know when you stop it, you get rebound effect. Frankly, with a reasonably paced taper, you should really just need some good kava and etiz for you're period when just off.
Dude, I missed the only a week aspect. Kava is all you need, etizolam is likely trouble. You'll have trouble sleeping at most more than likely. If you were okay during the 2 day break, this shouldn't be much worse. P.M. and I'll help with some strong kava it has to be tomorrow though, no weekends. You'll be fine.
So I ignored all the warnings and have been taking phenibut every day for about a month and a half now and have gotten to 9 grams but haven't been able to cut back or cycle so I ordered some Etizolam and am going to try cycling 3 days of phenibut then 3 days of Etizolam; will this be an effective cycle or with both being gaba drugs will my efforts just contradict eachother?

Huge no. Now you are dependent on two things and both GABA A and GABA B are being downregulated. You need to just suck it up and speak to a DR. about it. If they don't take it seriously, see another. No cycling though, that's addiction thinking (been there). You need a Dr. to transfer you fully to Valium and taper if necessary off that, or to Baclofen, which is a GABA B pharm. and then taper if necessary off that. Don't blow both receptor groups though. You're gonna have to face the inevitable, get Dr.'s help and stop substituting things back and forth (unless it's Valium, to then be tapered off). That $hit (phen) starts to get toxic to your organs at doses like that. 9 grams in a month 1/2...the longer you wait, the worse it will be.
From what most tell me, if you were taking it just once a day especially, it's not too bad going down to 5 or 4 grams. I've heard many say it. You're taking it two or 3 times though, that justs makes your tolerance rise that much faster. The only reason to take more than once a day is when tapering (actively) off. I recommend getting a professionals help, but if you try the DIY way, etizolam is not a good choice, it mainly affects the GABA A 3 sub receptor. Others affect 4 or so sub receptors. Diclazepam or clonazolam, something long acting. BUT I think you're asking for trouble and you're gonna switch on to it and not taper. Then eventually back to phenibut. Taking a benzo for a couple weeks and then 2 or 3 more tapering down with it will not leave you're GABA A receptors too bad. But switching back and forth and heavily downregulating both? That's hell. No possibility of switching to GABA A for a period while GABA B recovers...they're both screwed. Anyways, all I can do is type you this and hope you see a DR. (there are a few medical journals that reference phenibut withdrawal, print them and bring them).
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why not just taper off real slow 3mg then next week 2.5 then next week 2 etc..? and if things get sketchy use etizolam minimally?
why not just taper off real slow 3mg then next week 2.5 then next week 2 etc..? and if things get sketchy use etizolam minimally?

He say's he hasn't been able to cut back. If he can drop even 100 mg phenibut a week and keep at it with discipline he can get off okay, but from what he said he hasn't been able to do that. Not only not cut back but is up to 9 grams in 1.5 months...That's a bit of a sign. Most would think "crap this is getting outta control" and taper off. He hasn't been able to. Not judging the guy, I've had my addictions and rehabs. Sounds like a he needs a Dr. with a substitute and taper schedule. By his self, it might just be a substitute dependence/addiction. Seen it a million times.
Anyways, until the site went to crap a week ago, I was the phenibut dependence or addiction guy for the best forum for phenibut. So I can help more if he want's, but there's no magic formula, abracadabra, you're clean. The best way with an mount that high is taper. If that's not possible, then a Dr. or another medical professional to oversea things is needed, others the only person he has to answer to is himself. If you're addicted you can talk your self into using more so easy even though that small voice in the back of your mind is telling you you need to start dealing with this. 5 or 6 years and more withdrawals than I can gave me a pretty good view psychologically into addiction. 7 days until my refill, but I only have enough for 4. "Addiction: well would you rather have 7 crappy days or 4 good ones and 3 "slightly" crapper days". Anyways, I've heard quite a few people tell of using baclofen (Gaba b drug, but affects a lot differently than phen) for maybe 10 or 12 days during which they quite phen cold turkey. After that they took occasionally as needed until no longer needed. Again though, a Dr. needs to be doing this. They need a rough dose conversion between the two, then might have to change it 2 or 3 more times. when finally stable you keep with it for 10 days since last phen and then start stopping baclofen (or you'll eventually become physically dependent on it too). Luckily baclofen has no abuse or addiction potential I've ever heard of. Since Valium has such a long half life and is a whole different Gaba system if they'd give you one to take when you stop the baclofen that should smooth out the rest. Bam. Off.
Why do you guys want to get phenibut banned? Dude used for a week, and had no withdrawals it appears from reading the thread.
I don't condone banning it nor the war on drugs in general. A dude using a week at what amount? 2g's or 500mg? Last of all there are roughly 1 in 4 who are "immune" or largely "immune" to its effects. Hence, no withdrawals. Last of all a week generally will result in trouble sleeping. Some people have withdrawals horribly from heroin the first time and some have little more than a cold. There's always exceptions and reasons. From someone who's done a ton of various drugs, phenibut had the fastest tolerance at 2g's a day. 3 days was all it took to notice the difference without it. Majority of others will attest the same.
Phenibut withdrawal was insomnia hell panic attacks every hour I have not touched the shit since