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vaya if what you say is true then i really need to try some salvia again.

when i was on salvia all i could do was sit there, my body felt extremely heavy, and i was basically in my own world.. its hard to describe even whether or not i had visuals.
blissfulmenace: Obiously it depends on the dosage. If you have a couple cones of x5 extract, you wont have any problems walking around...
Yes, to be honest, they ARE high exagerated

Then again, one only makes a trip report when he's had a mind-blowing trip, so I guess that evens it out.

I don't read trip reports anymore (they sorta bore me now) but back when I was living in Tanzania and hadn't tried any psych's they were mind-blowing ... I remember the nights, staying up till 3 AM reading reports thinking that trying LSD would mean eternal happiness or something ...

To be honest, I had a higher appreciation for drugs back when all I had tried was weed -> because you don't really look at the negative effects on Erowid much, or at least I never did.
blissfulMenace said:
vaya if what you say is true then i really need to try some salvia again.

when i was on salvia all i could do was sit there, my body felt extremely heavy, and i was basically in my own world.. its hard to describe even whether or not i had visuals.

Yeah... but the thing is it can be really dangerous, too. I think that my movements were spurred by panic when I hazily realized I had lost contact with reality... don't know what would have happened to me if my friend hadn't chased my ass down!;)
exaggeration is way in which many people tell a better strory. if it makes it more entertaining then so be it.
erowids reports COME from independant users (on bluelight) a friend of mine (stickgreen513) his report on 2c-t-2 made it onto erowid, he jus found out recently.
but yeah, I think the tobacco ones are funny
ive also read reports on h2o whiched cracked me up bretter bad... o, and one on cat piss.... i wish i could find the links again, it was a joke, but they set it up to look JUST LIKE an erowid report! hahahahahaha
Some of it is just odd... I was researching 2c-i, and there were trip reports with titles like "The Ultimate answer to the universe" and "I'm at one with the universe" and "the world is a giant calculator", all kinds of crazy shit. When I finally took 2ci-i, sure, I was fucked up, and had some awfully nice visuals and thoughts, but I didn't suddenly become one with the universe and the ultimate answer and shit...
^^ Some may be vastly exaggerated, of course! But I can't help but feel that the vast majority of the reports on Erowid are honest recollections by substance users like us. I'd wager that at LEAST 25% of the reports submitted on Erowid's trip reports section come from knowledgable drug users from BlueLight or similiar websites. Another 65%, at least, are honest drug users simply wishing to relate their real-life experiences. I'd say perhaps the remaining 10% are either convincingly made up, or created by the LEA's as pathetic internet scare tactics. What little they have done!
Kremar said:
i think some ppl in those spiritual reports merge their actual during-the-trip feelings/memories with their post-trip conclussions, thus creating the "exaggerated" reports
I definitely agree with that and also there are a shit load of reports on Erowid and a lot of them are boring or short, so it may just be some people trying to be poetic about a drug they like. Overall though it's still good just because its someones opinion, and also they give a general idea of dosage for the things Erowid doesn't.

Edit: and also that's a great Futurama episode
"As I felt my body being submerged underwater...I took a breath, it was pure energy. I realized that noone on this earth is here for a reason, and we are all blind to the greater power. My heart rate was elevated at this point, which really scared me shitless, but nonetheless, I felt a need to finish the cup. I down the rest at +T1:00, to have the center of my back slide with neon energy, as I viewed my body from above. These revelations have changed my life, and I will never forget that morning"

I'll have a cup of what he's having.
wesmdow said:
some of em sound real. others sound fake.


drugs hit everyone differently.. who knows?

That's how I feel about them.

Some of them are just corny though like I read one written by a kid in early highschool who stole one of his mom's cigs and thought it was an intense experience! LMAO, do we really need a report like that? Some of the caffeine ones are funny too when people over exaggerate the effects of caffeine.

I've also read reports that are just pointless dicksizing and the person takes or claims to have taken any/all drugs that are available just to be able to do it or pretend that they did.

I read one about a woman who claimed to be a DJ but she was homeless, yet apparently from a very wealthy family and could afford tons of E/Crystal meth which she took on a regular basis and it just didn't add up at all.

There are ones written by highschool kids who don't have very much experience with drugs and they get good pot or pot that's not schwag/midgrade and think that it's laced with PCP when they get high!

I've noticed that the ones where people get lots of paranoia/anxiety from smoking pot are getting more common nowadays. :\
Tryptamine*Dreamer said:
I get high off of neurontin and find it quite pleasant. It may not be as good as opiates but I still like it. Maybe most people do not get the effects that I get from it due to difference in body chemistry. That does not mean I am lying when I say I get high from it.

I get a buzz off of it, too. I like it better than lyrica. Hell, I prefer it to 1,4 butanediol
damn i hate the way erowid repots are

in the last 2 years...i have lost alot of respect for erowid
Maybe some people do exaggerate but maybe they aren't exaggerating at all. People who are in tune with their body and who are looking for a mind blowing experience may be able to achieve that from a substance that an ordinary person could not.

It shouldn't be completely dismissed just because someone else has never been able to reach that level.

Drugs effect each person differently, not everyone takes a drug to feel "fucked up". Some people are looking and accepting of a mind blowing experience.
^^^ - word up purplefly.

There are many drugs that can be used to have mind blowing revalations, to see what an epiphany on the right substance. Maybe not caffeine, but like fly said.. some use drugs as tools and not to jus get "faced"
I read some that were funny like one where Murple is tripping on AMT and he says to himself, "Why the fuck do I take all of these drugs? My life is empty!"


Going through my head at the time were thoughts like 'My god, what have I done...I'm taking all these fucking weird drugs. And I'm so open about it. I'm gonna pay for this somehow. I'm never tripping again. Maybe I just take these weird drugs because I'm lonely. I want a girlfriend. What have I...etc'.

I also read a weird one about meth where this man who was clearly a closeted bisexual/gay man and a homophobe, and surprise surprise he wrote about how much he wanted to have sex with men on meth.


I am a very big guy, and extremely homophobic, but this stuff made me want to be everything from Hetero to Homo to everything in between. Whatever we could think of that might FEEL good was fair game. And the stuff made me a miracle worker in the sack (or on the couch, or in the kitchen...). My wife and I BOTH would experience body paralyzing orgasms from the sex... and we often thought and discussed that it was a GAY drug because of the sexual aspect of it, but we could not believe that they could target JUST the GAY fantasies... that's when we decided it was more of a Hedonistic, no holds barred, if it feels good do it kind of feeling. We became pleasure fiends.

My wife and I eventually talked to our gay friends about the sex, and they admitted to having the same experience every time. And being gay MEN, they are lucky enough to have actually DONE some of the stuff that my wife and I could only imagine. We even talked of US as a couple getting with THEM as a couple, but we all chickened out the first time we tried it so that we wouldn't ruin a great friendship. But that didn't change a thing... the thinking and talking about it is fantastic. And the desire to do things with another man sexually are NOT there for me when I'm not up... you get me High on Ice, and that nasty sex stuff is right there!

I know I'm dragging on and on here, but I am trying to be thorough and hit all the key parts of this drug as I have seen them on this web site. I also wanted to post a POSITIVE, supporting story about the stuff.
alasdairm said:
Originally posted by center
I have never been that fucked up, and ive sampled many a few chemicals.

just because you've never been that fucked up means it's not possible for somebody else?

different people react to different drugs differently. is that so hard to accept? have you considered why this annoys you so much?


Yes, yes, we all know the old cliche "different people react to different drugs differently." But that still doesn't stop anyone with a decent amount of common sense from presuming that whoever says they have a full blown psychedelic experience from a cup of coffee is probably lying or at best just maybe a goofy fucker to begin with that just has weird experiences like that anyway. There's a limited scope of changes within the brain that any one drug can affect, which means there's only so many different effects that one drug can induce on different people.

We all react to drugs differently; but I highly doubt anyone trips off of coffee, just like I highly doubt that anyone uses LSD to help them stay awake and increase productivity at work (unless you work as a clown or some shit).

Bottom line is, and I don't know why it's not more obvious to people. Some people on Erowid lie about their experiences. Think about it, there's a bunch of different reasons that someone might want to do it. To top it off, it's completely anonymous. Why not lie? Human beings just lie sometimes. Especially fuckers on Erowid.
there's a tonne of really bad / exaggerated / bollox reports on erowid.
i've submitted a few that never got put up so i just gave up after reading a good portion of them...
absolute rubbish. lots of knobs, lots of philosophy students, lots of [words defy]..

- edit -

i mean for fucks sake : smoking coffee