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Empathy (or whatever)

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Probably....my english is bad.Not sure to understand everything......forget about it.May be talk so much,may be they spray us with something.....something happens here....people are sick.Guess just feel the war.I am sorry.Will try to keep silence and talk less
Please do not keep silent.
I need you.
You are wonderful person!
Many need you!
It's called having a big heart and caring more for others than yourself. Manipulative and abusive people gravitate toward us and take advantage of it. It's very difficult not to become so hurt and resentful that you become isolated and unable to form healthy relationships. Then you end up pushing away people who actually love you.
Date someone with BPD, then you'll see the extremes of that, is incredibly intense and incredibly heartbreaking, but also incredibly difficult to get out of it, because their abuse is not something they do on purpose, at least not completely consciously, so it's even harder than normal, and you can even develop codependent-like traits, even if it's not normal in you (whoever). Trauma-bonded and all that.
Date someone with BPD, then you'll see the extremes of that, is incredibly intense and incredibly heartbreaking, but also incredibly difficult to get out of it, because their abuse is not something they do on purpose, at least not completely consciously, so it's even harder than normal, and you can even develop codependent-like traits, even if it's not normal in you (whoever). Trauma-bonded and all that.

I don't know if he had bpd but I was once with a guy who was a textbook narcissist and that wasn't fun. I got really attached to him and enjoyed being with him, even when he was mean and abusive toward me. I didn't mind. I was very codependent and needy and I allowed him to treat me like shit as long as I got what I needed too. It ended very badly of course. It always comes to a head.
Probably....my english is bad.Not sure to understand everything......forget about it.May be talk so much,may be they spray us with something.....something happens here....people are sick.Guess just feel the war.I am sorry.Will try to keep silence and talk less
i am keeping on the fight. The Lord is on the move right now. He knows we are fatigued.
I am not leaving my house for much these days. Fighting in place.
Too much confusion out there to expose myself to right now.

Everyone is sick here too. They are spraying stuff on us. I watch them do it everyday. I try to turn it to dust and have the wind blow it away.
My city used to be crystal clear air, perfect lovely air and water.
Now, toxic.
I clean as many bodies of water and stuff as I can.
Cleanse their energy and my big Brother cleans them with his chemical engineering.
He has been cleaning up water in different countries that is the only drinking water for those people.
Tons of children dying from liver failure, all kinds of horrific stuff from toxic drinking water.
we work as a good team.
I cleanse it energy wise.

Hang in there everyone. Remember that this is a spiritual war we are in.
Hold tight.
Do not become a monster yourself while hunting monsters.
It is under control.

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"empath" has also been noticeably and conspicuously more self-focused and egocentric than the general population.
I agree that the word may have some definitions that we all hold. idk
but to prey is to be as much as the *word?
I mean I am both life and death.
We all are.
We have choices, no?

True sympathy, is more noble: feeling bad for someone even though you have no experience with their type of suffering and cannot relate.
Some may suffer what hasnt been. I sometimes do....
Anther story maybe later
In essence this is no longer empathy for the person suffering the original issue but really a reflection of ones own suffering.
See above

I wanna get a lot of reading done but wife is killin me atm... lol

We all hold a part of a solution
We should come together instead of being ripped apart imo
Time to break out the anvil.... :group hug:

We have to do this together people/family

Not scared to dive into madness and mayhem
In practice

Many words to come back to

Negro yo handle tours, yeah? lol
I gitta try to figure out wft happened and try to make sense outta it
shit storm again

ya all have valid answers to this fucked up thread its inherent ime
my bad but dont regret it :In love:

lemme get more coffee
need to be in isolation but cannot
So is "toxic" the wrong word (or too strong? ) to use here?
Lests start at square one...? idk
im i just cryin about some bs?
i feel it, though
i know something is real
wondering what it is....
So is "toxic" the wrong word (or too strong? ) to use here?
Lests start at square one...? idk
im i just cryin about some bs?
i feel it, though
i know something is real
wondering what it is....
toxic is the wrong word.
Too strong,
Those two words do not ever belong together.
Toxic Empathy.

Love ya brother!
Nice save.
found it brightened my day to get a c all from an elderly cause her tv wasnt working right.
tried to pay me. wasnt havin it
shit glad i was there to help. lol
happy to have the opportunity to help another as it helped me remember to help others if ya can
ahhhh meh
any suggestions?
open to any all as long as i have the powers to change it... lol if not ill beg til it is. :)
Maybe.....ummm......hearts At war....lol...that is the name of the song that just came on,....hold on...it will come.

Empathetic Defense??
Give me a few.
found it brightened my day to get a c all from an elderly cause her tv wasnt working right.
tried to pay me. wasnt havin it
shit glad i was there to help. lol
happy to have the opportunity to help another as it helped me remember to help others if ya can
ahhhh meh

any suggestions?
open to any all as long as i have the powers to change it... lol if not ill beg til it is. :)
When given a chance to help another always take it.
It makes us feel better and I always find I end up helping myself too in some way but that is never my motivation.
Neither is it ego.
I guess that is why I always get some kind of golden return.
Ol natty ions wonder if hes ok

nah but i do feel fucked up most of the time from empathy or whatever but maybe if talked out amongst peers it will maybe disappear...?
just tryin to stay light.....
but have to be neither.
so strange

shouldn't be idk
you like?
just temporary but couldnt figure out anything appropriate
I love it!

I was about to suggest, how about just “Empathy”.
I like your addition of (or whatever)

hehe....I know I got a little off topic but I was searching for something that @Nas47 helped me out with brilliantly!

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