mother of two congratulations to you for having the intellegence not to take the issue at face value eg ecstasy=death
please try to educate those around you as well, this information needs to be spread further than an internet chat site.
When an australian girl anna woods died after excess water consumption on ecstasy the media leapt all over the story, this scaremongering created fear and hate but failed to educate please let others know what you have discovered.
my condolensences towards this boy. I know how it can feel when you lose someone under unecessary circumstances. but you have to realize that he didn't die because of the MDMA itself.
remember that you're not getting high of MDMA alone. it causes a chemical reaction with the creation of seretonin in you brain. so your actually, getting high off your own body's chemical. acid has a reciprocal effect. LSD has a similar chemical makeup to seretonin, and it "tricks" your body into having more than needed. MDMA intensfies the effect, whereas LSD mimics it. but noone has actually ever died because of the MDMA itself. people have died due to heat exhaustion, which is a side effect of Ecstasy. over time, your body gets dehydrated, hence the abundance of water at parties.
-p I k
when it comes to the use of Ecstasy, most important is to educate yourself. read as much as you can about MDMA, MDA, and/or MDEA. "Ecstasy. Dance, Trance and Transformation," by Nicholas Saunders is good for startes. it's good to do your homework before the acutal test sometimes. : )
-p I k
What is frightening is not the pills were in fact PMA, something that is happening more often nowadays, but that he took 9 pills. But even 3-4 pills of PMA can kill.
Lessons to be learned from this tragedy:
1.Education about what you are putting in your body.
2. more is not better. more will not get your higher. more is dangerous.9 pills of MDMA might harm someone, let alone PMA.
3. testing is absolutely essential. It could save your life. Had this boy had access to a kit and tested, he would have realized that it was not MDMA. As someone said, isnt $10 worth the life it may save?
Unfortunately we live in a culture where instant gratification is important to so many people. Hence our drive thru's, our cell phones, ever faster computer access, and even our eating and drug habits. We want to feel good, fast. and we want what we want for as long as possible. And sadly, when it comes to drugs, people die that way.
Motherof2, please sit down with your kids and discuss with them everything you have learned. It is quite likely that they have tried some form of drug by this point, and the more they know, the easier it will be for them to make informed decisions about what they do with their lives. And bravo to you for your ability to act sensibly and intelligently. You truly are an adult.
9 pills is more than enough to have a severe adverse effects on a person... It wouldn't have to be PMA or cut with anything more dangerous. I recently had my first and last near-overdose experience with five of the small yellow unmarked MDMA pills floating around the Midwest (over a 10 hour period)... I didn't initially realize it in the morning, but after the 5th pill I have no memory of anything that occurred, until my boyfriend walked through the doorway to my bedroom the next morning (I had never left)... friends who were present told me I was up and active, but not coherent, certainly "f*cked up."
Of course this wasn't intentional, I can't explain it other than to say that it is not something I care to handle again. The next morning my extremities were tingling, and I couldn't maintain a vertical position for more than 10 seconds without my ears plugging up and a severe sharp whining shrieking through my head, followed by a sparkling grey fog overtaking everything. I was extremely tired, and unable to follow chains of thought to their conclusion (I would get up, move across the room to perform some task, and forget the task before I moved four steps). I'm naturally a very tangential person, creative bursts of intuition, etc, but it was absolutely ridiculous...
Others there that evening had taken five pills, but they were both male, and definitely larger than my 102 lbs, a fact which I didn't really take into account... I had simply been keeping up with my friends. Bad move on my part... I still haven't fully recovered. My seratonin levels are very low. I'm a natural optimist with definite tendencies towards positivity, but these last few days have presented me with a bleaker outlook on life than I ever imagined could occur due to a simple chemical imbalance.
It's very frustrating to have to manually wrestle your mind into a positive state, against all chemical urges of your body. Also, I still have surges of tingling throughout my body, they come in spurts, and focus in my knees and wrists and lower back, not painful, but like a swell of prickling (it's not a bad feeling, as I said, but it's definitely not natural).
Up until just last month I was very careful with my ecstasy intake, one pill every two weeks roughly, but it increased with supply, and things seemed to escalate (I go through cycles of extreme interest and then indifference, simply my nature, but over-indulgence in certain things is simply not good). It's a good idea to take a break and rebalance. Not to mention the fact that a roll that causes you to lose those three hours of your life isn't exactly worth the money dealt out for it...
Sorry for the ramble, but the topic seemed relevant after my first/last scare....
And before I forget, Fuzzzone, yes, people DO spend that much money on rolls in one night. Not to mention the people that are dealing, and simply skim free rolls off of the top because they earn them out of their profits. It's not just teenagers that use ecstasy...
[This message has been edited by Lucentrip (edited 24 May 2000).]
it will take time for a society to mature. but it does happen. for instance, in england, the parliament and even prince charles are apparently for decriminalization of ecstasy use. they have faith in the responsibility of their people.
that's all it takes, actually, a little responsibility, becuase ecstasy does no harm really. TEST YOUR PILLS AND KNOW YOUR LIMITS. you may be giving ecstasy a bad name, at the expense of all the responsible users.
he not busy being born is busy dying.
[This message has been edited by Dtergent (edited 25 May 2000).]
Fuzzy: There's an ocean in Montana??

I totally agree with you.
Hm, I agree as well. Strong theme in my life are is balance... most things are only dangerous once you veer from the realm of moderation.
I wish you were correct, but unfortunately parliament and even Prince Charles do NOT support the theory of decriminalisation in the UK.
Over a month ago an independent report based on two years of research chaired by Lady Runcimann was presented to the Government of this country. The research was carried out and reviewed by academics, drug support workers, ex-police chiefs etc and was given the backing of the Police Foundation, an organisation whose chief patron is Prince Charles.
The report had many interesting recommendations, two of which were seized on by the press. Firstly it was suggested that MDMA and marijuana be reclassified on the basis of their potential harm to class B and class C substances respectively (to give some perspective, alcohol and tobacco were classified using the same criteria and were given nominal class A and class B status respectively). Secondly it was suggested that carrying small amounts of Ecstasy and marijuana should no longer be a criminal offence, instead a warning/fine system should be in place to avoid the jailing of huge numbers of people for non-violent crime and allow the police to concentrate on dealers.
The Runcimann Report, painstakingly compiled with evidence to prove what you and I know to be common sense was delivered to the Prime Minister and renounced by him and the Home Office on the same day. They are not going to change anything on the basis of facts and figures, only on the fear of the opposition party saying that they have gone "soft on drugs" (and we all know what that would mean - teenage heroin addicts roaming the streets, muggings, burglaries, the whole social fabric of Britain being torn apart by young people starting with marijuana and moving onto heroin via amphetamines, ecstasy, cocaine and lsd in a matter of weeks). The newspapers gave them a hard time for a week and won the promise of a "serious debate" on the issue although Home Secretary Jack Straw said in the same breath that although the argument for decriminalisation had its good points it was "fatally flawed" ie he would never agree to it. The "serious debate" has never materialised.
Thus it is that the UK actually has the toughest drug laws in the West outside of the USA (not surprising seeing as how we copy everything the US government does in these matters, whether it works or not) and as a result the second highest rate of drug abuse and drug-related crime (after the USA).
Please don't give the impression that there are intelligent people running this country, it is run purely to win the votes of the people who can be bothered voting ie the middle class, middle aged gin-swiggers who wouldn't know crack cocaine from the crack in their ass.
Cynicism doesn't suit me but it's all I can write on this issue.
oh. sorry, cause i read in the sf guardian that they were apparently supporting legalizing ecstasy.
thanks for clearing it up though.
he not busy being born is busy dying.
Having just read the report I would have to say that is the first piece of pro-legalisation propoganda I have seen in the American press that hasn't been immediately trashed and ridiculed. As a quote it doesn't require verification and probably should have been trashed and ridiculed - it's total bollocks!
[This message has been edited by paddyboy (edited 28 May 2000).]
motherof2 i have a little info for you about that" mitshubishi(spelling) double stack...that roll contains the drug DXM athorities around my parts say that, that was the drug that killed the person which to whom u r speaking of not MDMA. MDMA isnt known to kill people but the drugs put into the rolls are just tring to give u a little info. Also guys dont take pills that are white and shaped like a clover they also contaion that drug just tring to keep u guys on the up. ***HAPPY ROLLING***
E is like everything else you are either a user or an abuser, a user will investigate and educate him/her self before taking or even trying something new, its like appling for a job that you know nothing about, you may do ok the first couple of days but eventually you will screw up, TEST YOUR PILLS, learn as much as possable then teach others, my entire E fam know how to tes, how to help someone out of an anxiety attack, they all have learned what E is and what it does best of all they teach others.
more and more I see people who have never even bothered to find out about it dropping like candy, I had to stop a friend from dropping more than 2 pills the other day, his first time up, He had allready dropped two when I got there. and he had another 4 ready to go, his excuse being "its been 5 minutes and I am not high"
why must people be so excessively compelled to do things they do not understand, does the risk turn them on?
I spent weeks researching E before I jumped in, The best sites I have found being, & and this one for questions
We are all worms. But I do believe I am a glowworm.
-- Winston Churchill