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Eating while tripping

I should also mention that I looooove sweet food when I'm tripping, but as a teen I weighed about 215 lbs and after high school, I am now a slim 135 and the thought of candy repulses me. I have to get my sweet fix from fruits!
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I can relate to the tasting of each individual element. Not in a weird sense but more in an appreciative sense. As a chef this helps me to better understand how certain components work together and sparks creativity in the future when preparing a meal.

I can understand that, but it's always struck me as strange and/or amusing in the throes of psychedelia. I think the first time I experienced this was during an LSD trip where my girlfriend at the time was eating a Jimmy John's sub and I asked if I could have a bite. The ensuing incoherent mumbling and laughter after taking the bite still cracks me up when I think about it. It took me a good five minutes to explain what was so damn funny to her and my friend who was with us. She continued eating the rest of it after that and I just kept glaring and smirking at her like she was somehow responsible for this phenomenon.
I usually can't eat during the peak of the experience, but on the comedown of a psychedelic I love eating apples. The first time I had an apple after coming down on LSD was the best apple that I've ever had. It was like I've finally tasted what an apple is supposed to taste like.
Any kind of exotic fruits, I love the refreshing smell of it. It creates a perfect synergy with my increased senses tingling.
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can't eat on any psychs except lsd. in which case i'll usually have white bread with water.
Mandarin/cuties/tangerines and blackberries are goat tripping foods
I don't like eating while I'm tripping, except during the come-down phase when everything is wearing off. Eating just feels wrong when tripping, since it feels hedonistic and I try to take psychedelics to a more spiritual place. The only times I've eaten while tripping have completely ruined the trip and brought me down to a really depressing hedonistic kind of couchlock high. Some bites of fruit can be good to make sure blood sugar is on target, and I love drinking water or tea. Other than that, save it for afterwards.
^ I can relate to that. I find that eating triggers a bit of a comedown with psychedelics. It's good at the end when you want to come down, but for me it brings things down a notch if I do manage to eat mid-trip. I've particularly noticed this with LSD.

Drinking booze does the same too, but sometimes it can be nice to dull the edges a bit.
I also enjoy smoothies. I always try to get one before a trip, in case I get hungry. It makes it much easier. However, I'm pretty much restricted to berries and other fruits. I have never really noticed it making me come down, but then again I haven't really paid attention to that in particular. Usually when I trip, it's on multiple things and coming down is just a fairytale.
I like eating fruits while tripping sometimes, but unless I'm taking LSD, I won't normally eat before or during the trip. On the comedown from 2C-B I get very hungry, however.
I tripped on some very strong 'cid this weekend, and we had strawberries and literally-garden-fresh tomatoes (right out of the garden in the back yard!). At one point, I took a bite of a strawberry and for a split second, everything turned red and it felt like I was taking a sweet, juicy bite of the universe. It was like leaving the ground for a moment... Total magic.
Ussualy can't even swallow anything solid while tripping.
Come to think of it, I don't think I have much desire for any flavored drinks either. Just water, or a light juice