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EADD Heroin discussion v.21 -- Big shout out to kkattastic :)

From personal experience, DHC is among the best choice for ORT.
It is not as impotent as Codeine, without the ceiling effect, lacking Tramadol's dirty SERTy hit and contraindications, is less prone to abuse than Morphine, cannot be injected in cases of abuse and doesn't have a sufficient street value to be diverted.

And dihydrocodeine still has quite a short half-life, so the withdrawal will be over quickly. I'm liking your thinking!

P.S. When an active ingredient is described as "dihydrocodeine tartarate hemihydrate", does that mean there is one molecule of water of crystallisation per two molecules of dihydrocodeine tartarate?
It's a shame they don't let us "drug seeking Junkies" give our years of personal and in-depth experience, it would be the perfect addition to the reductionist, archaic and socially fueled excuse for a Psychopharmacological approach.

Yeah, on a molecuar level there are two moles of X (in this case, Dihydrocodeine freebase) per mole of H2O, in a crystalline lattice structure.
The tartarate exists on an equimolar level to the freebase, like Heroin Hydrochloride.

It kind of depends on what you were using before hand.. For example when I was on 300mcg /hour of fentanyl patch I doubt any dose of dhc would be a substitute to stop wds...

Incidentally they usually use the long acting dhc Contin for ort so it lasts at least 12hours but you certainly wouldn't get 840mg per day.... 240mg is the max going by the BNF.
Yeah, on a molecuar level there are two moles of X (in this case, Dihydrocodeine freebase) per mole of H2O, in a crystalline lattice structure.
The tartarate exists on an equimolar level to the freebase, like Heroin Hydrochloride.
I thought tartaric acid was diprotic, with a COO- group each end? So wouldn't you get one mole of salt (with roughly twice the molecular mass of the freebase) from two moles of freebase and one of acid?
a long time ago I was scritped from the nhs df's to come off 7-10mg of m'done but was using ontop I had to take 10 or so every couple of hours to take the worse of the rattle away - cant be arsed to go to an equilvency table but df's-'done -heroin is not too hot
You could be correct, I probably should have checked the charge density before replying. :)

Ahhhh, after a cursory scour of a few places, it seems Dihydrocodeine is stable in forming both the Tartrate and Bitartrate salts, with the former being far more common.

It kind of depends on what you were using before hand.. For example when I was on 300mcg /hour of fentanyl patch I doubt any dose of dhc would be a substitute to stop wds...

Incidentally they usually use the long acting dhc Contin for ort so it lasts at least 12hours but you certainly wouldn't get 840mg per day.... 240mg is the max going by the BNF.

Oh of course, compared to your fent dosage mine is nothing, a gram of quite strong #3 from the darknet smoked over 2 days, 28 dhc's completely eliminated all bad feeling, woke up still a bit high this morning tbh, didn't wanna get outta bed, if I was in withdrawals I would have to get outta bed as wallowing in my own self pity just amplifies the bad feeling.

And yeah, I know they would never script 840mg a day, but a box of 28 on the darknet is fuck all money so it's alright, Actually decided to get 300mg of codeine on my way home from town and that has actually made me feel a bit high now so all is well, perfect cure to the cold wintery weather
Yeah your right mate it does seem to work better for mid level heroin use. May have something to do with half life.

I've just done roughly 76 hours gear free for the first time in ages and.....I believe I can fly......"what are you on ? ""What have you been smoking ? " "I'll have what you've had! "

These are the questions I expect to be asked over the next few weeks...but I can do it! I am invincible !

Not saying never again, I m just saying I can do it ....I believe in myself, I've been listening to Whitney Houston.
This time five years ago...things were worse; things were better. The mysteries of the semi colon. All to be revealed...great to see people chatting and being nice to each other!
I've never taken meth for longer than a few days, and only because that was my only option. I can only think it's down to the fact it's so cheap compared to others in it's family that it's still used today.

Many times I've had services try and push me down that route, id honesty sooner stay on heroin than spend the years and years, even decades for some I've witnessed get stuck supping on the juice.

The withdrawal from methadone as opposed to other opiates which are acute and short seem to be acute to start and then roll into this dull and protracted rattle that never seems to end...

Well done for sticking at it though. :)

Your so right! I had a script for the best part of ten years, if not for ten years, the years all merge into one. In all them years I never drank it for more than five days in a row, apart from during that drought when I was drinking 15 -20 ml a day due to me being a soft eejit and giving the rest to someone I knew who even had her own, large script. That s another story.

I had the shingles in February this year after being put on a daily supervised for missing collections thru going to work. I was too sick to go and pick the stuff up, I may have been able to get it delivered but I doubt it with supervised.

I just stopped attending after that. FREEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM,!

I've just done roughly 76 hours gear free for the first time in ages and.....I believe I can fly......"what are you on ? ""What have you been smoking ? " "I'll have what you've had! "

These are the questions I expect to be asked over the next few weeks...but I can do it! I am invincible !
Way to go, P.P.! =D Enjoy the daylights out of this feeling while it lasts. (((((Hugs))))) offered, if you don't mind me having to breathe away from you :)
Lower back pain, sore legs - what do most of you do to combat this symptom during WD if you suffer? (Apart from take more H)

Not had any opiates since last Thursday, so most symptoms have vanished, but my lower back and legs are giving me grief, more noticeable when sitting/driving/nighttime.

Got some ibuprofen, was thinking of getting some Codeine OTC, but they will only be 8/500 - was thinking they might take the edge off it.

It's not agony or anything, just fucking annoying and lingering.
paracetamol and ibru mate - no point in taking any opiates as youll just end up where you started.

On another line.... I have a week till I get some more dosh so no goodies for me but last night I remembered I hadn't cleaned my pipe for a while...well since about 10 stones have been thro' it as its always good W the clean out was ace got x3 good hits which seemed to me to be as good as the white, trouble was it was 11.30pm and so im then wired took a valium and fortunately all was good an hour later.
Haha! For a second when you said 'paracetamol and ibru mate' - I thought you meant Irn Bru. I was like 'what the fuck, heard it's not bad for hangovers but......'
I suppose one could consider Irn Bru beneficial in that it is filled with the sugars your body so desperately needs to retain, especially when losing fluids from every orifice like when in WD.

paracetamol and ibru mate - no point in taking any opiates as youll just end up where you started.

On another line.... I have a week till I get some more dosh so no goodies for me but last night I remembered I hadn't cleaned my pipe for a while...well since about 10 stones have been thro' it as its always good W the clean out was ace got x3 good hits which seemed to me to be as good as the white, trouble was it was 11.30pm and so im then wired took a valium and fortunately all was good an hour later.

Fuck, how do you manage NOT to clean your pipe out as soon as the last stone has gone? I got obsessed with cleaning my pipe, even if only one stone had been through it, it still got cleaned 3 times at least, with acetone...
Fuck, how do you manage NOT to clean your pipe out as soon as the last stone has gone? I got obsessed with cleaning my pipe, even if only one stone had been through it, it still got cleaned 3 times at least, with acetone...

It helps to consider that "one more hit" from the charred remains of a rock after a session is far less pleasurable than being able to occasionally extract an entire session for free.

Bit of a strange one this but I thought I'd ask anyway. Has anyone else noticed that if they have a break off the gear for a week or longer that their fingernails appear to grow at a quicker rate?
I've noticed that this has happened to me a few times now so I just wondered if anyone else has noticed the same thing happening to them?