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EADD Heroin discussion v.20 -- You've come a long way baby

With me its not so much what I'm prescribed that's so scary (I've come down a long way to get to 180mg)...its the amount I can take when the pain is bad....like 3-4 times my daily dose....I know I shouldn't and the iron if thing is it doesn't even help that much :-(
jesus h christ, englandz! that is one motherfucker of a tolerance! i cant even guess how much street gear it would take to get you high. youd probably kill yourself before you felt a tickle! my heart goes out to you, you really must be in some very significant pain. i also hate it when my tolerance disallows me to get high, but at least i can have a break. so will you be on opiates for life or can you forsee getting off them?
Good question. I would love to get off but when your on this much where would you even fucking start?
Plus I'm totally functional. I mean I work for the ambulance service...its not like I'm fucked up all the time. Its just what I take to manage my condition. I do plan to make an attempt to get off this year...I just need some sort of plan...maybe stabilise by never taking more than my daily prescribed dose then knock off 1 pill ever week or so and try to manage thepain with oother drugs.... I'm also getting lots of physical therapy so yeah maybe.
Tried this the other day. Really nice stuff I paid the premium for top notch gear, .25 lasted me over a day. The rushes after a few lines on the foil were euphoria akin to a 250mg bomb of MDMA. Never tried anything so euphoric, felt brilliant afterwards too. I can see why people get addicted, had to stop myself from buying more :sus:
Tried this the other day. Really nice stuff I paid the premium for top notch gear, .25 lasted me over a day. The rushes after a few lines on the foil were euphoria akin to a 250mg bomb of MDMA. Never tried anything so euphoric, felt brilliant afterwards too. I can see why people get addicted, had to stop myself from buying more :sus:

That's exactly how people do get addicted....try it, like it, try it again...etc.etc......I would leave it if I were you. The problem with trying to only use sporadically is that if it feels so good when would you NOT when to use it?.....therein lies the problem......
Yeah I know, that's why I fought the urge and didn't buy any. I won't lie cos I probably will take it again now it was so lush, but will try to keep it to irregular use. I can see how people get addicted it's more functional than I'd imagined until the nod comes. The key is to keep a health interest in other drugs too ;)
That's exactly how people do get addicted....try it, like it, try it again...etc.etc......I would leave it if I were you. The problem with trying to only use sporadically is that if it feels so good when would you NOT when to use it?.....therein lies the problem......

this. i would leave it as a one off experience. hardly anyone can use spiradically. at first you can, then you start doing all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify using. usually without even realising it. everyone starts off exactly like this sidanafilisevil, please, heed my words. anyway, glad you enjoyed yourself, and im sorry to be a killjoy, but you're playing with some fucking serious fire!

englandz, yeah, youll need a loooong break from such a high daily regimen of methadone. it'll be so deeply ingrained a non tolerant person could probably get a little nod off your nail clippings.
i hope you can get off the opiates long term mate. wish you the best of luck so you can try getting a bit fucked off a couple bags or some oxis. again tho, careful if you plan on messing with the smack. though its safe to say youve more ecp. with opis than most!
It's ok. My favorite drugs are still MDMA and cocaine for the effects they give me. I've tried other opiates before and only used once in a blue moon since, I tried crystal meth 3 years ago and have only used it 3 times. Crack I've done twice since like 2009. I did feel like heroin was almost too enjoyable if I'm honest, was lush, hence why I say I probably will try it again, I expected that would be the case before I tried it. However I'll aim for about a month before I do, I know a few people who've become addicted to it so I'm not up for fucking tings up for the sake of a nod.
i'll agree with you: it's furkin luuusssh like. it's so fucking unfair the price you end up paying for such a harmless, innocent little high. drinking, people go out fighting and raping (100% of them!) whilst on smack the last thing you want is a fight and you cant even get a hard on.
its also shit how quickly tolerance develops.
how can something so beautiful be such a fucking albatross around your neck
I'm not interested in ever using smack I'djust really like to be off opiate pain mmedication for other reasons....I just wrote a long post on how my being prescribed opiates for pain gives me a real sense of empathy when I'm called out to overdoses in th course of my job with the ambulance service buty stupid phone deleted it and iI can't be arsed to rewrite if!!

I would like to stress though that no matter how bad my pain is Ionly ever take smaller doses when iI'm at work due to the fact that although it doesn't affect t me I need to be extremely alert and with it and I just wouldn'trisk it when aanother persons life may be at stake...
good man. it actually must take a lot of willpower to limit yourself when you have spare meds but are still in pain. yeah, being in your job and nodding out, all somnulent, spacey and generally fucked aint on. keep it up squire!
Thanks man. I honestly think if you work in emergency services then a good knowledge of the drug scene is vital and could mean the difference between someone's life or death......it doesn't mean you have to take the drugs yourself but a working knowledge makes you better at your job and in a better position to help those in need.
I once took 500ml of methadone along with 8000mg of quietapine-when i was off to jail-not any kinda OD attempt-just worried how long it would be till i next got sorted
on arrival,the doc said I was 'oversedated'(possibly cos I couldn't stay on the seat in the van)and had to spend the weekend in healthcare(a pretty grim place).
Also,when I was in jail,the doc changed me off 50ml meth to a fent patch for my pain.But even with that,I still felt it as the meth came out of me.I don't think anything can truly get you past that pain.
I know that within the health service,there is very little tolerance for addicts.When I went into surgery,the anaesthetist said he wanted to give me an epidural.I was really scared of someone sticking a needle in my spinal cord.I was also very scared that this meant i would not get my morphine-and panicked a bit.The anaethetist was great and said of course i would get my regular morphine script.As soon as I mentioned the word 'withdrawal' the attending nurse shouted 'are you a drug addict?'
The anaethetist put her straight about people on long term pain management.But I still felt really horrible as she talked her student through how they were going to knock me out by restricting blood flow to my brain(I am familiar with this method and it's not as bad as it sounds-look up 'the choking game' for details)-as soon as i was out(cos this only lasts a few minutes),they put a main line into my neck(i have very small veins and not from IV use-just born that way).once the line was in my neck they could administer the nec drugs.
The consultant from ITU even brought an ultrasound scanner to look for good veins and could only manage a small one for my drip-but for surgery,they need a big one.So,be aware any IV(or ex IV)users...if your veins are shit and you need emergency surgery-this is what they will do and it is not at all nice.
Going into the jugular is very common when no visable surface veins are accessible in the hands, arms and feet....I've seen it done many times....not pleasant though.

I remember switching from methadone to the fent patch during one of my opioid rotations and thetransition was tricky iirc
I've got a couple of litres of meth hidden away, coming up to 2 years . Anyone know if it degrades in any way?
If its been stored away from direct sunlight in a cool dry place it will be fine...medicines don't just reach a certain date and then go off...they degrade linearly over time....for example instead of there being 2,000mg of active ingredient there may only be 1,980 mg or whatever....or it might not have degraded at all yet...you would be fine to take it (of course following the normal safety procedures for taking methadone which im sure you already know... I.e. don't mix it with alcohol or benzos, start with a small dose, don't take too much etc.)
Sounds about right. Iv got jollop that's been up in my loft for getting on for 5 years never noticed anything wrong with it.
When last went to hospital due to my appendix taken out, I didn't mention to the anaesthetist that I was an ex heroin addict (and at the time I was only chipping) so on top of not quite enough pain relief whilst waiting for the op, when I came around for the op I wasn't getting enough pain relief. So I was in a lot of pain. Whilst they did give me increasing amounts of morphine it was not until I shouted out that I was an ex heroin addict that the anaesthetist was comfortable with giving me a considerable increase in morphine. He told me that if I ever had surgery again that I must mention that I'm an ex heroin addict as it will mean that they will give me a larger dose of morphine.

Still you never know how medical staff will react to hearing you were / are a heroin addict. If I'm honest I would not tell them I was currently addicted to heroin unless I really needed to. Cus if I had my appendix still and it needed to be taken out now then I would likely bring some gear into hospital or get a mate to bring it in. I cannot afford for my GP to find out, unless I have a life changing medical problem such as cancer. :\