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EADD Film Recommendations v5 - TBC

Alasdair was merely indicating that he understood the reference I was making. I jokingly called you "Mr Firewire" because, well, look it up here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_1394

Do you tend to have trouble understanding basic concepts? Especially when it comes to this mysterious thing humans call "humour"?


=D noice one. You can use google, give yourself a mental pat on the back. 8)

@alasdairm, if this is your take on jovial banter I'd really not be subjected to your take on "dry humour".
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The hateful 8 - Absolutely outstanding, a tad long but its worth it..

If anyone is a fan of Tarantino's work you shouldn't be disappointed :)
^ Definitely going to see that ASAP (after Star Wars). It looks pretty amazing.

=D noice one. You can use google, give yourself a mental pat on the back. 8)

Eh? Do you think you're the only person in the world who's familiar with IEEE1394? Did you think I found your username so intriguing that I actually googled it? Why don't you google the word "narcissism" and have a long good think about your life, mate. ;)

BTW alasdair's "humour" is so dry it makes Mother Teresa's vadge look like a bucket of wallpaper paste in comparison.

Anyway, back on topic: Has anyone heard of a film called "Avatar"? It's a heartwarming tale of a bunch of tree hugging hippy aliens being genocided by the US Military. Check it out. The special effects where the aliens are vapourised by RPGs is amazing.
Jesus, I was only pulling your leg. Maybe you should take a good look at yourself for being so fucking irate, rather than telling me to "have a long good think about your life".
Right... who's winding who up now? :D

Come oantae fuck, you did say "@felix don't hold your breath, aye?", remember?

Let's start again. I love you, Mr Firewire. <3
Right... who's winding who up now? :D

Come oantae fuck, you did say "@felix don't hold your breath, aye?", remember?

Let's start again. I love you, Mr Firewire. <3


haven't seen Avatar, don't really like James Cameron tbh. Except for Terminator 2, that was class. Well, when I first saw it anyway.
Whaaaaaat??? What about The Abyss? Fucking quality film. :)
Give me to your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle.....
Have you all seen "They Live" that was fucking ace. Hofmann lenses and all =D

'they live' was a fun move.

'Creed' - The former World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Balboa serves as a trainer and mentor to Adonis Johnson, the son of his late friend and former rival Apollo Creed.

Had to watch this is two sittings as it goes on a bit, was nice to see Sly as Rocky again but that (for me) was the only entertaining part of the movie.

Since were talking about older movies

Forbidden Planet is one of my all time faves - 'A starship crew goes to investigate the silence of a planet's colony only to find two survivors and a deadly secret that one of them has.'

Impossible to mention black and white sci fi movies without mentioning

'In a futuristic city sharply divided between the working class and the city planners, the son of the city's mastermind falls in love with a working class prophet who predicts the coming of a savior to mediate their differences' (sounds familiar as it is copied time and time again).

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Watched lobster night before last , after blondin an bears revues' thought it's more my Mrs cup of tea than mine but I really got into it as well.
Strange as fuck. Very fuckng odd , Great cast and all together weird as.
It maybe is a bit surprising that they're legal whenever the following are illegal in UK-made pornography: spanking, physical restraint, verbal abuse, female ejaculation, watersports. The local ODEON is officially seedier than domestic UK pornography.

What??? Spanking and female ejaculation is illegal? Fuck, better go tell the wife...
Impossible to mention black and white sci fi movies without mentioning

'In a futuristic city sharply divided between the working class and the city planners, the son of the city's mastermind falls in love with a working class prophet who predicts the coming of a savior to mediate their differences' (sounds familiar as it is copied time and time again).


Awesome Bear. Fritz Lang movies while tripping is a treat - I went to a arty cinema/music event at the Arches (RIP) in Glasgow a couple of years ago, Jeff Mills played a set to Woman in the Moon, it was one of the films that was shown throughout the day. I dropped a NBOMe tab before going in, watched about 3 or 4 silent films that had music played to them by a DJ. It was truly awesome stuff.

One of the highlights for me was Baraka and JD Twitch from Optimo played a set to it. Mind-blowing to say the least.

I remember I had a big Metropolis poster on my wall at uni %)
They use to host all nighters in the Arches? I'm sure I've been in there a few times at various gigs when I was clubbing around the UK. Baraka is stunning so is Samsara and I have them both on Blueray so look great on a big tv etc.

I bet that was a great experience watching the old movies to a DJ's playing especially when tripping / stoned.

Watched the documentary about Amy Winehouse which was good although her dad came out of it quite badly I thought. Got 'Southpaw' with Jake Gyllenhall(sp) to watch in the next few days. Trailer for it was good & my sister said age enjoyed it so looking forward to watching it for myself.
Watched the documentary about Amy Winehouse which was good although her dad came out of it quite badly I thought. Got 'Southpaw' with Jake Gyllenhall(sp) to watch in the next few days. Trailer for it was good & my sister said age enjoyed it so looking forward to watching it for myself.

I enjoyed 'Amy', but I think that the parent could always be portrayed badly in this kind of situation. Made her stick with rehab, stifled her creativity, let her fight her own demons, should have done more. Was awful to watch the destruction playing out on screen though, when you saw ill she had become and her struggles :(