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Dissociatives Dxm streetlight phenomena

This phenomenon is not real. Dissociatives especially are known to increase the users' perception of meaningful coincidences, or synchronicities, despite there being no reason to think that they actually give people supernatural abilities.

Anyone who seriously believes this happens, you can perform a simple experiment to test the idea. The first week, do not do any dissociatives. Pick some streetlights at random, walk past them at the same time every day for a week with another, sober observer, and note whether they flicker. The sober observer should record a video of the streetlight as you walk past it, if possible, and also note whether they flicker.

The second week, make sure you are on DXM or your chosen dissociative every time you walk past these streetlights. Walk past them with the same frequency, and at the same time. Bring your sober observer as usual. Note results. At the end of the 2 weeks, watch the videos to verify the data, compare your observations with that of your sober observer, and draw some correlations. If you notice anything significant, keep experimenting.

I don't believe for a minute anyone is actually going to do this, but it just serves to illustrate, if you hold a belief which is not rational, but are not willing to try to verify it, you should probably accept that your belief is a (drug induced) delusion.
This phenomenon is not real. Dissociatives especially are known to increase the users' perception of meaningful coincidences, or synchronicities, despite there being no reason to think that they actually give people supernatural abilities.

You mean I've been doing all that Ketamine for NOTHING!?
What a waste, good thing I was getting high from it or I'd REALLY be pissed!
Ahh, DXM. The best OTC you can get.
Do you know which plateau you reached on the last experience?
I have gotten to the third plateau many years ago and I noticed almost invisible outlines floating just outside of my focal point. It turned out to be microscopic dust and I am under the impression my mind just noticed it more from going to a new level of perception. The brain filters out a bunch of things it deems as useless information so you never really take notice of things that don't directly impact decision making as a way to not over load the brains processing.
I say give it a little whIle and see if it continues. However, now that you have paid attention to it, you may continue to notice it more frequently. Kind of like how a friend will tell you about some band you have never heard of and then you start seeing the bands tee shirts everywhere lol.
I noticed a SUV style of the car mini coop one day and had sworn I had never seen one before that and now I see one almost every time I go out, and end up giggling to myself.
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i believe, man...
i used to get a lot of synchronicity on dxm.

once, i was trying to find a group of people. i sat down and meditated on where they might be, and i got a feeling in my head that i should head a certain way, and there they were.

once i could hear short-wave radio static in my head when the guy near me was using a close-range radio.

the streetlights happened to me a lot.

used to be, i would always get an error message when trying to log on to the library computers while on dxm. i took it that it meant i was suppose to be exploring else-where while high.

once on weed i had a telepathy experience with a friend.
when using mxe and the internet it would seem like i was getting millions of pop ups and viruses were showing up in my window...except nothing was happening at all on the screen....and i could also see that but yet it looked like stuff was happening.

my friend used to talk about coming home on pcp all the time and the clocks being blinking 0.00 and the tv's computers and cable all out. and malfunctioning.
Back in rehab as a teen i (very stupidly) got ahold of some dxm. I proceeded to take 300mg than 2 hours later i re dosed. DXM has a very weird almost but not quite supernatural experience for me. Back in the day to cope with anxiety i used to draw a lot. I remember drawing the chesire cat from alice in wonderland. as i stared at it i felt as if it was trying to tell me something.so i stood up and then when i blinked i was laying on the bed with the lights off. i blinked again and the lights were on. Long story short i went to the hospital and almost had a stroke. Years later a friend told me when he dropped L he rode his bike at night ( this was back when i lived in a small town. to be approximate five thousand people and the town always had a very eerie feel to it.) and said lights would flicker more and more the farther he got away from his trailer. and when he came back they all went back to normal. im not one to believe in this kind of stuff but it is very strange.
I don't know about the street light phenomenon but I believe there's something to it.

Just examples of my experiences...

Keep in mind, it was my late 20's & I would go on little dxm binges every week for 2-3 years. Some times I'd take breaks when I could get heroin or opioids or I'd just get drunk.

So one night, around midnight, it was a dark, very windy (typical creepy setting) and me & my mom wanted to go get some more cigarettes. So we drove downtown to the nearest gas station. I was tripping on probably a good 600+mg up dose. On the way back home I was just gazing out the window at all the side roads and we passed a side road that looked like it had a huge boulder sitting in the middle of it. It's the only way I could explain it.This would have been in the middle of a small flat town, in the midwest. I chalked it up to my vision being choppy until a few seconds later my mom said "did you see that?". I said "yeah" and asked her what she saw and she said it looked like some kind of boulder. I thought to myself no fucking way, let's turn around! So we did and turned around and came back around that street and passed it again and there was absolutely nothing there. Now my mom was in her 60's and was not tripping on dxm with me. lol

I also had a paranormal "haunting" event that happened when I was about 12 that my mom was witness to (long before I even knew what dxm was), but that is another story.

Another night me and my friend (who didn't use dxm) were sitting around at my place. I was on a good dose of dex and we were both drinking. I didn't have a washer and dryer at the time, so I would often wash my clothes and then dry them on my box fan. We were just sitting around waiting for our dude to bring us some heroin cause we were fiending so bad. When all the sudden we notice that my basketball shorts on my fan, which were blowing on about medium were suddenly blowing really fast, faster than the fan would have made them blow. We were like WTF and started laughing cause it almost looked my shorts were dancing. As soon as we said "omg it looks like they're dancing!" they stopped immediately & went flat, back to barely blowing at all like they should have been. I looked at my friend and jokingly said "omg I have a feeling that's a sign that (insert out H dealers name here) is here" and not even 60 seconds later, our dealer text me and said he was there. When he came in, both me and my friend were laughing out fucking asses off and totally in shock at what just happened!! He kept asking us wtf was wrong with us! And keep in mind this friend was not on dxm at all. She witnessed a few other strange things happen around me to the point where it got to be a running joke with us, with her asking me if I was on dxm whenever something odd would happen.

How do you explain things like that simply down to "deslusion?"...

I've watched electronics fry out around me, have shared hallucinations, incredible intuition. I noticed I became very attractive to all kinds of people and people would drive hours just to come meet me and they'd take me out and show me a good time. These 2-3 years were wild. And of course eventually after I stopped, everything sort of went away. But I'm still noticing that some of the things I wished for & focused on and made a reality during those 2-3 years are still here with me today. I believe it deserves more respect then "you're just crazy dude". Especially with the amount of people reporting similar things. Sure, some of those things still happen now that I don't do dxm, but the difference was, on DXM, I almost had a pre-cognitive knowing of these things and some times I felt like I could make them happen at will by doing certain rituals or playing certain music. Of course it wasn't like I could just change anything with the snap of my fingers, it took a very deep sense of believing and desire to make these things happen and some times they didn't happen, tho I'd find out later that it was probably for my best interest that it didn't.

I'm glad to see other people sharing their experiences. If we're just crazy, well then at least we're not crazy alone!
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I have never taken DXM like to get high on, or any disassociative drugs like Angel dust or PCP, and streetlights in my city randomly turn off and on. I guess it is on a timer, or just random? Sometimes the lights burn out.
One time on dxm I walked by a street sign for olney way. Had to take a picture next to it due to the coincidence.