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Drug that depletes your soul the most

Meth eats souls. I think it's a truly demonic drug. witchcraft. lol. But seriously, I've never seen people become so much less of who they were or lose their spark as much as with tweak. Heroin is a second runner up.
As wierd as this sounds, I would say fake weed, a former lifelong friend smokes it, it gets worse every time the laws change. I have watched it destroy his marriage and life, and to see his kid's reaction when his father acts like that. We have done drugs since we were kids, and I'm a pot calling the kettle black here to an extent because fentanyl, good weed and seemingly endless mxe usage made me hit rock bottom and keep going (i still have nightmares about being tied to a gurney and forcibly catheterized.) and I hurt a lot of people probably more than I hurt myself. Was well on my way to a 100k+/yr career but lol I am glad to work where I do.

I digress though. Fake pot has defined the shell of a good person who used to be like a brother to me. When I tried with another friend to try to get him to get help, it ended with a physical altercation and police. Litterally over the fact he spent his kid's goddamn diaper money on the shit.

Even got a coworker who talks about opiates nonstop all day and all I do is crave. It's all I can do. I smoked/ iv'ed fentanyl for the last time in 2011 and the first thing I thought of this morning was opiates. I try to tell him instead of buying roxies to do something special for his wife, buy tires etc. He does good but I had to tell him that I was not comfortable with him shooting up in the worktruck.

In retrospect, all drugs are bad, mkay ;-)

It's just that when I see that little kid i want to kick his father's ass (the fake weed dude )so bad. Love that little dude like he was my own.
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Oh yea this one time I got perscribed halcion (triazolam) when I was in an amphetamine psychosis. That was a trip to stoney lodge hahaha.
Most substances that aren't strictly psychedelic will drain your soul a lot over time, including weed, but the ones that I'd say are the main culprits are morphine-based opiates, crystal meth, cocaine (specifically crack or IV cocaine), and GABAnergics.
In my opinion,.... I'd say meth.
then heroin. or opiates in general.

but most of all, the method of consumption... injection.
I change my mind to Methadone, and all other fully synthetic op's
IMHO; The two that come to mind are Methadone, and Methamp. Obviously there are A LOT more, but I'll stop there.
It was said before, but IV use is what takes the soul out the most. I used heroin IV for about two weeks and lost myself much more than when I snorted every single day for 4 months.

Having said that, I think over time (meaning a month of consistent usage):

1. Stimulants--coke, amphetamines, MDMA (anyone using this more than once or twice a month is just crazy). That shit turns you into a monster fast.

2. Opiates.

3. Alcohol

4. Everything else
Im addicted to benzos. I went from 20 xanax pills a day to 3 .5 kpins. I still got my soul. |It fels awful, but meth and crack definitly kiled my souless, transformed me into an asshole. Mdma just fucked my brain. But long term id say stims. Its been soon a year since my last tstim use and im still not recovered
Word, I had a nasty benzo habit. Eventually I allowed myself to become bad enough to the point if I had eaten my 90ct 2mg kpin script, I would seize. I lost my worktruck and a classic ford bronco due to these benzo issues. Seize, wrecked, hospital. Sometimes its extremely hard to convince yourself to get help. I am extremely lucky to not have hurt anyone.
What I've witnessed the most destruction stem from is benzos. Someone who I used to hang out with a lot, who I still care a lot about but don't really wanna be around much anymore, is horribly addicted to them- he's able to have time off them, but he always goes back & makes the same mistakes again & again.

First, he starts using them, says he'll just use them therapeutically this time, but that only lasts a few days at most, before he's doing shitloads in a day again. The thing is, when he's on the therapeutic doses he genuinely does function better, more productive, more creative, less depressive. But it never stays that way for long.

When he's getting really high on them, he can still be mellow but it's always balanced out with...insane periods, and they're far worse then his good periods are good. He gets very self destructive & does things that don't make sense. Then comes drinking on his benzos, and all hell breaks loose. About 5 or 6 times in the last year he's tried to kill himself, everyone of those times he was on a shitload of benzos & had done some drinking (sometimes quite heavily too). Then he goes to the hospital, spends time off benzos, only to go back, but of course "this time" he'll stick to the therapeutic dosage (riiight).

As far as what's been most destructive/"soul crushing" for me personally, I'd go with Methoxetamine, and marijuana. Methoxetamine grabbed a hold of me like nothing else, it's a good thing I was able to pull myself out of that hole or I'd probably be on it every night by now. Used infrequently dissociatives are amazing tools for sorting out emotional problems, and becoming comfortable with the darkness within you, but using them heavily will fuck your head up like nothing else, and have you acting like an idiot even when your completely sober. Being on MXE feels like home in a way no physical place ever could, and now I have to live the rest of my life knowing just how bad for me that beautiful place really is. Heaven & hell are one and the same.

As for marijuana, it is my biggest vice. I've learned to moderate kratom & amphetamines, alcohol doesn't have too much of a pull for me outside of certain situations & occasions, yet "non-addictive" (ha) marijuana really has a hold on me, I can go all day without smoking but there are very few circumstances in which I could go without smoking come evening. Shit once I get started it's hard not to smoke a fat bowl every hour, I can barely fall asleep if I haven't been smoking, and the way I fiend on rare occasions when I'm low or out of weed is horrible. It's so funny to me how most people fear psychedelics but view weed as fine, I've abused the shit out of psychedelics (use them more wisely now) and always come out of it the better, even if I had to struggle for a bit first, but weed is really just a vice & harder for me to control then all my other vices.
what? shrooms are a natural teacher and natural and they are freakin natural as well............did I mention that they are natural?They are some of the greatest drugs in existence. Methamphetimine followed closely by opiates are the worst.
Soul? Probably heroin.. My mind? Definitely meth.

In terms of most life-destroying (combination of mind and soul crushing) I'd go with Meth.
Meth, hands down...it's very big where I am at, somehow I have stayed away from it and just have used it occasionally..but christ if you have been around a group of people who do the shit ALL the time, crazy, not themselves, but I guese that could go for any stimulant... and IMO anything that is over-used to get high all the time can deplete the soul, opiates, weed, coke, meth, benzo's etc...but Meth-amphetime seems to be the worse in my experience with people who are on in pretty much all the time until they crash... I have to disagree with people saying Methadone though, I know people who it has really helped, but I guese if abused and other drugs taken with it, I can see..but IMO Methadone and Suboxone can be life-savers if used correctly and other drugs not used with it, which can be hard sometimes...