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Drug Dreams [merged megathread]

One time (after a couple of months after 2c-e), I dreamt that I saw Kenny from South Park impaled vertically. I went on top of the stake, and I said "I'm ready; I'm not afraid" then suddenly I went through the center of the Earth, into the universe and saw the closed-eyed hallucinations that I saw before when I was on 2c-P (spectra of colors, etc...). I have no idea what it meant...lol still dont.
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I dreamed that i caught a guy in my class at college doing amphetamines, and he offered me some, he literally had this massive pile on the ground and i just snorted a load of it up, and i was sat in class jittery and fucked off my face, it felt so real, i was sad when i woke up :(
It says in the na book drug dreams are a gift from your higher power, reminding you what you dont want to go back to. lol
I had a dream not long ago and it was insane; I was on a beach, and the sand wasn't sand, man, it was heroin!

I like, used my little round mirror for a shovel and just scooped some up and started blowing down mountains of dope with a straw.
i must ne weird i have drug dreams and nightmars all the time

Strange thing is tho i really enjoy bad nightmares, i find them incredibly exciting. Only dreams i dont like is when im fighting and cant hit/hurt the other person or when i run but just cant seem to get away.

anyone any idea what this means?
I had a dream not long ago and it was insane; I was on a beach, and the sand wasn't sand, man, it was heroin!

I like, used my little round mirror for a shovel and just scooped some up and started blowing down mountains of dope with a straw.

Now THAT is a fucking cool dream!

Me, I usually have drug dreams when I'm detoxing...the worst was when I spent all this time in my dream chasing after some dope, FINALLY scored, prepped my shot, found a vein, pulled back the plunger...AND WOKE UP! Before pushing it in! Argh, I was sooooo pissed about it, musta been my subconcious saying "No, you shouldn't even get high in dreamland"

And the other day I dreamt that I copped some dope that looked suspiciously like a girl scout cookie. I said to the person I was with, "You need to taste this and tell me if it's dope or a cookie" so he took a bite and replied, "well, it's rather mild." Huh? In my dream it all made sense though...

Just talking about dope dreams the other day. I hate them; they make me feel all stressed out upon waking up, plus the dream usually consists of some kind of "problem", not even just getting nice and high and enjoying it...
I have dreams about drugs all the time. It usually involves me finding a copious amount of the drug I am currently craving. Then I wake up and go YESSSS... think about then, FFFFUUUUUUU..... :(

Finding kilos of cocaine or full scripts of Roxicodone or whatever. It's such a letdown when you wake up :(
Last night I dreamed I smoked some synthetic pot, actually felt high from it, but I didn't have time to enjoy it because I then woke up. It was a real buzzkill.
The other night I had a dream about smoking. I don't remember a lot of my dreams, so it was sort of interesting for me. I woke up and was still half dreaming and tried to smoke a non-existent cigarette. Ah..

Recently, been having a lot of coke dreams.. usually consisting of shoving my face into a giant pile. :D
I have dreams about having a successful job, and owning a safe with

the worst was when I spent all this time in my dream chasing after some dope, FINALLY scored, prepped my shot, found a vein, pulled back the plunger...AND WOKE UP! Before pushing it in! Argh, I was sooooo pissed about it, musta been my subconcious saying "No, you shouldn't even get high in dreamland"

This. After going through all the hassle to get the shit and get it prepped, I ALWAYS wake up just as I'm about to hit=/
Recently, been having a lot of coke dreams.. usually consisting of shoving my face into a giant pile. :D

Coke is the only drug I dream about, probably because the quality here is so bad it isn't worth paying for so I havent bothered.

I had a dream that I was working with Mr. T and some one else famous, just remembered. I think it's the Rock dude. We were working for the police and we were raiding another BLers place and I found his cocaine behind his built in wardrobe. I then made a line about this long <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> and said "this is what we have been waiting for!" but the other two just watched. After we went and played some american football..
Dreaming of Highs

Does this happen to anybody else?

The past week or two every time I have a dream it's always about drugs. Not even about them, but of me taking them. And the strangest part is, I swear I feel the effects in my dreams! I've had two particular dreams lately. One is of me snorting an Oxycodone, and the other is me snorting Ketamine. Both dreams are very vivid in feelings. Usually, I don't associate dreams with feelings, but these are much different.

Both times I feel very speedy, stimulated if you will. It's almost like my mind convinces itself that I'm feeling the drugs, I'm tasting the drip, and feeling the effects. Does this happen to anybody else? I wonder how this happens neurologically. I know dreams mostly consist of subconscious thoughts, and although I don't do drugs every day I do think about them every day and the effects.

Tell us some stories! I'm interested in hearing from other people, I can't be the only one!
What's up, J.Wal? We've got a dreams thread already, so I'm going to go ahead and merge this...
I had the worst dream last night about heroin.

In the dream, I found three grams at some sort of tropical holiday spot. I somehow acquired a rig and a spoon, and I began to mix up what I thought was a rather large shot. At first, it was too dark so I added a little water. Then, it was too light, like urine. So I pull the urine shot and struggle to find a vein. After getting that sweet red burst in the needle, I push all the way in, and the solution was so dilute that is was close to 100 units. Nothing happened.

I sneak around the resort looking for a new place to shoot up (apparently I didn't have a room and was just a party-goer). I mix up again, and struggle to make a good shot but it ends up dilute again despite the fact that i used close to a quarter gram. I spend time finding a vein again and the same thing happens - nothing.

This situation repeats over and over again until the need to take a piss wakes me up.
I was Mr. Smack, and I had a friend with me, Mr. Crack. We had just scored some fire boy and girl for the most awesome speed ball ever. The solution was in the pin, and right after I register, but before I push off, I wake up. Uugghh!
in my drug dreams i spend the whole dream looking for it (MDMA, heroin, meth, weed, pain-killers), and as soon as i have it in my hand at the end of the dream....i wake up!
A few years ago I had a short stint of probation and couldn't blaze.
I would have dreams that I went to a party and smoked and would wake up terrified that I was going to fail a test.
My roommate at the time had been in a similar situation and said he had similar dreams.
That same shit would happen to me all the time on probation. Thats fucking crazy.
I used to dream about scoring dope during the first 12 months of being clean. Nowadays I don't such dreams (18 months clean).

I do occasionally get dreams where I'll be rolling.