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Dropping acid with family at Disney world

Take about 40ug. You won't really trip, but you'll definitely feel mild psychedelia that will make the day amazing.
tripping at an amusement park with my family is literally my vision of hell.

I give another vote for "don't do it." Terrible, terrible, terrible idea.
If you have to ask Bluelight for permission, then I say go ahead. You know your mind better than anyone!
If it were me, I'd do it at the animal park and watch the kids interact/ react to the animals. Also, people, seemingly, would be more concentrated on the animals, thus reducing interpersonal contact; a truly natural distraction, if you will. If you bring it, you can decide if you ingest it or not, if you leave it home, you'll probably just regret it
I hate how everyone's knee jerk reaction to these are "Don't do it!!"

If you're experienced and are able to get away from your family for the peak, why not give it a shot? Obviously dose low, I'd say around 100ug and try to find a peaceful place to come up and gauge how it will effect you before trying to get onto a roller coaster or something.

IMO you'll be fine, these kind of trips are fucking FUN. Only major problem is that the lines are ridiculously irritating and little kids running screaming everywhere will seriously get on your nerves... I'd probably keep my ipod in the entire time lol
This isn't a question anyone can answer. Each trip is so drastically different for me personally that this scenario would be a wild and careless gamble. I would never have wanted to trip around my parents but maybe yours are more open minded. Chances are good that they'll suspect something is up, how they'll react only you could speculate on.
Although i have not tried LSD. Parents would be the last thing on my mind, unless your social anxiety is non existent and you don't mind crowds and random people. I feel more comfortable and secure tripping around my parents personally.
The only thing I like to do while tripping is meditate, listen to music, and play video games/watch movies.

None of these would be readily avialable at Disney World so I probably wouldn't do this.

But if this where my sort of thing I'd say why not? Especially if you are experienced enough with pschedilcs to be able to handle the substances effects while say walking around with parents and siblings.

I'd porbably have a hard time at this but I know others may feel differently.
I know this guy has already done this but I live in Orlando and have probably tripped like 5 different times at Disney. It was like 15yrs ago so it is hard to remember but I didn't like the experiences. It was just chaos. You had to stand in line for like 45mins to an hour in the tunnels with weird music, jammed together like sardines. It was just a cacophony of noise. I could not imagine if my parents were there. No way in hell. As it was..... we couldn't even communicate with each other and just stood their stunned and terrified of all the tourists. The rides were all right but they actually made up a very small portion of the experience. Most of it was spent in line. I do remember having a much better experience on a slow day at Epcot. Much more chill...
^Maybe you were dosing too high? And I agree, that Epcot would be the way to go, on a slow day.
I have tripped at disneyland around 6 times and only one time was rough and that was because there were waaayyyyy too many people. Now i have come up with a system. Keep doses reasonable and dont drop until i am able to see how bad the crowd is.
just dont do this, it wont be fun. unless the rest of your family likes taking LSD, this is most likely a bad idea.
There really is no fun or beneficial value in this, I tripped at my state fair with my parents and it was WIERD!
I learned there is a time and place for psychedelics! Save your dose for when you have a relaxed state of mind!
I rather enjoyed tripping at six flags every summer for a a couple years when I lived near one. 2C-T-7 and roller coasters!
somnilicius said:
As it was..... we couldn't even communicate with each other and just stood their stunned and terrified of all the tourists.

I laughed so hard. Yeah. Part of every trip where I am around people I do not know is like that. I always mellow out though. 1/3 of the way through, I am completely confident and smiling.