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Dropping acid with family at Disney world


Feb 16, 2014
So I'm going to Disney world next week (feb 23rd) with my family and girlfriend for a week (feb 28th). Two parents, a 23 year old sister who I don't get along well with, a 14 year old sister who's very mature, a 10 year old sister, and an 8 year old brother. I want to trip one of the five days we are there with my girlfriend, but I'm worried that I may not be able to control myself and be able to speak to my parents or even hear them. I do really want to do it though. Growing up Disney has sort of been a second home of mine so I've really been wanting to up the experience. What do you guys suggest? Maybe trying to spend a day away from them and just with my girlfriend and 14 year old sister (who isn't taking any and has experienced me on acid), maybe just do weed (though I don't have the best time on it and I may not be able to get my hands on any), maybe just drink throughout the day, ORRRRR split a hit with my girlfriend and take half and see where that takes us. Or you guys can just say that I'm a terrible person for trying to do drugs around my family. I have not done LSD since last summer (July 2013) or bud since New Years (I've been taking a break!!!) we will be going to Disney Hollywood studios Monday, magic kingdom Tuesday, animal kingdom Wednesday, Thursday will be an off day where we will probably switch between magic kingdom and Epcot where we will be doing mostly smaller stuff and character meets (you think I should stray away from them and take it this day?), and Epcot on Friday.
Tell me what you think, your experiences.

Ps. I have never taken shrooms, or E, and may not be able to get my hands on either so quickly
I'd only do it if family members weren't with me. And I'd dose on the low side. And I'd also probably choose epcot because it's the largest.
The family aspect seems to be a bad idea, unless you are completely comfortable with tripping around them.
My main issue with the idea is the fact that you may not be able decide what behavior is acceptable to operators and patrons and risk for dangerous behavior while on a ride that may result in bodily injury.
Hi, welcome to PD / BL :)

Set & setting matter, in this case it means that you should expect a considerably stronger reaction to a dose compared to your reaction from the very same dose in another setting.

Maybe you can try 'freeing' yourself from your family on say tuesday, after having been participant and cooperating on monday. However stay relatively sober that day, no weed or psychedelics so that you can evaluate and analyze this test day well enough. That way hopefully you can check if you can actually control your setting and avoid your parents. If it works out, maybe you can check with them if you can go on another such more private adventure on thursday or friday, maybe emphasize wanting to spend special time with your girlfriend and see if they can respect that. If so, maybe you got a free pass.

And even then I would only do it assuming that I would be alright confronting my parents, by low dosing to begin with and accepting the potential consquences before I ever began. Get that shit out of the way first so that you don't have to deal with the behavior and reactions entirely on the spot.

I have been to theme parks tripping at least 2 times, one time was very succesful (six flags on LSD) and the other time was very sketchy (high dose 2C-B, weed, nitrous, and other things in a fairytale themed park with the atmosphere being much more special than the rides). It was sketchy most of all because of the social dynamics, being in a large group of people and not knowing them well enough. And 2C-B is a relatively easygoing mild trip. It was just weird and difficult, the situation felt a lot more complicated and harder to handle.
My advice is make sure you feel really confident about the plan or just skip it.

We have a thread on the topic, though your situation may be too specific to get a proper answer there:
This would make me cry personally.

I drank robitussin from the hotel gift shop as a child once when i went with my family to this vacation spot.

I can never relate with people asking, will people be okay, in terms of someone noticing or being able to tell or speaking to others. Id say like, will you be uncomfortable. And try to avoid something that will be psychologically scarring enough on a high enough level to cause a difficult or prolonged integration period afterwards.

if that seems unlikely, then, its a moot point. It will end. and LSD is characteristic of having difficult headspaces.

So what will happen is if you dose intelligently, then you will have a great time most likely no matter what.

It would be hard to imagine it going wrong in any way, and not ending very quickly. Leaving you thinking that was great!
tripping at an amusement park with my family is literally my vision of hell.
tripping at an amusement park with my family is literally my vision of hell.

This. Doubly so with Dizney World. Nothing like taking mind expanding drugs in a soul-crushing capitalist regulated fun zone, and drinking $7 cans of Pepsi.
You're going to be in a crowded place, with people you don't really get along with. It's a recipe for disaster.
Have you ever had an extremely difficult psychedelic experience? Imagine that happening in that setting.

Disney is a trip without psychedelics. Save them for the night time.
Dose very low...you will feel the effects of your dose way more in this setting, trust me. Make sure you prepare every possible scenario beforehand, use your girlfriend and "special time" as a good excuse to be left alone and then dose LOW.
Jesus... it's hard enough for me to do a lot of acid in the comfort of my well-prepared home sometimes. Can't imagine the ADHD-central that is Disney land. That much stimulation while your mind is wide open seems like a recipe for disaster, but doing it around your family when they don't know what you're doing?

Dude... just don't. Seriously. I am vetoing this shit :p
Low dose (even as low as a quarter), keep your sunglasses on and keep all those thoughts inside your head. Nothing gives the game away like gibberish out of the mouths of a tripper. Trying to be a hero and thinking you can have full OEV as well as keeping all your social skills intact is incredibly foolish.

It is possible to trip in such a situation but you want the acid to give you a slightly sparkly energy, not trying to contain an out of control dragon inside your brain. I once watched an All Blacks game with my dad on 1/4 of a tab, and although I did have to smash beer after beer so he didn't look at me strange, I had an amazing night. It didn't hurt that Ritchie McCaw score in the last 60 seconds to win the game in a thriller. Navigating my old man with a dodgy hip through 50 000 people at the end was a struggle but it was still worth it.
If possible, why don't you try getting some benzo's before you go? That way you can dose how you would best see fit, and if things get to intense you are able to kill or dampen the trip. Also having the benzo's in your back pocket will in-itself make you feel more comfortable in such a hectic environment.
Don't go to Disney on acid.
Youmight as well pay good money to step straight into Hell On acid.
This thread is the funniest thing I've read in a while. Acid....disney....mum and dad......hahahahhaha.
Amusement park=Fun, so if one takes LSD it ought to amplify the fun, right? =D

It does sound terrible though.
I always thought taking acid and then doing something like watching a movie/hiking/going to amusement parks/going out/etc. would be super amazing and exciting before I tried it. Then I tried acid hahahah. Let's just say I stay in now.

That's my personal opinion though. The only psych I can even watch movies on is 25i. And on one mushroom trip I watched Apocalypse Now (don't worry, I had seen it prior ahah), but I had an ever present feeling of "we should be listening to a vinyl instead or something".