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Dramamine kicked my ass harder than any LSD, Shroom, or RC experience...


Feb 19, 2011
My mind was absolutely raped by this stuff. Not shattered in a beautiful positive psychedelic way but brutally raped with zero remorse.

I have had more experiences with LSD and shrooms than I can count but not a single bad trip or anything near a negative vibe on either of them.

Then I graduated college and found myself unable to find anything except marijuana...

Gave DPH a few trys and lower doses around 1,200mg...

Got ballsy and popped 2,400mg...

Truly the most terrifying and experience of my life. Gives me goosebumps just thinking about the things I saw that night. I was honestly terrified of being alone or in the dark for the next 2 weeks.

Be careful with this stuff.
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Never heard of it. What is this, Dramamine?

Dramamine in my limited knowledge is an antinausea pill used by those who suffer from intense car sickness and would be unable to ride in any vehicle unless having taken this prior to driving or riding in said vehicle...

Want to write us a trip report?

Sure thing mate

I feel like there isn't much information about Dramamine to be found on the net I will do my best to shine the light on this extremely strange, potentially horrific, possibly useful substance. Albeit a very non-traditional and specific use, I will elaborate in my next post.
2,000mg Dramamine, empty stomach, 10:00PM

The following is a brief recollection of (possibly) the most frightening experience of my life. I experienced the kind of irrational fear that I hadn't felt since I was little kid and would sneak downstairs to watch a late night horror movie by myself. Because of the mind erasing effects of the drug, only at a couple points during the night was I able to remember that I was only tripping on a drug, and that things I was seeing were not real but this thought would last a few seconds at most and my mind would literally be erased of this memory a moment later as I slipped deeper into a state of shock and horror. I spent most of the trip with my back against the wall convulsing in fear.

It all started out quite innocently. I took the pills with several gulps of water waited for the effects to come on. I felt the typical heaviness and relaxation flow over me in waves and then I realized something was quite wrong. Everything I was seeing was some kind of spider. Little clear spiders were scurrying over everything I looked at. In the darker areas (under my desk, bed etc.) there were huge, more detailed spiders that were coming right for me but luckily dissolved when they came into the light. As the night went along they became larger and more realistic looking, some as large as tarantulas but luckily those stayed in the shadows or on the corners of the ceiling. Then they started crawling on me and biting me, I could even see and feel their bites.

It made no sense to me. I had never experienced anything like this on a drug before and my sense of confidence and control simply vanished. I grabbed them and squished them and my hands felt slimy but there was nothing there. It was like they were actually half-real, somehow bridging the gap from my mind to reality. Although anyone can easily see that they were nothing more than convincing hallucinations I wasn't convinced and that was enough to water the seeds of uncertainty and fear within me. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and there was a body slumped just outside my window. It didn't move or shake or wiggle like the spiders and it didn't just appear there, it was there at my first glance out the window and remained motionless and unchanging the entire time. I was totally immersed. My skin felt as though I was deep underwater with a constant pressure everywhere. I couldn't go back to my room because of my fear of the biting spiders so I went to my living room and sat down at the computer.

I kept hearing snickering and voices calling my name from behind me and when I turned around there was a giant purple white-spotted mushroom sitting positioned on my couch quivering and shaking. It wouldn't go away. I looked away and looked back and it was still there. I knew it couldn't be real, but it didn't seem to act the way hallucinations usually do. Then it suddenly absorbed itself into one of the cushions and it took on the same purple white-spotted appearance and began shaking. I could only gasp. Soon everything was shaking and wobbling. The loveseat right beside me started wobbling and morphing into ridiculous shapes. A lamp in the corner bent down and did a full circle bent then sprung back. I have no explanation why I thought this was so horrifying, except that I had no ground to stand on; no words of wisdom to fall back on came to mind. I was completely alone and everything seemed to actually becoming real, manifesting out of my hallucinations somehow. Everything I saw 'felt' wrong and evil and somehow intent on harming me.

A rocking chair in the corner began rocking violently and a face formed on it and it was laughing at me, then they were all laughing. As they laughed they would point to me and look at eachother. The face came right up to me from out of the rocking chair and passed through me as it laughed. I was utterly horrified and sweating profusely. Then I caught a glance of the large window and saw people reflected who weren't in the room. It seemed as if they were in a different room altogether, a room that was an exact mirror of the one I was in. They saw me see them and they came zombie eyed to the window and banged on the glass with their hands. They were pale white and sickly looking, the typical undead stereotype, and they were passing through the glass onto my couch. My only savior seemed to be light. I was too afraid to go over to the other side of the room and turn on the other lights (or leave the room and wander through the darkness of the house for that matter). I was squatted and nauseated with fear when the zombie things came towards me but as they came into the light they became transparent and dissolved into nothing.

I was there until the next day. I was still very much intoxicated as dawn broke, but the symbolism of it (and my extreme tiredness) somehow gave me the courage to go back to my room and sleep. If there's a lesson I learned it would be to respect fear for what it is. I tried everything I could to make the experience positive or at least neutral. When all else failed I had to wait for sunrise and believe it would somehow release me from my fear, which fortunately it did.
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After effects:

I should state that I have experienced very very mild HPPV after weekend long tripping at music festivals. Usually LSD one night and shrooms the next. This HPPV would be very mild and actually enjoyable, simply extremely faint geometic patterns in the center of my vision that I would only notice if I really focused on them or if it was dark.

The HPPV I experienced after this dramamine trip was not so pleasant. I had the more of a fuzzy static type visual in the center of my vision for a few days. The first day it was some what noticeable even in the day light, and very noticable when looking at something dark or at night.

I wish that was the extent of it. I also had clear "crystal" ants and spiders in my peripheral vision. Similar the movie predator when he is clocked but you can still see him as some sort of clear liquid shape. These continued for a few days lessening in intensity and frequency each day.

I would also see "shadow" people at night in my house if I were to look into a room that was dark. This was truly terrifying, not on its own but because of the memories of everything I had seen during the actual night of the trip.

I was actually so psychologically scared that I was terrified of the dark for about two weeks. I even carried my keys with me at all times as they had a small but bright LED flashlight on them.

I literally keep every light on possible and was still terrified at night for these weeks. I had to sleep with the lights on.

Now this may make me sound like a newb to any type of drugs, but like I said I have tripped on LSD and shrooms more times than I can count with nothing but beautiful experiences.

All this time I knew what I had seen and was afraid of seeing again was fake. But the vividness of it was so terrifying that I was still scared to death of accidentally turning the lights off or waking up with the power out.

I sleep with all of the lights on for about a month after the experience.

It has now been a few months since the experience, my HPPV is completely gone and there are no signs of me having any random flashbacks or anything like that but I still find myself leaving lights on at while I am at home although I have been able to turn them off once I get to my room and retire for the night.
Christ god bro... This drug like another 'safe' drug strattera are the source of the two most hardcore and what i can say terrifying sounding trip/exp that i have ever read or heard... Just a thought out there that maybe the truly illegal 'hard' drugs arent so insane after all...
For the sake of completeness this was dimenhydrinate correct?

Extremely well written trip report PROZ4C, though a little more on your state of mind and why you couldn't just rationalize these beautifully described phenomena away would be nice. I was reading it in the dark and definitely felt a few shivers. I'd be interested to know if you have tripped on any of your 'regular' substances since and if remnants from the bad trip carried over into following ones?
For the sake of completeness this was dimenhydrinate correct?

Extremely well written trip report PROZ4C, though a little more on your state of mind and why you couldn't just rationalize these beautifully described phenomena away would be nice. I was reading it in the dark and definitely felt a few shivers. I'd be interested to know if you have tripped on any of your 'regular' substances since and if remnants from the bad trip carried over into following ones?

Yes, 40 dramamines equaling 2,000mg of dimehydrinate. Previously at the 1,000mg level I had some what pleasurable experiences.

I researched beforhand and found that a 50mg pill of dimenhydrinate contains about 27.2 mg of diphenhydramine and the other approx. 23mg is 8-chlorotheophylline a stimulant.

Dramamine = a combination of dimenhydrinate + the stimulant to counteract the sleep inducing effects of the dimenhydrinate

So if you do that math it was the equivalent of taking approximately 1,088mg of diphenhydramine which is more commonly used and known on various trip report sites.

My state of mind was completely altered and that is why it was so terrifying.

I would find myself constantly forgetting what I was thinking about or wanting to do. The only way I can describe it was that my short term memory felt as if it were cut down to microseconds. I really had a very hard time even navigating my house not only form the body load but because a simple trip to the bathroom would include countless periods of forgetting where what I was trying to do or where I was trying to go.

I think this is what made the hallucinations so terrifying, the memory / thought of even being on a under the influence of a drug and remembering it was fake could only last a beif millisecond and then vanish completely.

I was consciously observing myself as if it were a first person movie, as if thought process was running at 1% of normal levels. I experienced the terror while not even being able to label it or think about it, I simply felt, saw, and heard with almost no internal monologue during the peak portion of the experience.
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Christ god bro... This drug like another 'safe' drug strattera are the source of the two most hardcore and what i can say terrifying sounding trip/exp that i have ever read or heard... Just a thought out there that maybe the truly illegal 'hard' drugs arent so insane after all...

I completely agree.

After reading many trip reports afterwards, I noticed that the majority of dimenhydrinate / diphenhydramine high dose trips all end with people waking up in in the psych ward or in jail...

It's a truely dangerous drug if you leave your house... but at the same time when used safely can be one of the most interactive trips possible. (unfortunately according to most reports, odds are you will be interacting with spiders, zombies, other evil creatures, dead relatives most of the time, yuck)

I think everyone reacts differently to the drug, I coudn't see myself ever leaving my house while on it considering there have been packs of zombies outside my window waiting for me, fuck that lol.

Such a powerful drug is obviously going to intrigue many psychonaut types. I can't tell anyone not to do it, but I only suggest treating it with as much if not more respect than any other substance.

In-fact I would say this stuff deserves the most intensive planning and precautions, a sitter would be an excellent idea obviously.
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Crazy ass trip

Motion sickness medice which is Dramamine made me trip harder than salvia not really because it was a trip just because I actually saw shit. Like I talked to a poster of nick saban for about 15 min. Then Went into my living room and proceeded to think I had mice in my dorm so I went and told the front desk and then went back up to my room and thought like 10 people came up to my room and started to drink when all of a sudden 2 cops busted in and started questioning me and made me do a sobriety test. So I sat in my room talking to no one for about an hour and a half. Not to mention I saw 2 pidgeons that turned into 2 snakes.
Sounds a lot like Deliruim Tremens.
I gues the antidote is the same : benzodiazepines.
Fantastic report, I've posted your tripreport on a danish forum for read (hope thats ok?)
Dear diary: today I took a deliriant and was thrown into a delirious hellhole. This surprises me

Seriously though man, deliriants are not a class of drugs to fuck around with. Well, there isn't much you can do with them but fuck around, but it's a nasty buncha drugs and this is kind of the norm, so comfort yourself in that. Spiders, complete loss of rational thought, audio hallucinations, irrational fear, inanimate objects becoming animate. Textbook deliriant trip. You should've known--and probably did know--what you were getting into. You know it's all in your head, but that shit can give serious psychological trauma and really is probably better left not messed with. I personally went to 200 mg of dph once and hated it, the fear struck me fast and I was barely conscious of where I was. I got audio hallucinations and saw things out of the corner of my eyes alot and had lots of translucent figure rolling over my eyes. It was like being in a really bad dream. And that was only 200 mg!! If I had experienced real total hallucinations I'm sure I would have lost it for the duration of the trip, and might've spent the next 2 weeks or so in shock. The very idea of deliriants scares the shit out of me.
I think that a few pills of Huperzine-A can help, but better not mess with deliriants.
I was contemplating hanging myself on diphenhydramine..

Obviously forgot i had taken anything and thought i was living out my nightmares.. friends all takin the piss out of me, laughing at me.. girlfriend cheating on me.. the usual..
Man, this does NOT sound like a class of drugs you want to fuck with.

I still wish I could see a videotape of your hallucinations though... :p
Weird that seeing spiders is so common among the trip reports I've read. Is it just because arachnophobia is so common? I find myself wondering if I'd see beetles or centipedes instead. If so, fuuuuck that.
Actually on one high dose LSD experience I had when I was a young'un, I saw little ants or spiders of some sort crawling on my skin for a bit, but then they disappeared once I realized that they were just a hallucination. But, I had been up tripping hard all night, so sleep deprivation was definitely a contributing factor.