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Double Dropping?

Make sure to stack antioxidants (vitamin C, htp the day before, etc...) because your gonna be putting yourself under a ton of stress.

I've been to festivals where this happens all the times. No big deal, hell even people drink with it which i do not advise
when i double dropped i become cross eyed pale sweaty mouth grinding mess ... i couldnt talk and i looked so bad everybody in that rave was looking at me like some attraction,i didnt had glasses or anything. I got this bright idea to hit on this cute girl i was seeing in these dnb events and it gone horribly wrong lol

dat euphory thou,was EXTREME,i will never do it again so it will remain the single best most intense joy of my life
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This is just me. But I think the term double dropping is dumb. Any way you slice it your just taking a weighted
amount of chemical (whether it's in one pile or 2). If your referring to redosing, then just say redosing. Also, just food for thought. Were trying to further the spread correct knowledge about MDMA. Stop calling it Molly. MmKay?
^ double dropping is taking two pills at once. Its not exactly my favorite term either. I think its actually derived from the DJ equivalent which is when you have two tracks with their bassline and melodies coming together at the same time and essentially creating an entirely new track and has a much more intense effect than a single track. I can see this applied to MDMA in that taking two doses at once will have them sync perfectly and be much more intense and an entirely different experience from if you were to take them at different times by redosing.

In that sense, I suppose I can see it. I'm not a fan though. It gets you way too fucked up if you ask me and ruins most of the experience, especially your ability to remember what happened.
Will one pill last me a whole night? Taking it by pieces 1/2 first then other half later? 200mg is the pill
Going to an event Saturday- I have at my disposal White Thumbs up, Blue Mac reboot and Green Aliens. I did roll 2 weeks ago. I know its not ideal to roll again but have had the tickets already and super excited to go. I'm trying to figure out a good dropping schedule. The Event is from 6-2am and I have a hotel room to crash at with the lady. Ideally I would like to still be rolling good when I get back to the hotel to have some fun adult activities :) I was thinking of possibly dropping at 8 or 9 1.5 pills due to the fact we recntly rolled then drop on more at 1.5hours. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Obviously this isn't recommended for a few reasons.

1, you rolled two weeks ago.
2, you're mixing pills (always a bad idea, I can think of very few occasions where this ended up having good results)

Barring that... 1.5 pills is probably sufficient. You shouldn't have a crazy high tolerance with two week spacing as long as you have been eating correctly as the main limiting factor is your serotonin levels.

Prepare for a harsh comedown though for real.

Thank you for the advice. I know its not ideal to be rolling so closely together. Its not something I do on a regular basis at all. Was in Vegas and saw Krewllea couldn't help myself.

I wasn't aware that mixing pills was not a good idea though. Thank you for the heads up on that. I figured since the pills I have are from the same presser I would be clear. I guess my next question then would be between the White Thumbs up, Blue Mac Reboots and Green aliens which one would be the best to go with.
I think most of us have been there with rolling so soon together. Its just best to avoid it because it causes unnecessary monoamine (particularly serotonin) depletion.

Mixing pills is something that would be up for debate. Technically speaking, if they're made with the same ingredients, it shouldn't matter. But quite often pills from the same presser have different ingredients, particularly when it comes to caffeine, ephedrine, and other things that won't show up with reagent testing. The different ratios can make a huge difference. For example, one press might have more caffeine than the other press and caffeine variability can certainly be problematic when you're rolling.

You question about pills, I would make a post in the Pill Reports section here -> http://www.bluelight.org/vb/forums/24-Pillreports-Discussion