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Opioids Does Fent feel like Dilaudid IV


Jan 9, 2024
So I have some Dilly I got online that test back and forth from fent pos to negative with the home strip tests. I do them and they feel like a dilly, neck arms feel floaty have that feeling go down my spine. The good stuff. I’ve never done fent knowingly so not sure what it feels like. Anyone have experience with iving both and can you tell the difference. I mean I know a oxy from a dilly easy if I did them IV but I have no idea what fent is supposed to feel like. It’s also the double d on one side and just a 8 on the other. Think they are from Canada?
Dilaudid feels very different. Much warmer.

Although I was never a big fan of dilaudid. My tolerance was too high at the time I'm sure, but the high had a bit of an edge and irritability to it. Not surprisingly, I get a similar feeling from hydrocodone, which also make me irritable and sort of unhappy (hydrocodone and hydromorphone are relatives, with hydromorphone being the big boy version of hydrocodone).
Dilaudid feels very different. Much warmer.

Although I was never a big fan of dilaudid. My tolerance was too high at the time I'm sure, but the high had a bit of an edge and irritability to it. Not surprisingly, I get a similar feeling from hydrocodone, which also make me irritable and sort of unhappy (hydrocodone and hydromorphone are relatives, with hydromorphone being the big boy version of hydrocodone).
So it’s not like a feeling that goes thru your body like dilly?
So I have some Dilly I got online that test back and forth from fent pos to negative with the home strip tests. I do them and they feel like a dilly, neck arms feel floaty have that feeling go down my spine. The good stuff. I’ve never done fent knowingly so not sure what it feels like. Anyone have experience with iving both and can you tell the difference. I mean I know a oxy from a dilly easy if I did them IV but I have no idea what fent is supposed to feel like. It’s also the double d on one side and just a 8 on the other. Think they are from Canada?

Are they similar to a heart shape?
They both suck imo. Fent is lacking in euphoria compared to heroin and is just pure sedation to me hardly a high.

Dilaidid does give a nice warmth akin to heroin but still not as good and very brief.

IMO they both suck. Dilaidud better tho
Fentanyl feels like you're gonna nod out & lose consciousness. It's not a fun nod at all. And only a little bit (few specks of it) would cause this.
It basically has no euphoria either. No itching. None of the warmth or empathy that heroin gives. It sucks.

So if what you have feels even remotely good & isn't making you nod too hard, then it's probably not fent.
No it doesn't, like others have said hydromorphone is better. The rush is intense through your whole body which is then followed by a relatively brief but euphoric high although still inferior to heroin in my opinion. Fent IV feels like it's about to knock you out but it lacks most of the euphoria and in my experience the pleasure it provides comes mostly in the form of pain relief. You just feel sleepy and relieved of almost all your bodily pains, like taking a break from life but not like your whole body has become very pleasurable just to feel like you can get with heroin and hydromorphone to a lessor extent.
We all wish. No fent is cold and souless; hydromorphone is the "king" of IV opiates (I havent tried oxymorphone as the time release is ya know).

Dilaudid has the best rush in the opi world and the pills draw up about the cleanest. Fent is street garbage unless pharmaceutical, than it is still cold and souless. Keep you well for a few hours about all I can say for it.
We all wish. No fent is cold and souless; hydromorphone is the "king" of IV opiates (I havent tried oxymorphone as the time release is ya know).

Dilaudid has the best rush in the opi world and the pills draw up about the cleanest. Fent is street garbage unless pharmaceutical, than it is still cold and souless. Keep you well for a few hours about all I can say for it.

When i smoked fent gell from No euphoria at all Was totally not worth cutting up the patches for
When i smoked fent gell from No euphoria at all Was totally not worth cutting up the patches for

I will agree with that. Before the fent scourge the fent "gel patches" were quite the novelty. Never got much smokin the gel, although a couple that were alot better at "chasing the dragon" went from dilated to pinpoint pretty quick so I do believe they 'worked'.

The thing noone realized until the patches basically disappeared is that the non gel matrix ones were way better! Cut up plastic strips into smallest pieces that make sense, drop that in a spoonful of iso till it evaporates and over 90 + percent of the fent is still there...

WHICH WARNING 90% of a 5 MG patch is actually OVER 5 mgs; as they put an extra 2.5 mg in the patch which I guess is assumed to go unused. so a 5 mg gram patch is really more like 7.5 mg and 6.75 mg out......Hopefully it is fairly obvious that doing a patch in one shot will most likely be fatal depending on tolerance. ALSO be aware that fent CUTS THROUGH bupe ALOT better than most opioids. (higher binding affinity I believe is the cause; but sometimes I wonder if im not a well trained parot)

BTW mail all your used fent patches too...... for umm customer service points? Nah I dont want fent at all.
I will agree with that. Before the fent scourge the fent "gel patches" were quite the novelty. Never got much smokin the gel, although a couple that were alot better at "chasing the dragon" went from dilated to pinpoint pretty quick so I do believe they 'worked'.

The thing noone realized until the patches basically disappeared is that the non gel matrix ones were way better! Cut up plastic strips into smallest pieces that make sense, drop that in a spoonful of iso till it evaporates and over 90 + percent of the fent is still there...

WHICH WARNING 90% of a 5 MG patch is actually OVER 5 mgs; as they put an extra 2.5 mg in the patch which I guess is assumed to go unused. so a 5 mg gram patch is really more like 7.5 mg and 6.75 mg out......Hopefully it is fairly obvious that doing a patch in one shot will most likely be fatal depending on tolerance. ALSO be aware that fent CUTS THROUGH bupe ALOT better than most opioids. (higher binding affinity I believe is the cause; but sometimes I wonder if im not a well trained parot)

BTW mail all your used fent patches too...... for umm customer service points? Nah I dont want fent at all.

Smoking the patches did work it's just that for me it was not euphoric at all. I honestly would rather even oxy anyday over fent for getting high. However i will say that fent is by far the best opioid i have had for pain. If i ever get cancer i gonna switch from morphine to fent pretty quick.

The matrix patches sucked so bad for me because they seem not to release as much fent per hour as the gell ones do. I switched from morphine to the matrix patches and went into full blown wd. Then my doctor wouldnt believe me at first when i told him they where not working. Thankfully in the end he did. But ya imo those patches sucked atleast for their intended purpose
Definitely, I sure wasn't sick......it sure wasn't what I expected. (lacking euphoria). I feel like during that time period fent patches were looked at like idk uncut Diacetyl is now? It was way pumped up and just not what I hoped.

oh hell yes id prefer oxy over fent for getting high. I am sorry that you are in pain and actually require this shit; Im not sure everyone understands what a fucked position that puts you in....... Noone in my area "crackd" the matrix so they were 1/3 the price of the gel ones and night and day bioavailability.....the firsthand reports from ppl that were scripted them were definitely "these suck gimme my gel patches back". In fact I had an uncle pass and we found he just didn't take the non gel matrix one. (he was an oldschool streetsmart dude he didnt just like kick fent im sure)
Definitely, I sure wasn't sick......it sure wasn't what I expected. (lacking euphoria). I feel like during that time period fent patches were looked at like idk uncut Diacetyl is now? It was way pumped up and just not what I hoped.

oh hell yes id prefer oxy over fent for getting high. I am sorry that you are in pain and actually require this shit; Im not sure everyone understands what a fucked position that puts you in....... Noone in my area "crackd" the matrix so they were 1/3 the price of the gel ones and night and day bioavailability.....the firsthand reports from ppl that were scripted them were definitely "these suck gimme my gel patches back". In fact I had an uncle pass and we found he just didn't take the non gel matrix one. (he was an oldschool streetsmart dude he didnt just like kick fent im sure)

I switched from the gell patches to the matrix patches once because thats all the pharmacy had and was thrown into full blown fent wd. When i was oj my way to the doc i was so sick i had to stop to my nans house and get some tylenol 3's off her for the wd. I felt like i was fucking dying. I decided then to go back on morphine as the matrix patches where what most pharmcies seemed to carry so fuck that. I think the matrix patches are all you can get now in Canada.
I will agree with that. Before the fent scourge the fent "gel patches" were quite the novelty. Never got much smokin the gel, although a couple that were alot better at "chasing the dragon" went from dilated to pinpoint pretty quick so I do believe they 'worked'.

The thing noone realized until the patches basically disappeared is that the non gel matrix ones were way better! Cut up plastic strips into smallest pieces that make sense, drop that in a spoonful of iso till it evaporates and over 90 + percent of the fent is still there...

WHICH WARNING 90% of a 5 MG patch is actually OVER 5 mgs; as they put an extra 2.5 mg in the patch which I guess is assumed to go unused. so a 5 mg gram patch is really more like 7.5 mg and 6.75 mg out......Hopefully it is fairly obvious that doing a patch in one shot will most likely be fatal depending on tolerance. ALSO be aware that fent CUTS THROUGH bupe ALOT better than most opioids. (higher binding affinity I believe is the cause; but sometimes I wonder if im not a well trained parot)

BTW mail all your used fent patches too...... for umm customer service points? Nah I dont want fent at all.
For smoking the gel you had to first drop a dot of gel on foil and then evaporate the gel liquid without inhaling. Don't go too far because you want to inhale the last hit, get that and it was a huge rush. After the liquid evaporates there will be a tiny bit of white residue on the foil where the gel was, that's the fent. Honestly I smoked way too many of those patches alongside various opioid pills for my own good
For smoking the gel you had to first drop a dot of gel on foil and then evaporate the gel liquid without inhaling. Don't go too far because you want to inhale the last hit, get that and it was a huge rush. After the liquid evaporates there will be a tiny bit of white residue on the foil where the gel was, that's the fent. Honestly I smoked way too many of those patches alongside various opioid pills for my own good

I never thought about doing it that way i would just drop some on the foil and inhale. I was to dumb to test it i guess lol. I didnt even know you could smoke opiate pills until recently. I usually inject my morphine anyway. Not that i recommend that
Oxycodone (oral & i.v injection) both were VERY euphoric instantly inside my CNS. Potent Opioid narcotic with prominent Anxiolytic & euphoric properties. Mild stimulating Mu-Opioid receptor Agonist, unlike the sleepy Morphine derivatives

Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) IR tablets are the best to bang. First time ever injecting Dilaudid that fat 19mg shot hit me hard and my legs both went weak & numb almost, sitting on the bed watching documentary…..Hydromorphone is actually slightly more potent than Diacetylmorphine (Heroin) both i.v. injected and is a very highly regarded and respected Opioid Narcotic analgesic

the following is the essential list of CII Controlled Substances that I SHOULD have a 3X Lifetimes supply in my temp controlled, secure, walk-in Vault. All pharmaceutical tablets in 1000 tablet bottles and large sealed factory containers of Pharmaceutical API raw powder for compounding. This is truly the Ultimate List of Essential Drugs :)

Dilaudid (Hydromorphone)
Eukadol (Oxycodone)
Heroin (Diacetylmorphine)
Morphine (Morphine)
Methadone (Dolophine)
Meperidine (Demerol)

Diazepam (Valium)
Lorazepam (Ativan)
Alprazolam (Xanax)
Clonazepam (Klonopin)

Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
Amphetamine (Benzedrine)
d-Amphetamine (Dexedrine)
d-Methamphetamine (Methedrine) Desoxyn
d/l-Amphetamine (Biphetamine) Adderall
Phenmetrazine (Preludin)
Cocaine HCL

Testosterone - Depo Test 200mg IM
Ethanol - Spirits/Beer/Wine
Cannabis - Indica/Sativa/Hybrid
Gabapentinoids - Pregabalin (Lyrica) / Gabapentin
LSD-25 - 100ug tabs / 250ug tabs
Psilocybin - Magic Mushrooms
Ketamine HCL - Esketamine
Nicotine - Belmonts premium cigarettes
Caffeine - Espresso / dark premium coffee
Coco / Dark Chocolate 70% - my lord lol, cold premium coffee, dark chocolate then a Belmont cigarette with my coffee….I can feel my brain chemistry changing lol