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DO You Smoke Resin?

Do you smoke resin (the black tarry stuff left in the pipe)?

  • I'll smoke resin even if if other cannabis is available

    Votes: 244 12.5%
  • I'll smoke resin without hesitation, but only if no other cannabis else is available

    Votes: 627 32.2%
  • I'll smoke resin occasionally, but only if there is nother cannabis available

    Votes: 721 37.0%
  • I will never smoke resin

    Votes: 323 16.6%
  • I don't even smoke cannabis

    Votes: 35 1.8%

  • Total voters
I haven't smoked resin in years =/ Just haven't needed to, but even when I did smoke it (which was only a couple of times) it was only ever because I was at a party or something and that's what was going around at the end of the night. I let mates res my pipes and glassware whenever they feel like it though, because I don't want it to go to waste... I just can't enjoy it. I always feel as though there's gotta something I can do to it to make it better or more palatable, but I'm just not keen enough to put in the research, heh. I like the green, but I'm not obsessed with it. I'd probably just grab a couple of bottles of cheap wine and be sweet. Though, come to think of it, I might be likely to smoke the resin if I'd downed a couple of bottles of wine already.
:! Ugh I Hate Resin dont like the taste of it. So no I dont smoke resin, i would rather wait to get weed.
hm i occasionally scratch out the resin of my vaporstar, but that is hardly comparable, it's rather like sticky hash with a slight toasted flavour. pipe resin on the other hand i have and would never smoke it. i think it's disgusting.
no, as i dont smoke pot as much as most people would
dont get me wrong i smoke a lot of it, just not daily, and only at night before bed
so i would never get to the point that i would be desperate enough to do that

with heroin or meth resin, however... i would definitely smoke the resin till its all gone, although i am trying to stop smoking meth, and i haven't smoked heroin in a while
Once a year I take my pipes and soak them in a plastic bottle with iso and shake it often for a couple of weeks. I then pour it through a coffe filter into a pyrex dish and let it evaporate. Next I scrape the plate with a razor to get the tar out. Finally I compress it and let it dry a few weeks.

When I am ready to smoke it it I roll it into thin lines put it in the middle of a blunt with really good bud. It makes the blunt super potent and last forever. I have gotten so stoned from these blunts that I often feel like I am floating and see many OEVs. I have a high tolerance to MJ and when I smoke one of these lined blunts is the only time I can still get a psychedelic experience from MJ.

So to answer the question...yes I smoke resin and enjoy it very much.
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^^It's pretty good, use pipe resin though, with a screen so it's not half ashes mixed with it, should be a look like black oil but not as thick. With this kind of resin in a bong, I get a more 'in your face' kinda high although i can't say it lasts more than 30 mins.

I only smoke resin when I run out of weed which is only about once a month, thank the Lord!
No, I haven't ever tried it...Hows it??

right now it would be amazing, medically, for pain and nausea. it is the second on my list of meds i depend on.

it tastes pretty bad, gets me damn stoned at first, my only complaint would be the taste and how after so many hits it seems to working so much.
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^yes and there always chunks of bud in the stem there with it, plus some kief and shake mixed in separately and that a good little bowl.
I smoke resin without hesitation. Usually when I run out or the pipe gets clogged. The quality of resin seems to come from how good the weed is. Dank resins fine. I swear resin is stronger than the weed itself.

It's basically condensed weed smoke, shit you're already smoking.
I smoke resin without hesitation but, only when the herbs are all gone. I only smoke the best buds so my resin is pretty potent. I wonder if anyone has ever tested the potency in resin. like how much % of thc(or whatever gets you high) is in resin, the weed that i smoke has anywhere from 13-26% and the wax or budder i get is in the 60-70% range.
Haha, I find scraping pipes pleasurable and it's all part of the fun of smoking weed, to see how much I can get out of the pipe. It feels like such a great accomplishment once it's all said and done. But this is only when no green is around, of course.
When all the green is smoked and I can't get on again. Resin becomes the option, but this is when I can't get on .. It the emergency stash !
i used to smoke resin no qualms.
Then I got a medical license to buy medi-weed any time I need it.
Now I'm never out of weed, so I throw my resin away.
Now days it's just getting in my way, clogging all my pipes, pissing me off. =D
I used to be the resin god of scraping pipes too when I had no weed.

After I tasted what the medical "OG" taste like lemon pledge in your mouth the best taste in the world...
I became a pot snob and only lik to smoke that now.
Because it basically taste like a sour lemon sucker.
So awesome.

I tried growing weed a few times myself legally, but can't get it to taste like they do at the dispensary so I stopped growing and just smoke medical OG now. I had the OG strains and everything but couldn't get it to come out like they did.
I can just go buy clones from the dispensary when needed.

Shyt we got hash and weed brownies and weed cereal and weed icecream on tap now.
We don't need to smoke resin.
We even had weed pizza once by the beach.
Feel like I'm stuck in a cheech and chong movie.

In fact, starting to get bored of weed now too lol, but it helps with my back pain and morning upset stomach.

highest I ever been on weed was a 20x hash brownie.
I was totally hallucinating. then I passed the hell out an hour later for 13 hours.
Been smoking weed/resin 16 years.

A trick we used to do with resin would be to put a tiny bit of weed in the bowl first and then some resin on top of it. The resin burns down on the weed helping it last longer and acting as an ash bed screen. We called it a "california bowl" after the "california roll", which is a black nori wrapped around the sushi. you can see the resemblance when you put the black resin on top of the weed...

However, if I ever find anyone put resin on top of some OG I think I'll have to slap them as they ruin the green hit lemony taste. we were usually using weed we would "carpet farm" from the carpet it fall onto. lol. scraping resin and carpet farming weed.... yup!
thems were the days.
Thanks for the memory.
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I was with this guy the other day who was getting excited about smoking resin. He practically forced me to smoke it as well. I usually only would smoke much higher quality goods. You know the ones with actual leaves.