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Do You Reget The Money Youve Spent On Drugs?

I don't think I'd want to know the exact ammt...I'd probably wind up blasting a gram at once BC I'd be so depressed. I know that it is faaar beyond the amount that I could make now in a year even if I saved every cent it would be like 15 years worth of buying drugs AMD the only thing having to show for it is some trackmarks, addiction, and for some reason tons of clothes lol. Drugs and clothes mainly BC I got a decent settlement from the ins company when some dumb girl too busy on her phone blasted into me and nearly totaled my car that I had worked hard to pay for just months earlier. Car my gf and I were smashed at like 20mph but it felt like fifty..

Anyways, got the settlement and spent lots on stupid stuff.
I only regret buying overpriced hashish for everyday use, which I would have been better of not smoking in the first place.
- and also the tobacco that I used to mix it with.
Thankfully, that time is long gone.
Another dead one - may you rise again! :p

I do regret money I spent on useless shit that doesn't work for me. The stuff I got and couldn't use or found too unpractical to do so and that's lying round good for nothing now..
As long as it's effective and efficient I don't regret. But that's me... And I didn't spend that much actually. Luckily never had an addiction, cause that certainly changes the outcome...
Eh kind of not, not really. I mean its significant. But also I probably would have found something else to spend my money on if it wasn't drugs. Also its made me who I am, so I am hesitant to part with it, as negative as it may sound. We can't change the past, only the future... and even that is debatable :p
Hell yeah I regret about 95% of the money I have spent on drugs/drink.
when you growup you know that pepsi or cola whatever the fuck ur magic daddy is it was just to wash salt from food or weird nitrogen stance cigars have.

manufactured let's be on point
I see it now.
Yeah it was purified in flame
Tis a valid point. IMO
I lost the point somewhere but I'll catch up... eventually
Growing up brings it's own pains and freedoms. Still don't know what i wanna be when I grow up. ;)

home cook bread is not always best but when you know the limitations on timing and barm brand buf..
I regret spending the money even before i buy the drugs but then again i have spent hundreds of thousands just on one drug and i cant imagine how much ive spent if we put it all together