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Do you re-dose? And why?

This is just me.. but I start with about 1/4 G.. (250mg)

I will wait an hour or 2.. until I am peaking and then drop another 1/4 G.

If I don't have 500 mg then I don't even bother rolling.. it is just a tease for me anymore (I am 6'2" and around 280 lbs tho so it might just take me a ton more)

My wife on the other hand.. she is 5'7" around 100 lbs. and she usually starts with 150 mg and will redose with 100. We usually buy a G when we get it and make it last at least the night.. can have a good bit left over.. unless we start IV'ing it when we feel like we are coming down.. then we will usually go through the whole G.. that can get sloppy so we are usually either at home or back at the hotel before we start doing any kind of IV administration.

Afterwards we take serious care of our bodies.. 5HTP.. L Arginine.. Vitamins C and B12 and Magnesium and a kick ass Multi Vitamin after.. we will usually pre Load with L-Arginine and 5HTP on the days leading up to it.. and take tums before our oral doses. Even on the nights where I have gone way above what people on here have suggested a safe dose is I still feel great the next day.. as long as I stick to my vitamins afterwards.. that is the most important thing.. that and make sure you eat healthy the next few days.. that goes a long way.

This method might not be best for anyone else.. but it is what works for me.

I just wanted to add one more thing.. I won't do MDMA unless I have something to bring me back down to earth.. I hate that cracked out feeling you get later in the night and the next day. I personally use Xanax because I have had a prescription for it and it works fast.. I wouldn't roll without it personally!
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