Do you hide your drug use from loved ones?


May 25, 2013
I have been using drugs of all kinds for about 8 years now, mainly opiates and benzos. I am 25. When i was 19 i started using opiates almost everyday. In the past year i have substantially decreased my use, mainly using xanax or klonopin 2-3 times a week, and opiates probably once or twice every 2 weeks. My girlfriend of 3 years has never used drugs like this, only marijuana. She knows about my past, but when we started dating i told her i was completely clean (which was a lie obv). She has caught me asking people for drugs a few times in the past year. I try telling her the truth that it is just an occasional thing, but she does not understand or believe me, as she has never been addicted to anything. Just wondering how other people deal with discussing or hiding their drug use with their girlfriends/boyfriends and family
When I was a teenager I was smoking weed and trying to hide it from my parents. From age 16-very recently I hid my weed smoking from my parents more as a respect thing then anything. When I was in high school I hid all aspects of my usage of anything, other then the unavoidable hang overs after days it made sense (new years day etc) they never really pushed the issue. It wasnt until my former g/f and i were injecting heroin and i owed my dealer 200 dollars and my payroll check got stolen from the bank as i owed the bank money, they didnt steal it as much as froze my account, so i had to confess.

Confessing to using IV heroin to my parents was probably the hardest thing i have ever done. Having an angry dealer on the phone telling me i better come up with the money because i quite literally promised i would have it on payday. I was pacing back and forward in my room walking to the hallway and turning around for like an hour until i was like "fuck it i can get some extra money for dope by adding 50 to the amount" and did that.

Since then I am open about (most) of my drug use, so like i have talked to them about tripping in a round about sense. My mother telling a story of a life long friends run in with the police and stopped at what it was and i said "what was it LSD come on its nothing i havent seen before" and she keeps telling me i can "just go outside and smoke a joint" if i want yet i still hide it as a respect thing. To me its like opening a bottle of vodka and pounding it in front of them, fine for some occasions but not right for a Tuesday night in my mind, so yeah i will smoke in my room and mask the odor a bit or make sure the door stays closed but i dont hide it.

I suppose the real test will be when i meet a new girl, seeing as how my former g/f and i are not dating. Thats also a weird situation because we are "best friends" not lovers, makes no difference to me and its nice having someone who knows all parts of me and my past. But once I meet a new person i will struggle with what the appropriate time is to inform them of a past full of crack pipes and needles, given who i plan on becoming if i meet some girl in the Chemistry department of a university it will probably knock her off her feet to hear that i was a hardcore drug addict. If i meet a hippy girl at a grateful dead show it probably wont be too off putting for her but I have large plans for my future so I dont know what type of girl i may find in my travels.

I really dont know and my former g/f and i have discussed this. She has track marks that look like surgical scars going u the length of her forearm, they are really faded an quite literally looks like someone had to open her arm to remove the muscle attached to the bone. This was from me rotating injection sites and her scarring easily, even a new needle left a scar even with all precautions. I am lucky in that i am the opposite only traumatic tissue tearing creates bad scars for me so I have 0 track marks. I have been tested for STDs etc with no issues and "perfect blood work" even had !!!! on the top of it after the phrase lol. But yeah shes worried that if she finds someone they will see it right away and she will have to tell them of a past that doesnt define who she is anymore, just like me.

Its funny its not an issue of anything like disease or lack of ambition, motivation or skill due to a drug addiction but the idea that someone else wont be able to get past something i had no probably eliminating from my life. Like if i obtain my PhD in Chemistry and meet some girl in advanced chem classes and somehow end up on the top 5% of the class, will i still be instantly denied due to my past like i said because others will have a harder time getting over my heroin addiction then I did? Its a strange concept indeed.
I just let girls know about my drug use before I start dating ruins both your high and your relationship when u have to hide your drug use and worry if she much rather have a gf that uses with me or doesn't give me shit about it cause she's cool with it.I mean if it's an occasional thing then hiding it is prolly best but opiates and Xanax are hard to keep occasional..more than once a week is not occasional

best to come clean so she will trust u even tho she might want to leave which is for the best because she doesn't love all of u.if your life is manageable and your not spending a shit ton of money it shouldn't matter if your honest about it but u know your gf better than us

my only family I see are my mom and dad and they both know that I've tried every drug imaginable they just don't know about my opiate problem
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Haven't really had to hide my use of anything ever. As a result I'm what you call a "sloppy user" in that I can't and don't think about hiding it which results in all kinds of problems. Wish I'd have hid it when I was younger just so I'd know how to hide it now!
Yea, I hid my use until my teacher encouraged me to open up to my parents for support. My use got worse but then it got better. I'm allowed to smoke weed (outside only) and any controlled substances that are prescribed are locked in a safe and dispensed daily. These are medications that clearly improve my well being so it's hard to save pills from a previous day to get high. Occasionally I've forgotten I still had one left and this is when I do hide things. I also occasionally insufflate which is not something I have ever been caught doing. I do believe if my parents discovered this, that my ass will be kicked out immediately.
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I'm pretty open about everything, except my "self prescribed" TRT. Testosterone has such a stigma associated with it I don't think my family would understand why I'm using it. But it's to increase my sense of well being for the better, and it's the one thing that actually works better than any pharmaceutical or recreational drug.

As far as my infrequent weed and benzo use, they know about that and I'm open about it with most everyone.
I'm pretty open about the fact I use drugs, and what drugs I use, my wife knows when I buy drugs.. . .
I still like to hide my use a bit from her, wander off and smoke or take a line in another room without announcing it. Used to like tripping that way too, but never again after my fuck up on DPT/MXE, I promised her I'd tell her before I do anything like that, and I intend to keep that promise.
Hiding your drug use sucks. Eventually they find out and your stuck with that im a lier face. If you cabt find somebody who will accept ur drug use then don't waste your time with them unless your ready to change. Btw i dont want it to sound like im judging you cause im not.
I hid from my family, and then my mother found out because of the smell of weed. So now my family knows and accepts the fact that I smoke after my brother helped convince them that weed isn't that serious. I hide all other drug activities from them, and would rather they not know about that.
I hide my addiction from all of my friends, coworkers and family other than my mom, I eventually told her. Plus, she was once an addict as well so she understands. It would probably destroy the rest of my family if they found out. I have been with the same company for nearly 5 years and have worked my way to the corporate office, where I have been since the summer of 2013. So, I live what seems to be a completely normal life with a successful job, only I have an opiate addiction.
I don't hide my weed habit, nor when I drink, but I don't do that too often anyway. I also don't hide my use of benzos and opiates therapeutically, but definitely recreationally. I hide my occasional cigarette use from everyone but my boyfriend. Don't hide my use of psyechedics at all, in fact, I got my dad to try shrooms lol. All my loved ones are either stoners or alcoholics though, so it's not like they really care about my use of soft drugs. My immediate family are all big drinkers so they actually encourage me to to drink a lot, but luckily I don't like it. My stepdad is the one who turned me on to opiates (I got percs after surgery and he told me how to abuse them so I nod out, huge addict himself) and my dad gets me ambiens, so yeah. My bf and I sometimes do harder drugs but he has no idea how much I use alone.
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I've told my wife about my drug use even before I asked her out , it's better to tell your partner or your date before it gets to serious , as it can cause major problems in the future
hey. don't be telling no one about that shit. if you tell one person, the whole world will find out in no time
Yes, I hide my drug use from my family, including being very still and quiet in bed when I am supposed to be sleeping but am actually on

No. I hate lying to my parents. I avoid discussing it and I dont put it in their face but if they ask me I wouldn't lie. IT ruins the relationship that much more.
I tried lying about it in the pat and found that it just caused more drama than it was worth. The last two years of my active addiction I was honest with friends and family and it made life a lot easier - less guilt, fewer arguments, etc. I also found everyone to be much more supportive when I decided to go to rehab this last time.
meth and heroin, yes

all other drugs, no

My parents have very permissive views towards drugs generally-speaking, though.
I have been using drugs of all kinds for about 8 years now, mainly opiates and benzos. I am 25. When i was 19 i started using opiates almost everyday. In the past year i have substantially decreased my use, mainly using xanax or klonopin 2-3 times a week, and opiates probably once or twice every 2 weeks. My girlfriend of 3 years has never used drugs like this, only marijuana. She knows about my past, but when we started dating i told her i was completely clean (which was a lie obv). She has caught me asking people for drugs a few times in the past year. I try telling her the truth that it is just an occasional thing, but she does not understand or believe me, as she has never been addicted to anything. Just wondering how other people deal with discussing or hiding their drug use with their girlfriends/boyfriends and family
I think you should come clean to your girlfriend. I mean, that sort of thing leads to all kind of mistrust. You carried on a lie for 3 years, what else are you lying about? What else are you capable? You say that she doesn't understand, well make her understand. If she loves you, she will understand. I think it's so so wrong to lie, especially in a relationship where trust is so fragile.

That being said, I'm honest about it from the get go and my boyfriend and I are pretty open about this sort of stuff. But also, my mom would literally kill me lol so don't ask, don't tell, out of respect of course.