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do you have mojo, psychic powers or other supernatural abilities?


Jan 2, 2004
in high school i had a copy of 'The Black Arts: A Concise History of Witchcraft, Demonology, Astrology, and Other Mystical Practices Throughout the Ages' which was VERY entertaining, but i was a naive sceptic then and properly dismissed it as woo. nifty woo, though. in college, the QueerNation/ACT-UP group i was running with was also a coven, of sorts. the lesbians were into StarHawk and were prone to going on about the moon and their wombs. the guys were into chaos magic - the postmodern stuff where you use belief as a tool to focus your energy and what you believe in being basically irrelevant. still thought it was woo, but i did some ritual and made some charms. most of my interest was in the leader, who looked like a 25yo joe montana. i kinda pretended to believe, i think, but i did follow the threefold law.

from there, i started looking into shamanic magic, meaning entheogens. i wanted to have all the neato experiences - i read Carlos Castaneda and i was *determined* to have a shamanic experience - in the way that people are *determined* to visit disneyland. i wanted to see some cool shit, dammit. but peyote is hard to come by, and i'm not cool enough for datura, so i kept looking....and found in seminal DXM FAQ - section 8: Altered States and Paranormal Experiences. oh, my. yeah. i was on that shit like a duck on a june bug (southern saying - junebugs are large beetles that fly around about a foot over the ground, aimlessly. ducks love to eat them - they do this ridiculous thing where they half raise their wings and stick their necks outs and chase the bugs, it's hysterical) and i basically got my ass handed to me. it wasn't fuckin' woo anymore. i could flat out make shit happen - weird shit. DXM trips are not just in your head - they reach out and mess with the world around you.

that was 20 years ago. i know that it's utterly insane to think that i can manipulate reality with my mind. in those 20yrs i was trained as a scientist in a hard science field. i know that shit is impossible - but i also know it works. its my mojo - when i'm living right (no dopaminergic drugs, vegan/peasant food only, following the 8-fold path) shit just falls in line for me. example - i was working with my garlic bed and i had one 1' rebar stake, but i really need another...and when i dug around, i pulled another stake, almost identical to the one i had, out of the ground. like the gd earth gave it to me. i just said 'thanks' because that's just the way shit is. that's my mojo - like being an agent of karma rather than a patient. it's only little things, and it's always unexpected, but it's VERY helpful. when i live right, i can just make shit work. mojo.

okay - anyone else have this kind of outlook?
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I've known people in real life to display various extra-sensory abilities. One who was clairvoyant and could describe people he didn't know from afar, which kind of amazed me. My grandmother is also quite visual or gets images into her mind (that only happens to me when I'm withdrawing, sleep-deprived, or under the influence).

The only thing I can do 100% is what is called "clairsentience" or the accurate reading of energies or feelings. I'm always aware of what someone are feeling at all times, which can be tiresome. If someone likes you, you're very aware of that, if someone has something against you, you feel that very strongly, etc. Also, telepathy to some degree, but thoughts are of a more subtle material than emotions which are more coarse and easier to pick up on. And I can do some form of channeling when I'm in high states of consciousness, but I don't know how it works exactly.

It's not really anything "supernatural" as such, it feels just like anything you pick up through the regular senses. In the 70s or around that time there there were a lot of experiments done on extra-sensory perception skills that you can find books about in some university libraries. It really seems quite common, or like most can do something to some degree, although not that many that stand out in a dramatic kind of sense. It's just difficult to share with others. That is, you know what you perceive but you can't always get someone to accept it, unless they perceive the same way.
Hey, I think I get what you're talking about now.

I was just reading about "Siddhis", or basically the Buddhist term for all kinds of supernatural skills, and along with many others such as walking on coal and water and such there was one that said "Your words turning into reality" (with no delay), like someone who can calm the stormy seas with a word.

And I recalled something that had happened the day before. Or I had scalded my arm on some hot water and showed it to a guy living upstairs and he joked about me having to start watching out for myself, and I said it's not like I'm so clumsy I hurt myself all the time. Then as soon as I came down I slipped on the wet bathroom floor and fell and banged my head and thought that was quite funny. But there's an idea that at certain states of consciousness you have to be careful as your thoughts and words can quickly turn into reality, they contain vibrations that can affect matter, so you need to take great care.
southern saying - junebugs are large beetles that fly around about a foot over the ground, aimlessly. ducks love to eat them - they do this ridiculous thing where they half raise their wings and stick their necks outs and chase the bugs, it's hysterical
lol, nice
no dopaminergic drugs
Why this?
i just said 'thanks' because that's just the way shit is
haha, been there, it's cool when thingsseamlessly fall into place, I call this flow or being in sync with the world. seems only to happen when I'm in sync with myself if that makes any sense to you.
Not to derail the thread but I think I still have PTSD from the junebugs hitting the screen-door at night in my childhood. We moved from the north when I was 7 and as far as I was concerned we had moved to another planet--where insects were the dominant species. i should have asked my parents for a pet duck!

I have had a few experiences in my life that I am tempted to call visions or premonitions. But when I try to really scrutinize them it gets so complicated that I tend to undermine with doubt any but the most logical explanations. In the end, its like agreeing to disagree with my own head.:\
...i was on that shit like a duck on a june bug (southern saying - junebugs are large beetles that fly around about a foot over the ground, aimlessly. ducks love to eat them - they do this ridiculous thing where they half raise their wings and stick their necks outs and chase the bugs, it's hysterical) ...
When I was little, we had a pair of ducks for a short time, but a dog ate them before they got a chance to chase thee junebugs. It wasn't a nice thing to do to them, but also when I was little, I would take a thin bamboo stick and hit them (the junebugs not the ducks) as they hovered outside the porch screen door. It made a whooshing sound that reminded me of a starwars lightsaber. Later in the night, I would see little ghostly images of them buzzing around me like they wanted to get revenge for what I did to them.
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When I was little, we had a pair of ducks for a short time, but a dog ate them before they got a chance to chase thee junebugs. It wasn't a nice thing to do to them, but also when I was little, I would take a thin bamboo stick and hit them (the junebugs not the ducks) as they hovered outside the porch screen door. It made a whooshing sound that reminded me of a starwars lightsaber. Later in the night, I would see little ghostly images of them buzzing around me like they wanted to get revenge for what I did to them.

they really want us to get together (plus, if that's actually your pic, you're a hotness)

from my blog - confessions of a weirdness magnet #13

light sabre training (play Blackalicious Paragraph President)

you need the handle of a shovel or like and a backyard where there are carpenter bees, what my people call bumblebees, where the females make bore nests in wood and the males hover and guard it. the females have black spots on their head and don’t hover, males have yellow spots, hover and *cannot* sting. we used to catch them and let them buzz and pretend it was a radio. so, in this species, males are kinda expendable. if you use a switch, like a stalk from dogfennel, whacking them doesn’t hurt them, they’re back in a minute (i did catch and release experiments as a kid). you know what to do – stalk the hovering globe and whack it with a stick, like the jedi mf you are. it’s NOT easy. if you can’t, get a tennis racket for training wheels. never hit the same bee twice in a day, tomorrow it’s probably another one anyway. after you smack the bastard, bow and thank him for the match. once you can do this, you can take any stick and fuck a mf up with a quickness. no joke, cause you’re quick. tip, distract the bee with your off foot, and they move in predictable ways…and so do bald apes.

for the rest of y'all - we just demonstrated our psychic powers, such as they are...%)
Not that it has any bearing on this discussion, but bumblebees and carpenter bees are different species. Carpenter bees like like bumblebees and have similarities, but bumblebees don't bore into wood.

I can feel the emotions of others quite strongly (which caused me a lot of issues as a kid), but I think all mammals at least have this... in fact I think it;s the primary way most animals communicate, close-range at least. Nothing supernatural about it, although our society tends to disagree that it's a real thing. If you pay attention you can see it in action all the time though.

I had this schizophrenic friend in college... we'd be chillin in the dorms, in someone's room, and we'd hear the hallway door open whenever anyone came in. Whenever he'd enter everyone would be like, ugh... it's Dan, because we could feel his really, really intense level of emotion and anxiety, before we even saw him. I think some people are more willing to listen to their feelings in this matter than others, but that everyone has the ability. And like any sense, some have it more strongly than others.
I've had some interesting experiences, or to be more precise experiences that have happened to me. I came to the conclusion that we don't do these things ourselves.. our higher self, nature, god perhaps? It's the same feeling I've had in the dream state/OBE/Astral some times where I've either been moved or prevented from moving by some force that is not me. Magic happens when you're not looking directly at it, or directly away, but halfway so to speak.. there is method to magic and incidentally I think some children pick it up intuitively.. that there's a way to hold ones head/mind in a certain way or "feeling" that facilitates magic to take place. Difficult to describe.. but it's like caring, but simultaneously not caring at the same time.

Similar to Xorkoth.. pick up emotions, and thoughts too (though this is less common). I accept this kind of thing as normal and not magic.
I don't believe anything is supernatural. If it's happening, then it's part of the natural world, whether its mechanisms are understood or not.

I've had a lot of interesting experiences growing up, and in adulthood I made a concerted effort to develop my psychic abilities further. Now, I find myself letting them go with indifference. There is nothing special about these phenomena, they just develop along the spiritual path. People who seek psychic powers are just seeking more illusion really. The point isn't to get attached to that stuff. It arises and then dissolves just like everything else. If you get too attached then you're going to fall into the rabbit hole.

This reality is one big mystery, and I'm okay with that. Amazing things can happen at random but I don't feel I have anything to do with it. People who think they are using intention and manifestation whenever something cool happens, because "I did it, don't you know?", are just fooling themselves. There's no self in any of it.
Jamming with a friend on syrian rue gave me a new take on things like telepathy. Harmine was originally going to be named "telepathine" or something, right?
Jamming can really bring out some great mental connections.... you get in sync with people and it's amazing how often you all just know what's coming next even when there has been no discussion. Of course there are also a lot of cues, and it helps if you all have a similar sense of how music should be formed.

I don't believe anything is supernatural. If it's happening, then it's part of the natural world, whether its mechanisms are understood or not.

That's how I think about it too. There's so much we don't understand, and so much we do understand now that we didn't used to. I bet electricity seemed supernatural at first too. And cell phones, and the Internet. We already know it's possible to invisibly shoot information to a satellite and then back down to a very precise location, where it will be relayed to someone else, nearly instantaneously. It doesn't seem like such a stretch to me that there are other ways to transmit information between creatures. Everything is energy.
Telepathy is often described as being tuned into a specific wavelength and that someone can only pick up from the bandwith they're attuned to.

I certainly find being in an hyper-stimulated state very disturbing as it increases ability to pick up on telepathic signals so much, especially when your physical body is weakened at the same time, like in benzo withdrawal, which definitely seems to heighten extra-sensory skills. It feels like receiving thoughts from a hundred sources (at least) at once and like you're getting in a full page of information for every second.

This can make you seem very crazy from the outside, but I don't think you really are. It's just when you can't process input through the normal senses as much you seem to turn to this other set of senses (the ones you use in dreams, more or less). I guess this is where practices like sensory deprivation (like being stuck in a cave) and sleep-deprivation come from to induce these states.

It works very well too. Being awake for 3 days or going into acute benzo withdrawal are some of the easiest ways I can think of. The only time I experienced real clairvoyance, like seeing visions in the physical sense, was when I was in withdrawal from benzos and using Kratom to keep the worst off. But it doesn't allow you to experience it in a stable state of mind and your brain won't be able to record much of it as it's so dysfunctional. You don't really get the impulse to write down what you're experiencing, as it seems so normal to you at the time, and you think you've become like this now.

I agree it just seems normal when these "abilities" are flowing freely, to the point it's almost boring, or no different than perceiving through the normal senses. It's just switched on as opposed to being swithched off. There's just so much energy going into suppressing understanding of these things, or re-defining them as something they're not, instead of just explaining what they really are so there's this great mystery to it.
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Ninae: have you ever actually sat down and tried to connect with somebody via telepathy? The other person should also have some telepathic ability. If you learn to do it at will and focus, you can lock onto one voice out of those 1000s and the experience becomes very different. If it is with a friend (somebody willing to share their thoughts with you), it's like they are present- you see them, hear them, smell them, feel them as though they were next to you. It's soothing the way having a pleasant conversation with a friend should be.

If it is with somebody with zero ability, you will only get a blank or hear random mental noise. If it is with a schizophrenic, bad things might happen. Believe it or not, some of the begining rosicrucian monographs (I think you told us you have them) give some ideas on how to start. You don't need to be in benzo wd, sleep deprived, on telepathinine or any drug or stressful condition. Assuming you can do it while awake, which you should be able to do, you can take notes.

Telepathy is often described as being tuned into a specific wavelength and that someone can only pick up from the bandwith they're attuned to.

I certainly find being in an hyper-stimulated state very disturbing as it increases ability to pick up on telepathic signals so much, especially when your physical body is weakened at the same time, like in benzo withdrawal, which definitely seems to heighten extra-sensory skills. It feels like receiving thoughts from a hundred sources (at least) at once and like you're getting in a full page of information for every second.

This can make you seem very crazy from the outside, but I don't think you really are. It's just when you can't process input through the normal senses as much you seem to turn to this other set of senses (the ones you use in dreams, more or less). I guess this is where practices like sensory deprivation (like being stuck in a cave) and sleep-deprivation come from to induce these states.

It works very well too. Being awake for 3 days or going into acute benzo withdrawal are some of the easiest ways I can think of. The only time I experienced real clairvoyance, like seeing visions in the physical sense, was when I was in withdrawal from benzos and using Kratom to keep the worst off. But it doesn't allow you to experience it in a stable state of mind and your brain won't be able to record much of it as it's so dysfunctional. You don't really get the impulse to write down what you're experiencing, as it seems so normal to you at the time, and you think you've become like this now.

I agree it just seems normal when these "abilities" are flowing freely, to the point it's almost boring, or no different than perceiving through the normal senses. It's just switched on as opposed to being swithched off. There's just so much energy going into suppressing understanding of these things, or re-defining them as something they're not, instead of just explaining what they really are so there's this great mystery to it.
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I remember the Rosicrucian lessons taught some kind of visualisation technique to help you connect with someone else's mind but I just wasn't ready and could only understand it in theory at the time.

It's just that I don't have real control over it and it's more spontaneous. Most of the time I don't consciously perceive it as telepathy, just as being inspired and having access to new ideas easily. Writing can be like that as well when there's an easy flow of ideas, and it can practically be like automatic writing or doesn't seem to take any effort to create new thoughts.

I'm not so good at connecting with someone else at will, although when I'm in high states of consciousness (or with the help of opiates that can induce that) I can think of anyone I want and have a form of "conversation" with them from afar that feels almost like real life, but it's very dream-like (they respond just as they would in real life). I can also connect with some form of higher spiritual authority, it can be God/my guardian angels/higher self, and ask anything I want and get a reasonable answear. Although the source of this could be many things, could be my subconscious or the collective consciousness too.
I am a telepath, but mostly send signals without receiving them. But now I have this other power, the purple light. I don't know what to call it. It came real strong when I was tripping on DPT and all the birds started singing and my mom's two dogs that would always start barking like they wanted to attack me when I came near all of a sudden were wanting my attention and the horse that usually bites me and does not get along with the dogs would not bite me and the horse and dogs were licking each other. I started receiving all the lights from other sources as this was happening.

Now I can generate the purple light without using drugs and receive the light from others while sober...

And here comes the number thing again. It is the 17th post in the thread. The number 7 and 17 keep appearing. So does 8. And 1+7=8

Edit: And it was posted at 19:01. The number 20 and 10 have also appeared a fair number of times in the pattern. 19+1=20. They are not appearing as much as the other numbers that keep showing up though. Edit finished at 7:05. 7+5=12 12/2=6
my kind of telepathy is being in love. it's not like some invisible magic cell phone, it's when two people share their thoughts, thinking the same things. the human mind isn't equipped to do this at will - it *hurts*. read someone's mind? fall utterly in love in an instant, become one being, then shut it off.

way back when i did some far-seeing experiments with ketamine, where i'd be talking to a person in a chat room then select an image, IM the ket and try to send it. as i recall, it working frighteningly well. not scientific at all, though. have such studies been done officially? Duke U. did some psychic research, but i doubt it involved drugs. i don't think MAPS would do such, they're fringe enough already.

This can make you seem very crazy from the outside, but I don't think you really are. It's just when you can't process input through the normal senses as much you seem to turn to this other set of senses (the ones you use in dreams, more or less). I guess this is where practices like sensory deprivation (like being stuck in a cave) and sleep-deprivation come from to induce these states.

that's exactly how the ketamine/DXM stuff works - it's an anaesthetic, it cuts off your senses. several times while high dosing on DXM i've shut my eyes to find it made no difference - my eyes had stopped working a long time ago, everything i was seeing was memory reconstruction hallucination.
When I took MXE, I would have these episodes I used to call "Talking to the devil", as that's what it felt like.

I had this voice inside me that would respond to anything I asked. It would practically reply before I'd formualted the question and I had a lot of fun with it. It was very intelligent but extremely negative, as I used to be in benzo withdrawal and had very negative emotions at the time. That's why I called it that, although it might have been my own subconscience.

Or it might have been the body-elemental that was pissed off and suffering, as it seems to take over in these states.
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