• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Do you hate or really hate the Geico spokesman?

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^ your reaction plays right into their hands. if you really hated them, you'd simply ignore them. starting a thread and bumping it 4 times a day just gives them free advertising...

KILL the Martin Advertising agency, the DUMBASS creators of the Geico Advertising Campaigne. Shove the pig up Mike McGlones ASS! And, Kill the Gecko/Jake Wood!

more bullshit geico commercials, the creative team at the Martin Advertising Agency, should all be fired.

die die die die geico, take your crap/shit commercials in shove them up the geckos ass, then take that in shove it up Mike 'DOUCHEBAG' McGlone ass!

Just die, and go away geico!

home sercurity systems are so expensive, so to help save money, we bought a panther...ANOTHER BULLSHIT GEICO commercial, BLOW these commercials out of your ass GEICO, your a shit company

Hey Jake Wood, die already, kill the gecko, shove the gecko up your ass, FUCK OFF GEICO!
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Holy crap. It sounds like you really need TiVO. The expense can't be more than the cost you're going to have to go through in therapy for this extreme hatred of an advertisement agency.
TIVO! Really, lol. Okay, yeah, that the ticket!

TIVO / DVR, DOES not work for S P O R T I N G E V E N T S ! Think about it!, GEICO, like a fleash eating virus has saturated EVERY, and yes I mean EVERY channel, EVERY 15, 30 45, 60 minute time periods, they put multiple annoying fucking commercial after commercial on two, sometimes three channels!

ARE you starting to get it! NOBODY fucking TIVOs A SPORTING EVENT!, so while your wating the game, you see geicos fucking logos on every place they can put a logo, then a commercial pops up, on almost every commercial break!, so, you change the channel, but, REMEMBER! This is a sporting event, so you have to be cognanznat of when the game will return...UNLIKE A SHOW!, where yes, tivo / dvr will work., BUT it does not work for sporting events! UNLESS, you are the ONLY fucking person on the planet that tapes sporting events! If your a fan, and Im a rabid sports fan, I WATCH THEM LIVE. DO YOU GET IT!

So, in cocclusion, fucking die geico, die , your company is a virus, cancer, desease. KILL the fucking PIG! Kill the gecko, AND bash mike mcglones brains in, kill him, make him bleed...die die die die die die geico

PS: Someone, please kill the entire creative team at the MARTIN ADVERTISING AGENCY, located in NYC and Virginia, the ASSHOLES behind the geico commercial campaigne!

Its only ten maybe 15 minutes, watching ESPN, and already, three BULLSHIT GEICO commercials! Somehwere out there, there ia a person, or persons that hates geico MORE then me, also, they DONt use forums like these to release thier frustrations. Because, of these facts, someone is going to walk into the GEICO headquarters and just whip out two high powered automatic weapons, and just kill as many geico employees as possilble, and when he/she runs out of ammo,they will reach for their cellphone, hit a three digit number, and set off a powerfully Symtex bomb!

The ONLY thing more repetitave then these BULLSHIT geico commercials! Are people, the news, and the entire MEDIA, talking about Tim Tebow. AND like GEICO, Tebow SUCKS! ( as an quarterback in the NFL )
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I believe we're done here.

davidh, may I suggest anger management therapy.
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