• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

do you ever give homeless people money?

If I'm in a good mood cuz fuck it.

Many "homeless" pull $200 a day begging and put it in their arm so fuck em, no sympathy or anything.

Never met a cool homeless person.
If I'm buzzed I am extra generous, although even when I'm very high I won't give $ to a guy who looks like he is homeless because he beat his woman, or because he is in and out of prison for crimes that I don't like :) Handicapped guys, I always give em a buck.
I always give homeless people $5 when I have money on me , and for everyone saying they gonna spend it on alcohol or drugs go on YouTube and look up social experiment homeless people , basically this guy asks a lot of homeless people if they would rather a bottle of vodka and a pack of cigarettes or a subway voucher and every single one of them take the subway voucher I don't care what they spend it on there fucking homeless they have nothing but the clothes on there back I was homeless for 2 years and it sucked starving all the time feeling so depressed I would never wanna be in that situation again and I feel sorry for EVERY homeless person well that's just me
Where I live, many homeless persons would rather have METH :)
If I gave all the homeless people a fiver when I had money I wouldn't for long. Amerika is becoming the land of the homeless.
if i have money, always, and i thank the person for taking it and giving me a chance to be a better person

my story - the only time i've every had anything stolen from a car involved a broken windows and my carry bag. this was in the 90s and i had an 8oz bottle of liquid BZP in that bag, which could be very dangerous. i went around to all the homeless people in the area and gave out my number with a promise of a reward. next day got a call, got my bag and all contents back,paid the dude a pint of rum. now you're going to say 'he's probably the one who stole it' so what? i got my stolen property back,something no cop could ever do.
i used to smoke with the homeless guys, they know the places, then i had this terrifying encounter with the lord god Jehovah disguised as a crack head - never again
Ya years ago I got drunk with a homeless dude and he started following me, had to pull a weapon to get him to fuck off, crazy bum motherfucker.
I give them money through the taxes I pay. When they are begging on a street corner I say "Have a nice day. "
I gave a guy a few bucks in change yesterday. Just what i had in my wallet.
Had a bit of a chat, wasn't much money to me, but it was more than he asked for.
It's been cold at night here, and the poor bastard's sleeping rough. I always try to at least have a decent chat with homeless people - whether i have anything to give them or not. Some of those cats have a really unique take on life, or some kind of tragic wisdom.
And all of them have a fucking tough life.
so you just assume they're crackheads?

if somebody asks you for a couple of bucks, ask yourself if you need it more than they do...


I buy them juice and snacks. Always give em a cigarette but rarely ever money cuz I don't like to load their crack pipes for em.

I also give them my time when I wanna chat. They're usually very wise and psychotic and that intrigues me

you sound like a nanny-state liberal, tbh.



I think I'm noticing a trend... A lot of people feel like giving a homeless person money pays for their addictions. A lot of people also feel like giving money as a gift to family / friends pays for "stupid" things, too. I wonder if these people just think they can spend their money in a better way than others can?

I don't mean this egotistically. Everyone spends money on different things. We justify our own (sometimes very costly or silly) expenditures ... but can't let others spend without making assumptions?

I give money when I can't give food (at interstate to highway traffic signals, etc.). I offer food first. I haven't had anyone turn it down. Sometimes, I can't give money because I don't have it. Haven't had anyone that was sober get mad over me saying no.

I've also been harassed in a Popeye's by a guy who was wasted-skinny and high on something. He asked for a dollar and I didn't have cash on me and told him so. He called me a lying bitch and continued to mumble incoherently while staring at me. When I left five minutes later, he followed me into the parking lot. I hightailed it out of there.

I still give money to the homeless. It's none of my business what others spend their money on. They may not even appreciate it. They might think I'm a lying bitch even if I give them money. It doesn't matter.

Bad experiences can quickly change or influence our decisions to help others. I believe people who are poor are seen as crackheads and drug users because of a few experiences we have. Generalizations are easy to create.
A society is judged on how it treats the least of its citizens. I could imagine being homeless is the least.
Sometimes I did/do yes, I was living in the streets a time ago and I know of first hand how hard can be the life on the streets.
I come from money and when I was living in Los Angeles many of my friends were also affluent, we would go to Costco and buy enough snacks, sandwiches, and water bottles for 300 to 400 people and make bags that would feed a person for a day and keep them hydrated enough, two water bottles a person and a paper bag filled with granola bars, ham sandwiches, dummies, cookies, crackers, pieces of fruit that had thick skin, etc... Then we would go down town every Sunday evening and go to where all the homeless would sleep and hand out the bags and water. So much better than giving people cash, we went to them instead of them coming to us, we split into groups of 3 or more so it was safe, they were super grateful, it only took a few hours to make the bags up and hand them out, they could expect us every Sunday evening so many of them knew to be there to get the food and water, many of the people were mentally or physically disabled and unable to work or were illegal immigrants who came here for a better life and failed to find it and couldn't speak english, there were some families so the kids got to eat. Great thing to do.

I sometimes keep $5 McDonalds gift cards in my car for homeless people. I really enjoy talking to homeless people and will bum them cigarettes buy them food and chat. I used to smoke homeless people up back when I was a pothead, they appreciated that generally. I'm okay with buying a cheap pint for a homeless person if they're willing to admit they want alcohol. As long as they aren't aggressive or definitely trying to scam me I want to help if I can, a person is a person is a person and no doubt if a person is living on the streets or in a shelter they have needs that aren't being met and I enjoy helping when I can.
i don't care what they do with it, if i have a little extra money that i don't NEED for something specific i'll give it to a homeless person. i'd hope for the same if i was in that position, but wouldn't expect it. i think the only time i turned down someone asking for money was in baltimore - and only because i'd been hit up so many times on the walk prior to then that i literally had nothing left. he did ask for me to take money out of the ATM, but i had to draw the line somewhere.
on my recent trips to the city i have been giving out nearly half my cigarettes to homeless folks. i don't mind too much but it does suck to run out when im stuck there considering they cost $10+ per/pack. Honestly the homeless are really starting to irritate me. A lot of the people i am running into lately have been very rude and unappreciative and one even threatened to "fuck my face up" because i would only give him change and not dollar bills.
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It's very rare -- where I live -- to see homeless people. I've only seen a few in the last couple years, it all depends on the mood I'm in. I will, however, give money if I see they have a dog with them, and I always tell them to make sure to feed the dog. Weird. . . I know.
yeah i often give homeless people a few coins. I had a discussion with a friend recently about this as he was annoyed because he gave a homeless guy money and he spent it on booze. it bugged me that he was annoyed and i challenged him on why he thought he should be able to give the guy money and choose what he was to spend it on. If booze or powder helps to get him through his day then who are we to tell him not to. Especially if we havent walked a mile in his shoes. Each person on the street is a human that has a story and a family somewhere. Being in recovery myself and having spent time homeless i empathise with them. I never ended up begging but that was just a 'not yet'. Not having a roof to retreat to at the end of the day is scary and humiliating. A bit of brown or a bottle of something helps dull the fear for a little while. i know theres an argument that by giving them money you/re enabling them to use/drink but if thats what they're buying then its not their time yet and they;re not ready to stop. I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion on this based on their own experience but just spare a thought for how it feels to be sitting there with nothing but a huge monkey on your back.
on my recent trips to the city i have been giving out nearly half my cigarettes to homeless folks. i don't mind too much but it does suck to run out when im stuck there considering they cost $10+ per/pack. Honestly the homeless are really starting to irritate me. A lot of the people i am running into lately have been very rude and unappreciative and one even threatened to "fuck my face up" because i would only give him change and not dollar bills.

Coins are hard to carry. They're heavy and you can't get anything with them anymore. I see it as like leaving change as a tip for a waiter / waitress. You might as well not even give at all.
Bullshit if 10 people you change you can buy yourself a meal , better not to give at all if you value your safety. On the other hand I do tend to give my stuff and money away so guess I'm not a stickler for safety.