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DMT and Religion, The inaccuracies in reported effects due to religious thought.

Hallucinogens are not some benign wonder drug. I think that's where I'll leave this, I hope everyone has had their positions reinforced, even if they're ridiculous.
i don't really see psychedelics as anything but!
they are wonderful, just maligned from 50 odd years of demonisation, horror tales and urban myths.
what they are capable of is not well understood, because studying the drugs became illegal in the late 1960s, so our understanding is still stunted -

classic psychedelics such as LSD, Psilocin/Psilocybin, DMT and mescaline are certainly wonderdrugs of some sort.
they may not have cured cancer or replaced penicillin, but psychedelics have advanced many understandings of the brain and the power of neurochemistry.

and benign? all evidence would appear to indicate these drugs' 'safety' in a conventional understanding of what that means.
the psychedelics were banned for political reasons amid hysteria (fuelled by the sensationalist press) not for any concerns about toxicity or physical harm resulting from their use. amongst the hype and propaganda, lots of people have missed or ignored what these drugs have taught science already, and what further understanding could be gained if studies were less oppressively regulated.

MyExcuse said:
A logical and rational non-drug using person will claim that all of our efforts (ie, using psychedelics for personal growth) are pointless, if not completely detrimental to our mental well being.
who is this non-drug using person, and why isn't he giving logical and rational reasons for stating that taking psychedelics is 'pointless, if not completely detrimental to our mental well being'?
you might not get anything healthy or beneficial from taking a trip, it doesn't mean it is the same for everyone else.

i refuse to believe that an occasional cup of mushroom tea between friends is an unhealthy thing.
A few final points I feel need to be brought up:
Many in this thread have expressed the logical fallacy of cognitive dualism. That is, that the brain is separate from the mind. That hallucinations emanate from some outside force or allow the person experiencing them to view "true" reality, as if it were something different than altered "normal" reality. In doing this, you deny science and while being in the right as far as comparable thinking in indigenous societies, you are not accepting the fact based evidence of what it is your are experiencing.

I agree, but the fact that neurological changes are the reason for the experience doesn't change the fact that the experience can be beneficial. Objective reality is a constant. Subjective realities can change, and by exploring other subjective realities we can perhaps gain certain insights. These insights are available through methods that don't involve drugs, but they are also often given through the use of drugs in a proper environment.

Many forget that we are drug users first and foremost. Our positions are biased and I doubt anyone can make the claim that an absence of drug use in anyone's life will leave them disadvantaged. A logical and rational non-drug using person will claim that all of our efforts (ie, using psychedelics for personal growth) are pointless, if not completely detrimental to our mental well being.

And some logical and rational non-drug using people will claim our efforts (ie, using psychedelics for personal growth) are valid and often fruitful. And what of the logical, rational drug using people? How would a non-drug using person know if drugs can be used for self improvement anyway?

I can absolutely make the claim that if I had never used psychedelic drugs I would have been left disadvantaged. No question about it. What is wrong with that claim?

Alterations in brain chemistry and drug experiences in general often improve mental well being, to deny that is to deny science. Studies over the years have shown the effectiveness of psychedelic drugs in therapy settings and with mental problems such as PTSD and other trauma. Many, many people on this website, in PD and ED, will attest to positive life changes because of psychedelic drug use that they would have not likely gotten without the drugs.

I do feel some people may benefit from hallucinogens when enduring emotional pain or in a visionary or artistic manner. I cannot accept that this is any better than therapies provided by a psychologist or religious leader. Anything that hallucinogens may contribute to a long-term beneficial growth of ones consciousness, may be achieved through non-drug-utilizing methods. It's a slippery slope when using a drug to "better" oneself.

So you think that "religious" psychedelic experiences are invalid, but the teachings of religious leaders is valid? In what way is following a religion less ridiculous than using the mind state caused by psychedelics as your religion? For the record, I think both are ridiculous.

I'm sure that the benefits of psychedelics can often be gained through non-drug using methods, but that's not always practical. I cannot accept religion, so that was out for me. Therapy was unavailable for most of my life and when I tried it it did nothing. I was never successful with meditation. I'm sure with sufficient discipline I could have gotten to where I am without psychedelics, but I almost surely would have just killed myself (either intentionally or by accidental drug overdose or stupid mistake) instead.

I don't think anyone in this thread has seriously stated that psychedelics are the only way to improve consciousness, just that they are one valid way to do it.

I can find ways to use meth to better myself too! In fact, dare I say, this may be a more practical drug in modern society (See: Ya ba) than hallucinogens to facilitate personal growth.
Depends on your definition of personal growth. I could never use meth for personal growth, meth is one of the, if not the most destructive things I've done to myself. But I'm not going to force my experiences on you by telling you that it's impossible to use meth for some sort of personal growth.

Good for you if you better your life, through drugs or without them, doesn't matter to me. The thing is, you seem very insistent that other people can't use psychedelics in a certain way, but you haven't stated any really clear reasons. Sure things like therapy, meditation and other forms of introspection can achieve the same goals as using psychedelics, but why not psychedelics if they work too?

There is a very religious feeling to those who subscribe to the spiritual/dualist thinking pattern within the psychedelic community. That is, many of the logical fallacies and incoherent adherence to "scripture" and "revelation" seen in religious organizations are seen quite readily in select users of hallucinogenic substances.

Hallucinogens are not some benign wonder drug. I think that's where I'll leave this, I hope everyone has had their positions reinforced, even if they're ridiculous.

You say hallucinogens as if it's a single drug. Can you show me any evidence whatsoever that DMT is damaging to the brain? We can draw upon hundreds or thousands of reports of DMT users saying the drug has bettered their lives. Why is that wrong?

Saying that psychedelics are a valid pathway to self improvement is not the same as ascribing religious significance to them.

Moderate psychedelic drug use is benign, and they can act as "wonder drugs", they certainly turned my life around radically and quickly.

I used to enjoy psychedelics. All my trips for quite a while have been patently unpleasant, though, and yet I still do them, because I really do get a lot out of them. I rarely have a great time tripping, if I want to have fun I do opiates or alcohol or something, but psychedelics are tools for me. I have nothing against using them recreationally, but that is not their only use.
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Someone claiming that meth may be a more practical drug to facilitate personal growth than psychedelic compounds clearly has no business touting himself as a scientist... lol
Haven't read much of the thread (cuz my brain is weak and too many words make it feel tired) but would like to say that the elves (or whatever they're called) even if they are real (which they may or may not be) could be lying!

Just because they (seem) to be disembodied entities does not make them "perfect angels" (thou they might be...on this drug I tend to doubt it) and not all "nature spirits" are nessasarly all that benign (thou they might be)

Best to take stuff like this with a grain of salt.
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The hubris of the OP is too apparent for me to ignore.

I don't see how a spiritual experience and " objective facts" are mutually exclusive. My experiential knowledge is a fact to me. I don't really get empiricists who artificially divide knowledge into "objective" and "subjective", all based on whether or not something has been peer reviewed or subject to whatever their definition of "controlled conditions" is. It's a delusional and artificial separation, and when used to coerce or criticize others it is hubris of the highest order. It's no different than saying what you're seeing and believing is more real than what I see. All based on what exactly? Social institutions who do experiments in labs, and therefore assert that they know the truth about reality?

When it comes to matters of consciousness, people who feign objectivity annoy me more than those who talk about their chosen entheogen as the holy grail. There are many roads to Rome, many paths one can take. I can't help but laugh at the irony of saying that religioso entheogen users are fooling themselves for thinking they've found the truth, only to turn around and say that you have objectively evaluated the "facts" and you know the truth more than they do. Please give us a break. Why can't you just let it go and let people be who they want to be? They ultimately have nothing to do with you, but your CHOICE to be annoyed by them and argue with reality is ALL about you. Regardless if you are talking altered states or "sober" consciousness, your reality is no less or more objective than mine. We are both perceiving existence through our own unique lens and can draw whatever conclusions we want from it.

My ultimate goal in life is not to choose sides. I pursue knowledge and personal truth wherever it resides, whether that's in science, religion, philosophy, mind-altering substances, walks in the woods, meditation, whatever. I want the TRUTH and I don't care what source it precipitates out of. If people worship their chosen entheogen then that is their damn choice and they are no less right or wrong than you for having done so.
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I believe that the universe runs according to fixed laws that can, at least in theory, be modelled abstractly using the scientific method. But what mind-blowingly strange laws they are! The uncertainty principle isn't any weirder once you know the maths of it. The fact that the particles which compose us have no fixed location in space doesn't get any less strange once you know how this knowledge has been derived. It is a proposition taken very seriously by a lot of physicists that there are an infinite number of parallel universes, and that everything that can happen does happen. I believe that this objective universe is easily crazy enough to create the staggering complexity which constitutes subjective experience.

To say that the laws of physics define what is and isn't possible in the universe isn't reductive at all - because what is possible is breathtaking in its scope. And there may well be other universes that have different physical laws which define completely different possibilities and impossibilities.

I don't think my view of this conflicts with other versions of knowledge. I think that cultural forms of knowledge are as equally valid as scientific knowledge and just as central, if not more so, to what we are as beings. Nature has granted as far more complexity than is needed for investigating the physical laws of the universe. As fascinating as that is, there's much more to life than that.

Finally, I just don't believe in the 'entities' which one is supposed to encounter in 'hyperspace' while on DMT. A being seen on a drug is just 'real' to you as a subject as anything else. But to suggest that it is itself a subject rather than an object (ie. that it is looking back at you) is silly. I can't prove it of course, but this is one of those occasions where I'm happy to use forms of knowledge other than the scientific method to call bullshit.
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I was atheist my entire life till trying DMT and in just 5 minutes was shown just how little we know of reality. For a while I was guilty of following DMT like one would a religion and have seen countless others fall into this mindset. I guess the point of this post is to point out the correlation so people can assess their own views. Not belittling the DMT experience in the least bit, just trying to take an objective approach to avoid the follies seen in religion. (beliefs based on "faith" not fact)

I think it is important to remain mentally stable if you are going to be using psychedelics. I have seen it all to many times where a friend comes back from a trip with wild ideas about things, and they sound crazy to my sober self even though I have experienced similar things before. There is nothing wrong with maintaining an objective approach and I think you have to in order to keep your mental well being. What you experience on DMT is part of you during that trip. It's still a trip and your reality has dissolved away. If you form understandings from a trip your understandings are probably going to be loosely held together by psychedelia. Taking those understandings into consideration outside of that trip would be out of context. It no longer makes any sense. Anything useful that comes from a trip should be formulated afterwards and really has nothing to do with what you experienced during the trip but your own true feelings sober.

I don't think anyone has formed a better understanding of anything while tripping. It just feels like you have. Anyone who says different is going to have to give me a pretty good example of what they have been taught by drugs and also how is is equally important and valid to what I have learned by going to college. If you have gained something you should be able to number one explain what it is, and two, you should be able to apply it. If anyone thinks they have learned anything contextual from a trip they are putting far to much importance on their own lives. Get over yourself.

There is a world that does definitely exist out there and DMT is only one small part of it. So if anyone thinks my opinions are shallow minded, that I just don't get what psychedelics are about, or they only reflect my limited world view in technicolor. Again, get over yourself.
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I don't think anyone has formed a better understanding of anything while tripping. It just feels like you have. Anyone who says different is going to have to give me a pretty good example of what they have been taught by drugs and also how is is equally important and valid to what I have learned by going to college. If you have gained something you should be able to number one explain what it is, and two, you should be able to apply it. If anyone thinks they have learned anything contextual from a trip they are putting far to much importance on their own lives. Get over yourself.

There is a world that does definitely exist out there and DMT is only one small part of it. So if anyone thinks my opinions are shallow minded, that I just don't get what psychedelics are about, or they only reflect my limited world view in technicolor. Again, get over yourself.

how is psychedelic introspection any less valid/valuable than insight gained from other forms of lived experience, books or education?
seems to me that you're putting a negative value judgement on the whole thing.
the idea that something is rendered useless because you were led there by drugs seems really black-and-white to me.

i don't think anyone is arguing that psychedelic experience is always useful or has benefits over other forms of understanding, or that it is any substitute for academic learning, but i think your approach - basically saying it is all invalid - is throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

it can be amazingly helpful for some people - i count myself amongst these folk.
if you don't dig that, it's fine, but don't tell me that i can't possibly get anything of value out of psychedelic experiences, because you can never know what others gain from such states.
and no, i don't see the point in spelling out for you what exactly i gain from tripping, because you're showing yourself to be dismissive of such examples when they are presented to you.

if you think that psychedelic insight is a delusion, that is fine. i totally disagree with you because i've had many instances in the last 15 years of tripping that have shown me otherwise. if a drug experience can help pull you out of a dark emotional hole and help you come to terms with trauma and inevitable life changes (loss, grief, etc) then it is a valuable tool for me, as well as many others.

but you are in no position to tell me that my reaction is any less legitimate than yours; you might not have found it yet - maybe you never will. or maybe your judgement is so clouded by drug war hysteria that you will only ever see psychoactive drugs as a source of fun and hedonistic entertainment?

as for all this "get over yourself" stuff -
SpinOutOfControl said:
You keep getting defensive man. I don't have an attitude at all, we are just having a discussion.
I don't think anyone has formed a better understanding of anything while tripping. It just feels like you have. Anyone who says different is going to have to give me a pretty good example of what they have been taught by drugs and also how is is equally important and valid to what I have learned by going to college. If you have gained something you should be able to number one explain what it is, and two, you should be able to apply it. If anyone thinks they have learned anything contextual from a trip they are putting far to much importance on their own lives.

to learn = gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught.

1.) I have learned to better understand the point of view of other people as psychedelics have shown me the immense subjectivity of human perception. I apply this knowledge daily while I interact with people, for example in my relationship that goes on for almost 10 years without a fight.

2.) I have learned that the experience of beauty and pleasure is not correlated to the amount of stuff you own. I apply this knowledge daily by not spending money to buy crap. This gives me more money without having to work more, thereby measurably improving my life.

Both these examples clearly constitute learning. Both these examples are directly related to a psychedelic experience.

There is a world that does definitely exist out there and DMT is only one small part of it. So if anyone thinks my opinions are shallow minded, that I just don't get what psychedelics are about, or they only reflect my limited world view in technicolor. Again, get over yourself.
The question if there is an objective world out there or not has nothing to do with the question if I have been learning something or not. Why should I get over myself? I am myself. I learn. If I "get over myself" I cannot learn anything as any process of learning something is per definition changing my self.
ive never taken DMT before but i am certain that if i did i would still be able to separate reality from the dreamword of tripping on drugs. i think if you cannot, you have mental problems.

I thought the same thing, I was someone who couldn't comprehend anything beyond the physical realm, I needed empirical evidence. That changed the moment ...

When you experience something so profoundly subjective as this, you're left with a lot of questions. You couldn't articulate it, let alone fabricate it.

I don't feel the urge to go back, just yet, though am thankful for such an insightful and mind-opening experience!
Wut? Ya'll crazy, DMT is just a drug like crack and black tar Heroin.

What I hear:

Just saying, let's just do drugs and get along. If you fall off the mental bandwagon along the way, that's on you.

Yo man your forgetting DMT is not just any other drug! Its a powerful mind altering psychedelic unlike these majorly addictive hard substances youve mentioned. A spiritual tool if you like..! head to the forest acompanied with a good friend or 2, build a camp out of just things you find in the forest and just let go---- bring a couple of grams of changa with you and you will understand ;)

It helped me with depression!

WOW- Moments spent in heaven...

[Previously]..about to embark on a journey of the minds eye;

Mirror in place, plants and candles set to either side --- complete with psyambient meditation music --- the mood is set --- The bowl is packed with red-wood bark as base/ pipe screen type method, and changa sprinkled ontop.

I have to admit SWIM gets nervous every-time he comes near to smoking Dimitri...

Well, it is time, the first time in over a year, here it goes....!

Practicing breathing exercises to relax more and to bring down his heart rate down... The mood is set, golden....

Psychedelic meditation music playing peacefully quiet in the background as rain pitter patters on the trees and leaves outside- the pipe is brought close to lips, the lighter flint flicks the flame, sparks fly as the flame rises.. Taking a longggg draw from the pipe as the bowl glows orange, holds breath, a familiar smell [like fart gas ehehe]..... Exhaaale... Vision starts to shudder, and a body high that is known too well, it feels as if things are taking a very spiritual and sacred route that hasn't been ventured in a long time!

SERIOUSLY WOW--- My mind has been taken on an extremely spiritual and sacred journey, my reflection in the mirror turns into tribal warriors and shamanic druids, all sorts of characters ever-changing upon my face.. Celtic patterns play a big part of my journey, the deeper I focus into my face, the more vivid, detailed and intricate the patterns and Celtic designs become woven into my face, very interesting! Somewhat elvish..

I get the thought that something seriously sacred is being lost/forgotten in this modern society.. DMT; the spirit molecule...

My mind is being shown a society centered on nature and the way of the forest, religions built on a 'DMT-faith' of peace, love and light... I was sincerely elevated and captivated by the bliss that was being shared with me.

My mind was found.

Peace resides, heaven in mind, amen.

The mind exists because it have a purpose, the evolution create the mind as a tool.
The mind is a machine that take informations from the reality by our sens and create a picture in our neurones.
This picture is like a language, it alow us to have a grip to reality, to manipulate, and predict the behaveor of reality.
And for us, this picture IS the reality.
But before our sens cold accumulate informations to form this picture, before our birth, there was something that was empty, our neurones.
They were empty, but they were real, more real than the picture we now call reality.
In extreme conditions, something very primitiv and visceral from us can break the picture, and impose the evidence there is something more "real" than what we call "reality" ( but is just a picture) .
Like a very advanced program in a computer realising what he is :
- he is not the programe (the mind)
- he is not the computer that run the programe ( the body )
but he is the structure and the electricity that, from the material computer, alowed the program to occure.
Its not material, not mind, its something more powerfull that allowed the material (random bunch of metal and plastic) to create the mind (program).
We are not a part of the "reality", in the sens of what is reality for us.
Something were here before what we call "reality" (witch is just a picture, cause its impossible to gasp the wholeness of real reality).
That is the ultimate psychedelic revelation.

So sorry of my so poor english :/.
I used to perceive the psychedelic experience as a religion when I was younger. I viewed the experience as my only source of enlightenment. But these days I've learned not to invest so much into it, besides what good is enlightenment that I can only access in an inebriated state? Not to say that I never had true enlightenment that I carried back into my daily life though.
I had a friend that was as equally obsessed with so called psychedelic enlightenment, but he got lost in it and put himself up above everybody else, you know? Like he was the all knowing chosen one or something (i.e. burnout)lol! I realized at one point (trip #5000) that I had taken pretty much all the enlightenment that I could from the psychedelic experience, so now I just trip once or twice a year with friends. I'm not telling anybody to cut back or anything, just take the experience with a grain of salt - it's just a molecule.
Its like people know what Terrence said and use the same descriptions. Lots of retarded DMT trip reports; this coming from someone whose smoked grams over their life. Even written a retarded report myself ;]
just because you see all these amazing things on DMT is no reason to start believing any old nonsense. how can trust your brain to give you accurate information when youre incredibly fucked on hallucinogenic drugs?

ive never taken DMT before but i am certain that if i did i would still be able to separate reality from the dreamword of tripping on drugs. i think if you cannot, you have mental problems.

Most people who have used DMT tend to stay quiet about their spiritual experiences involving the drug. The reason being is they sound crazy describing their experiences to the inexperienced. Most users know that. And in these terms you're the inexperienced thinking we are crazy. Exactly the reason users stay quiet. So IMO quit being quick to judge when you haven't experienced what others have. Also DMT is naturally occurring in your brain. Right now as I am typing this your brain is producing DMT. So in a way you have experienced it, but not to the full extent of someone who has done a Ayahuasca ceremony or smoked pure DMT. Whatever or whoever started life. Whether it be god and unknown entity or whatever you believe in. Why would they, he/she or "it" include DMT as a chemical to be produced in our brain. DMT is one of the only chemicals I can think of that have little to no value to the human body.(to survive and continue living) How ignorant can you be to be soooo sure that he has mental issues when you haven't experienced it for yourself. Also if DMT is so likely to "fuck you up" then why aren't we all fucked up? It is always being produced in our heads. And that can't be a coincidence. I agree with your opinion on being able to separate reality from "DMT world" but EVERYONE has experienced DMT. Just not at as high of a potency as Ayahuasca or pure DMT.
That DMT may be endogenous proves absolutely nothing, if it exists at certain levels in our CNS that doesn't mean flooding concentrations don't utterly warp our mind.

I think it is utterly pointless to try and label the experiences as real or not. They are being experienced. Personally I believe that all trips can be explained by the idea that DMT produces among the most explicit manifestations of fragmented mental faculties and circuits yet. I think it very strongly activates parts in the brain that are involved with distinguishing other living beings, recognizing faces and patterns and many more of such things. They may in part be triggered randomly, influenced by the unleashed imagination but also influenced by cross-chatter from other parts of the brain where attitudes, personality stereotypes, and banks of raw wisdom are stored in the mind and encoded in our brain activity.

That doesn't mean I devalue my DMT trips, I still think it can produce deeply spiritual experiences in which one can commune with him- or herself, split off alter selves and in doing so one's own world and by extension the world. We just reflect the world in ourselves.
That DMT may be endogenous proves absolutely nothing, if it exists at certain levels in our CNS that doesn't mean flooding concentrations don't utterly warp our mind.

I think it is utterly pointless to try and label the experiences as real or not. They are being experienced. Personally I believe that all trips can be explained by the idea that DMT produces among the most explicit manifestations of fragmented mental faculties and circuits yet. I think it very strongly activates parts in the brain that are involved with distinguishing other living beings, recognizing faces and patterns and many more of such things. They may in part be triggered randomly, influenced by the unleashed imagination but also influenced by cross-chatter from other parts of the brain where attitudes, personality stereotypes, and banks of raw wisdom are stored in the mind and encoded in our brain activity.

That doesn't mean I devalue my DMT trips, I still think it can produce deeply spiritual experiences in which one can commune with him- or herself, split off alter selves and in doing so one's own world and by extension the world. We just reflect the world in ourselves.

It defiantly can't be proven. But it is highly likeable. Not sure what you mean by "utterly warp our mind" but if you are implying that it is neurotoxic and can permanently alter your physical brain, then you are mistaken. It may alter psychologically due to traumatic and bad trips. But even with that, the brain is amazing at "fixing" and healing itself. Even YEARS of methamphetamine use changes and destroys neuron pathways, but years after quitting the brain fixes and heals itself. Parts of the brain may die but it will eventually after years of sobriety will fix itself and return to normal. (In most long term meth cases)-same with alcohol. So it is very unlikely that DMT can cause any physical harm on low or normal doses. And even if the brain is psychologically damaged somehow from a bad or traumatic "trip", the user will eventually return to normal. I have experienced this with many psychedelics, including DMT. DMT is defiantly not for everyone. And if you abuse it and it's powers then you will suffer.
I said mind, not brain, the mindstate can just be out of this world is what I meant, I know that DMT is a relatively safe substance and yes I find it healing spiritually and consoling, although saying that for me has little to do with believing in something supernatural going on.
Not attacking DMT so you don't have to defend it.

by the way welcome to the forum.
I said mind, not brain, the mindstate can just be out of this world is what I meant, I know that DMT is a relatively safe substance and yes I find it healing spiritually and consoling, although saying that for me has little to do with believing in something supernatural going on.
Not attacking DMT so you don't have to defend it.

by the way welcome to the forum.

Oh I gotcha. I seem to defend substances that affect me in a spiritual way.
This is my first post on this forum. Im not sure if I should've introduced myself or not but I'll admit I did not check. To make a long story as short as possible I stumbled on this thread as a result of some web research I was doing on the burning bush or its Asiatic true life version that I can't remember the name of right now. But I'm reading all of these arguments in favor of and against the reality perception on psychedelic substance and I feel the need to give some very personal background info about myself. I am a 33 year old woman who (yeah i know im about to be called all kinds of nutjob crazy etc) has a lifelong history of various and continuous psychic or maybe psychedelic experiences without any use of hallucinogenic drugs whatsoever. I have only shared these experiences a couple times out of the at least over 100 or more which i have had. They were accurate to the point of completely disturbing and even alienating friends and family who thought that i was intentionally messing with their minds when i told them things about dead relatives which they thought i couldnt have known and must have aquired this info in some unscrupulous and shady way. Yes this is my truth as I know it. It is what it is....The thing is that I have had very very similar experiences and visions to what many people describe as a result of dmt use (ive researched that too but never have and probably never will use it) because im terrified of the effect that it migt have on me considering my "condition" or craziness maybe. But anyway Im actually doing a lot of my research to try and disprove myself and a lot of the "insights" I have had and its not working well. It seems to be having the opposite effect if anything even in threads like this with all the cynics and naysayers so I dont know its pretty confusing and I will be the first person to be happy happy HAPPY to say this is all rubbish nonsense crazy talk druggie talk etc, but coming from someone who has had many unwanted and unprovoked experiences similar to and even connecting together and elaborating on ones described by so called pschonauts and religious spiritualists alike- I doubt that there is not more than a grain of truth to the idea that these drugs are possibly connecting people to another spiritual or other worldly realm somehow. Yeah now commence telling me how Im in dire need of psychological intervention. Been there, done that. Have too much proof to agree and more than enough not to agree. Dont really care from my stance but Where does a head case or trippy drug user really begin and spirituality end anyway? You tell me.