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Dilaudid vs Heroin best opiate out there.

IV Hydromorphone (really kicked my ass)

IV Fentanyl

IV Morphine
IV Heroin

IV Morphine or IV Dilaudid - tough to say - morph has a better high overall but the rush from dillies is retardly good.
yeah iv hydromorphone hospital grade not from shooting pills

iv morphine/diamorphine use to get them alongtime ago for maintenace

iv fentanyl
oxymorphone and oxycodone in the same shot was lovely. But i would have to say
1- oxymorphone
2. Some good white to tan heroin
4. I.V. hydromorphone
5. I.V. morphine
Never tried heroin.. but tried Every other one out there. Dilaudid BY FAR then morphine. Oxy makes me nervous and edgy..I'd rather codeine than oxy..no joke!
I think it's great that somebody actually put up the facts about the possibility of the death from withdrawl or overdose. I used to snort, swallow, and even plug (sadly) Oxy 80's for years. I only shot up less than a dozen times and the junk was mediocre at best. I am now a slave to 80mg's of methadone and I am terrified of getting off of it. Because of it ridiculously long half life the withdrawls are horriffic...ten, maybe a hundred times worse than any other oipiate/opioid. And I have to shell out $250.00 a month for this splash of pink syrup. The only way to get off of it I seen is Ibogaine, only available in Mexico at ridiculously expensive clinics. So, Thanks for your post, I want to get this terrible Methadone Monkey off my back, and it's breaking the bank to boot. I'm jobless (after working at a 5 star restaurant for 5 years) due to cutbacks in staff, and every penny I have goes to methadone. (Luckily, I have an understanding roommate who is in the same situation, but he is on disability, and his parents are loaded. Somebody please tell me how to get off this god awful S**t.

Well I'm (or was) a former addict, and thanks to our dearest friend relapse, now recovering opiate addict. for the third time now. Opiates are our banes!! They make everything into hott secks and amplify all that is well being and euphoria as we know it.
And it fuckin sucks how it has to be these days with everyone using the needles. I am a former user of dilaudid, heroin, fentanyl, oxycontin, morphine, and all the lower opiates/opioids. However I was able to stick to my promise and never use a needle unless in the ER (which strangely enough has yet to occur). Which I'm thankful for because god knows if I feel that first rush via IV I would be dooooomed in the long run hehe =\.
The sad truth is, and I expect to get shit for saying it so i wont bother in explaining myself too much, but IV fent users and IV heroin users are eventually, sooner than later, going to have a revelation and truly be faced with the questions "Ok... I have to get on a program to stop and treat my withdrawls over time and KNOW that if I faulter, REALISTICALLY I will be facing most certain, gradual death from withdrawals or sudden death by means of OD. I watched my best friends father, my seconds father... Whither away and die in his bed from use of IV dilaudid.. A wealthy loving parent and friend. This happened when my friend and I were way back in highschool. Additionally, my mother has been having the most terrifying and agonizing period of her life now coming off of fentanyl/dillie use. Alright ill fuckin stop. but to anyone who wants to give it a go, smoke the heroin, smoke the fentanyl. You will not face SERIOUS withdrawls by switching administration methods from needles, your ADDICTION will just fiend for the rush. Entirely too many people who atleast want to try and lower there dangerous levels of usage confuse the individuals addiction-fiending bond with near death feelings of withdrawals. Ultimately comes down to if you can face yourself in a realistic manner and truthfully ask yourself something like "Do I want this to become the end of me, even though in my mind I am certain I will not crumble from this".
Sorry guys, either just bitching since I cannot in anyway afford to tamper with the weakest of opiates anymore, or actually by some off chance that someone on this thread can relate and take something away from it.
Enjoy what I can no longer fellas :)

Peace and Love -never judgmental even if you think so =P.
happy euphoria and body orgasms to all!
1. IV oxymorphone (if only tolerance didn't raise so quickly with this)
2. IV hydromorphone
3. IV heroin
4. IV morphine
5. IV fent

I do not consider any other opioids to be worth IV'ing
I def. love opiates, they take away the edge that our lives put us through. But....me being on methadone 80mg's for a year...I am so scared to get off. anybody want to eamil me [email protected] for advice? I love you all and this community
1. IV Heroin
2. IV Oxymorphone
3. Oxycodone (oral/insufflated)
4. IV Morphine
5. IV Fentanyl

...not on my top 5 list
These are all IV-

2-oxycodone (no better than other routes really, but I love oxy)

Never tried heroin or oxymorphone, but I'm sure they (along with dilaudid) would be the top three.
I fucking hate IV fentanyl, I got it once at the hospital, no euphoria or anything...
IV Dilaudid ftw, I'm proud to say, I've only shot it twice :)

1. IV Dilaudid
2. IV Morphine Sulfate
3. Smoked Heroin
4. Smoked Opium
5. Morphine Sulfate (PO)
6. Smoked Oxycodone
7. Snorted Oxycodone
8. Oxycodone (PO)
9. Hydrocodone (PO)

I've never shot heroin, but damn with morphine and dillies, IVing that shit is amazing :):)
( i used to do this pretty crazy IV mix up, with 150 to 200mg of morphine +2mg of loprazolam ((havlane)+100mg of promethazine)
ahhhhhhh those were the days

That sounds really nice.
@OP I'm not THAT experienced with opiates and opioids. I've done about 300mg of codeine oral, once, and some bunk kratom once. I really wish I could blanket myself in a nice opiate high... but I'm not sure it's ever going to happen (perhaps for the better).
IV hydromorphone
IV morphine (for purity)
IV heroin
IV oxycodone

Whatever else is available, I usually don't IV oxycodone either, stick to oral use because doses are insanely high (300-400mg).
God what the hell does it take to feel any euphoria when you are on a "blocking dose -apparently- of methadone. I'm on 80 mg's a day and I can't get high except fot more methadone. Is the ANY opiate/opioid out there that isn't blocked by methadone? I've heard Demerol, but who the hell uses that anymore?
God what the hell does it take to feel any euphoria when you are on a "blocking dose -apparently- of methadone. I'm on 80 mg's a day and I can't get high except fot more methadone. Is the ANY opiate/opioid out there that isn't blocked by methadone? I've heard Demerol, but who the hell uses that anymore?

Methadone will block or lessen the effects of any opioid once at a certain dose and your above it. I tried to shoot a shit load of balloons (bags) of tar and couldn't break through.
As far as the initial rush is concerned I think Dilaudid is by far the best. As far as the high after the rush is concerned I think good quality heroin is the best. And I am talking about IV use.