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Did you ever pretend to do drugs as a kid?


Bluelight Crew
May 15, 2016
Close to 2:00a.m. last Friday, I was wandering the aisles of a 24hr supermarket. After I'd finished studying the Easter displays, I was strolling down the candy aisle, when I noticed a hanging display with small bags of Pixie Sticks; or rather, Pixy Stix® – the original name-brand product of yesteryear, seemingly unchanged – something I hadn't seen, or thought about, in quite a while.

I was reminded of how kids used to snort (or try to snort) Pixy Stix, pretending the colored sugar-powder inside was cocaine. . . I asked my wife if she'd ever done that as a kid (which she hadn't) and over the course of our conversation, I remembered other "drug pretending" things I did as a kid.

Snorting the Pixy Stix was kind of a dumb thing done with friends. By myself, when I was 8 or 9 (IIRC), I used to rip off a piece of lined paper & roll it up, pretending it was a cigarette (or later, a joint), coloring one end with pencil for "ash," sucking on the other end for a "drag," etc. I also used to swallow candies like Mike & Ike or Good & Plenty, pretending they were uppers/downers.

This one's embarrassing, but. . . When I was around 12 or 13, I used to pretend to "shoot up" with heroin, using a mechanical pencil (of all things) as my "syringe." I'd put the pencil tip in the crook of my arm, push the eraser/clicker to get the pencil lead to prick my skin, and then... I don't know: sit at the desk alone & pretend to be high?

Before last week, I'd totally forgotten that I ever did that, but the Pixy Stix somehow jogged my memory. In reality, I think it's something I engaged in pretty frequently while doing my homework for a couple of years. . . in retrospect, perhaps that wasn't such a great omen?

The movie adaptation of The Basketball Diaries, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, was released around the time I was pretending to IV. I didn't see the movie then, but I'm pretty sure I read the novel over a few afternoons in Borders since it'd been re-released ("Now a major motion picture!"). That's one place I could've gotten ideas of IV heroin. I also read Junkie pretty young, no later than 14.

So, did anybody else pretend to use drugs (or alcohol) as a kid? Or am I the only one?
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I snorted some pixie sticks when I was 11

we used to go around pretending that Raven powder candy was drugs, they even banned it from my school lol

Yeah, candy cigs, bubblegum cigars, snorted pixy stick.

I used to try smoking random leaves sometimes as a kid. Also tried smoking burlap sack cloth thinking it was hemp.

I tried tobacco and beer for the first time in the fourth grade.

DARE was my favorite class because I got to ask questions about drugs. Mushrooms always sounded amazing and I was sure I would love them in the fourth grade. Marijuana too.

The cop who was my DARE teacher actually told my friend's little sisters class that my friend and I were gonna be druggies. I found that a bit judgemental and unprofessional at the time lol.
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Rolled a joint with pencil lead when I was 14 and bored as fuck in English class.

This other one is technically a drug but pretty stupid. When I was 15 or 16, I had some caffeine pills in a bag at a party because I'd been up a day or two (hypomania, not stims) and was hoping to stay up all night. This girl I was friends with saw me take one and asked what it was then asked me for one. I gave her it, then walked into the kitchen and saw her and a bunch of other people chopping up the caffeine bar (It was a white powdery bar, think Xanax but caffeine) and doing lines like it was cocaine. And that's basically the story of how I inadvertently caused half the 10th graders at an art school to get addicted to caffeine.

I ended up doing lines of caffeine myself a few times not long after that party, but I usually just felt nothing or ended up passing out (Due to ADHD, I was always very resistant to the effects of caffeine.) I used to snort pseudophedrine too (one of the times was with that same girl) after drinking a few cups of coffee, since the combination would trigger an almost hypomanic state in me but fucked my stomach up more than anything.

I'm glad that I no longer see drug use as worthy of glorification, and also have actually pleasant drugs to do instead of pencil lead joints and lines of Sudafed.
Surprisingly, I used to do the syringe with a mechanical pencil thing and fantasize about being a heroin addict. Somehow I only came out of that as an opioid addict with no needle experience, in a town full of heroin no less

I saw the school's most eligible prison candidate, who was also famous for bragging about fucking his dog, snort a huge line of pixie stick powder and get instant karma in the form of a bloody nose. But I always thought that behavior was really stupid, i'll stick to lighting hollow lined paper joints on fire and mechanical pencil syringe role play thank you
Not until I watched trainspotting when I was 14.. .my world changed after that movie. I started progressively though, never wanted to smoke crack everyday at 25.
When I was elementary school age, we'd get the bubble gum cigarettes from the ice cream truck.

Some time in middle school, my friends and I used to smoke grapevine. At first we would pretend they were cigs then that progressed to pretending it was weed. Never got a buzz off it, though.
When i was a kid no one knows nothing about the drugs.They teach us they do it in the decadent west.Really people,which used it are very small proportion-in capital and another 2-3 bigger cities.Well this quickly change with the colapse of Soviets and the intro of the wild capitalism.
Close to 2:00a.m. last Friday, I was wandering the aisles of a 24hr supermarket. After I'd finished studying the Easter displays, I was strolling down the candy aisle, when I noticed a hanging display with small bags of Pixie Sticks; or rather, Pixy Stix® – the original name-brand product of yesteryear, seemingly unchanged – something I hadn't seen, or thought about, in quite a while.

I was reminded of how kids used to snort (or try to snort) Pixy Stix, pretending the colored sugar-powder inside was cocaine. . . I asked my wife if she'd ever done that as a kid (which she hadn't) and over the course of our conversation, I remembered other "drug pretending" things I did as a kid.

Snorting the Pixy Stix was kind of a dumb thing done with friends. By myself, when I was 8 or 9 (IIRC), I used to rip off a piece of lined paper & roll it up, pretending it was a cigarette (or later, a joint), coloring one end with pencil for "ash," sucking on the other end for a "drag," etc. I also used to swallow candies like Mike & Ike or Good & Plenty, pretending they were uppers/downers.

This one's embarrassing, but. . . When I was around 12 or 13, I used to pretend to "shoot up" with heroin, using a mechanical pencil (of all things) as my "syringe." I'd put the pencil tip in the crook of my arm, push the eraser/clicker to get the pencil lead to prick my skin, and then... I don't know: sit at the desk alone & pretend to be high?

Before last week, I'd totally forgotten that I ever did that, but the Pixy Stix somehow jogged my memory. In reality, I think it's something I engaged in pretty frequently while doing my homework for a couple of years. . . in retrospect, perhaps that wasn't such a great omen?

The movie adaptation of The Basketball Diaries, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, was released around the time I was pretending to IV. I didn't see the movie then, but I'm pretty sure I read the novel over a few afternoons in Borders since it'd been re-released ("Now a major motion picture!"). That's one place I could've gotten ideas of IV heroin. I also read Junkie pretty young, no later than 14.

So, did anybody else pretend to use drugs (or alcohol) as a kid? Or am I the only one?

I definitely did lol 😝
I also used to buy these pens that look like a syringe with different colored liquid inside and pretend to shoot up in class. This was at an age where I was offered weed and was shit scared and ran...so it was weird.

Fast forward 15 years and im shooting roxi "Vs" that make this beautiful turquoise solution you pull into your rig and as you hit the vien and the red blood mixes with the blue solution it's beautiful.
I actually went as druggie for my very christian friend's Halloween themed birthday party. His very christian father was horrified.

I had a make-up beard, a bandana, ripped clothes and a plastic bag, repeating the lines "got some weed?", "got some speed?"

Never seriously pretended to do drugs though. But once found low IQ classmates smoking printing paper behind school, harrassing me and my friends for being real kids and building tree houses.
when I was a kid I tried to roll a joint using printer paper

it's noxious, nearly died coughing from the first hit

filled with chemicals and bleaching agents...

At least you had real drugs in it!

I've used bible paper for that. Works okay.