Desperate Did you eventually forgive the person who committed / sectioned you into psych hospital?

Most states in the US won't even allow you to do this for addiction, without getting numerous signatures and doctors involved to get an order from a judge - which is extremely difficult unless there is solid evidence such as text messages or a voicemail or something with the person saying they want to harm themselves or others

It may be hard to swallow for some, but if someone is an adult - it's their life, they can do as they please.

And a lot of times people summarize drug use like that as "suicidal", when it may not neccesarily be.

It's really impossible for anyone to make an informed decision with knowing it only from one they say there is three sides of a story, one for each person and then the truth somewhere inbetween.

I'm not saying this person doesn't need help, I'm saying tread lightly.
I agree. You must be certain they are truly suicidal. In my case, I was.
Depending on where you are you do need proof. In some places (in the states) they take the persons word for it and that can be annoying. (Different visit) I’m still paying for an ambulance ride I didn’t want to take. It wasn’t necessary. But I already just had a short stay and my ex and a friend in another state called the authorities. They were mistaken and they really shouldn’t have called. I’m not angry with them anymore. It’s been many, many years.My friend was misled by the ex so my friend was really just trying to do what they thought was best with the information they were given.
My husband at the time called the cops on me saying I was having an OD, I wasn't he was just mad because I got high. When the paramedics got there and started talking to me I could answer all of their questions, including reciting both my social security & driver's license # verbatim, ss# may be easy, but how many people know their DL# by heart? Anyways the paramedics Narcon'd me anyways which was the pits, when I got to the ER the doc on duty said there was no way I was an OD after talking to the cops who accompanied me, but I still ended up handcuffed to a bed for several hours before being shipped off to the local health department's mental health unit, i.e. local insane asylum where it was determined that I wasn't suicidal I was just a junkie and was sent on my happy way.
Hubby wasn't happy that I was gone less than 24 hours total, and it was never we something we ever talked about, or giggled about later, as in ".....remember the time you sent me to the insane asylum??? hehehehe" But he is dead, heart attack NOT OD which shocked everyone, so all in forgiven now, it is osrt of pointless to hold grudges against dead people.
cold blooded
Can a hundred percent understand that too. Addiction crises and mental health crises can be handled differently.
I agree! The er in the US treats people with any kind of addiction issue often times like they are just a piece of trash. It can be really frustrating and unfortunately it isn’t always handled the correct way.